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Show 1 i 1 1 Dr. Guy A. Richards is shown with Mrs. Andrew G. Nokes (left) and Mrs. Thomas V. Chamberlain (right) during the presentation of an Ultrasonic generator to the Utah State Training School. Dr. Richards is superintendent of the school at American Fork. FIRST WARD AREA IIEVS BRIEFS LEONA WORKS I think every family in town either had company or went some place for Thanksgiving dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sperry left Wednesday for Salt Lake to spend Thanksgiving with their children. They returned Friday. Mr. and Mrs. LaVerl Jackson and family and Mr. Euel Enlow of Salt Lake and Dewaine from school at CSU were at the Seth Jacksons. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Crapo and sons Kent and Trent were at Grandma Works. Grandma Jackson of Holden was over and we all had a turkey dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs Floyd Hardy and family. Eddie Mor ris of Hinckley was also a dinner guest. Their were 26 of us there. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Abbott and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bringard and John Bringard had Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Peck. Wynn Peck was home with his parents from a trade school in provo. Mrs. Elaine Bringard had Thanksgiving Thanks-giving dinner for her family, Fred, Dan and Pamela, Earl Bringard and Mr. and Mrs. George Roundy and family of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Leif AUdredge and family of Sandy spent Thursday and Friday in Delta with their parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Walker and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. AUdredge. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Olsen were down to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fay Walker. They report that Mr. Robert Olsen is getting along just, fine and is enjoying real good health. He thought it was too cold for him to come to Delta. I Mr. and Mrs. Ray Needham had as dinner guests Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. George Young of Salt Lake who had brot the three young sons of Mr, and Mrs. Dan Davis Kevin, Brent and Johnny, Vaughn Mankin from CSU at Cedar City and Ray's mother, Mrs. Fern Foole of Sutherland. Suther-land. The Shirley Pe'ersons were at the Johnny Petersons for their dinner. din-ner. Mr. and Mrs. Marlow Sagers of Provo spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sagers. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Black's Thanksgiving guests for dinner were Mr. and Mrs. George Ekins and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilde. Mrs. John I. Pra t went to Provo last Tuesday with Mrs. Glen Swal-berg. Swal-berg. Janet Warnick of American Fork came to Delta for Thanksgiving, Thanksgiv-ing, bringing her grandmother, Mrs. Lynn Warnick home. They had dinner din-ner with Mr. and Mrs. John I. Pratt. I forgot to men ion that I saw Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bennett in town. They are back from Las Vegas where they have been working for quite some time. Mrs. Mary Edwards spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Salt Lake with" Dr; and Mrs. Bob Evans. She came home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Edwards and small son are here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mary Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. James Nickle and family. Mrs. Ruth Jensen, Dan and Elbert were in Spanish Fork to have dinner din-ner with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farri and family. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Jensen Jen-sen and family of Salt Lake came down and spent the day with the Jensens and Farris s. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Farris and family fa-mily of Spanish Fork spent Saturday Satur-day and Sunday with Mrs. Ruth Jensen, Dan and Elbert. Warren Jensen left Hill Air Force Base last Tuesday for a flight to Puerto Rico. He was expected to be back Sunday. Carol Ann Jeffery was home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace ieffery. Mr. and Mrs. Kennard Rid-.ng Rid-.ng and family joined the Jefferys cor Thanksgiving dinner. Mr. and Mrs. ton Jackson from Pullman, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Collins Col-lins Fullmer, Kenneth Fullmer and Charles Faney of Salt Lake were with the Elmer Fullmers for Thanksgiving. Thank-sgiving. The Jacksons visited with their parents in Sutherland, also. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wood of Salt Lake had Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Newell Iverson and Nadine. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hardy and three boys of Ogden stopped for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hardy Saturday. They were on their way to Milford. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lisonbee and two children Tenry and Susan of Torrence, Calif, were here to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Delia Lis-onbee Lis-onbee and Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobs. Ja-cobs. Sandra Lisonbee of BYU and Stephen from CSU joined their parents. par-ents. Dan and Shannon Iverson, Shar- Dn Hopkins, Karen Clark and Mrs. Cecila Hopkins had Thanksgiving dinner at the Brog Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Snow. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snow and family from here and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Estes of Salt Lake went to Enterprise Enter-prise Thursday morning to have dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Holt and family. Friday Mr. and Mrs. Grant Snow, Mr. and Mrs. Ric hard Snow and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Estes and family went to Provo where they met Mr. and Mr3. Wayne Holt, Joelyn and Kent and attended funeral services for Sandra Sand-ra Esplin the 4-yr. old daughter of Ross and Olive Moody Esplin. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Leavitt. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jeffery and other members of the Leavitt family went to Oak City to have Thanksgiving Thanks-giving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Taylor and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Gardner enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Evan Gardner' and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gardner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Cropper and famLy of Ogden and Margaret Gardner for Thanksgiving Thanks-giving dinner. Friday was Mr. A. 0. Gardner's birthday and they had a birthday dinner for him with Mr. and Mrs. Evan Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Cropper, Crop-per, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Gardner and Margaret Marg-aret Gardner to help him celebrate. Malene Cropper and Mike Crockett Croc-kett from the BYU were at Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Gardner's Saturday to attend the wedding reception of Margaret and Frank Wilde at Hinckley. Hinc-kley. Friday night, around 25 former members of the "Deseret Sentinels" met at the Hinckley Church with the'r original director, Ladd Cropper. Crop-per. They really had a singing good time. Home to spend Thanksgiving with their parents were Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gardner and family of Richfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ray For-man For-man of Downey, Calif., Lynn Gardner Gard-ner of Hollywood, Calif, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gardner from here. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Gardner and Stanley Robison of Provo had dinner din-ner with the Max Roblsons. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Uttle and sons Mark and Guy of Orem, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Little and family, Mrs. Laura Mangum of Salt Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sagers had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Fera Little Lit-tle Thursday. I see by the paper that Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Riding spent their holidays holi-days in sunny California, c was it? Mrs. Madge Christensen was in Salt Lake to have dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jordison and family and Carol Ann Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jordison and family and Carol Ann Christensen spent the weekend in Delta with Mrs. Madge Christensen. Holiday visitors at the home oi Mrs. Adaline Jeffery were Pearl Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Tripp and Delor and Cheryl, Melvin Hatch and Bernard Hicken. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Bladden and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jeffery Jef-fery and Dorothy Jeffery a n d a roommate from Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jeffery and Mrs. Auline Jeffery and family from Prpvo and Mr. and Mrs. Reed Jeffery and family fam-ily all enjoyed Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. . and Mrs. Orvil Jeffery. Mrs. Mina S eele, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whicker and Mr. and Mrs. Be-van Be-van Thompson and family all went to Las Vegas where the Whickers and Thompsons had Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Whicker Whic-ker and family. Mrs. Mina Steele went on to Boulder and had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Barney White. Mr. and Mrs. Med Hawley were in Orem to eat Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carroll and County Hopping in. . . CARBON AND EMERY COUNTIES Here is Utah's "Castle Country" a land where nature's great rock castles dwarf those made by man. This is a region of soaring cliffs, forested mountains, and superlative red-rock formations. It is Utah's Black Diamond region, with some of the richest coal deposits in the world. n CARBON COUNTY AREA 1, 470 square miles POPULATION 1960 21,135 MAIN CITIES AND TOWNS (1960 populations) Price 6,802 Sunnyside 1,740 Dragerton 2,959 Wellington 1,066 Helper 2,459 ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES Coal mining, electric power generation, trade, railroad r,- dHelper 1 PriceTV jJiunnyside r T0P00HAPHY Mostly mountainous with elevations of more than 10,000 feet (Wasatch Plateau and Tavaputs Plateau). Castle Valley comprises about a third of the county. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Created 1894 from part of Emery County. Named for huge deposits of coal. First settled during the 1870s and coal development began soon after. Rio Grande Railroad completed 1883. POINTS Of INTEREST AND ACTIVITIES Carbon College Prehistoric Museum and Fausett murals, City Hall, Trice Cattle Got in Price Canyon; also large new steam-electric ; plant using coal to make power InttmHng coal mining town such as Dragerton, Sunnyside, Scofield, etc. Cool minet at Horse Canyon, Sunnyside, Castle Gate, and other places Ghost mining fawn National, Consumers, Spring Canyon Nine-Mile Canyon rustic ranches, ancient Indian ruins and writings ScofcM Reservoir boating, fistiing i , Air tours Carbon Einery Eying Service SOURCES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Chamber of ' ! Commerce, Price U.S. Bureau cf Land Management, Price Manti-LaSal National Forest, Price EMERY COUNTY AREA 4,442 square miles POPULATION 1960 5,546 MAIN CITIES AND TOWNS (1960 popuUticnj) Green River 1,075 Orangeville 571 Huntington 787 Ferron 385 Castle Dale 617 Emery 326 ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES - Coal mining, liYCftQCk. farming h. j TOunUngtoB OraDgeviikCaJtIeD4j PFenon iPEmery 7 A Green TOPOGRAPHY Varied terrain, with highlands (Wautch tfii Tavaputs plateaus), Castle Valley (irrigated farmlnX rugged red-rock San Rafttl Swell, Green River DetCXt HISTORICAL BACKGROUND - Created 1880 from parti Of Sevier and Sanpete counties. Named for territorial governor Emery. Mostly settled during W&t by Mormon pioneers. POINTS OF INTEREST AND ACTIVITIES - . , Wmatch Plateau Scenic canyons, streams and Ialt fishing, camping, Joes Valley project San Rafael Swell Spectacular canyon views, Buckhon Draw and pictographs, enormous buttes and cliffs. Hoodoo arch, Temple Mountain, Goblin Valley and thousindj Of weird stone goblins Cleveland-Lloyd di notour quarry Green River Annual Friendship Cruise and MlTltBOB through beautiful canyons ' Dttolotion Canyon adventure boating through rtpkb Lft one of country's deepest gorges Gut ranch Wilcox E ange Valley ?Mm, DngStOI Air tours Green River Aviation Co., Ortta Rjvtr SOURCES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION I Chamber of Commerce, Green River County Clerk, Castle Dale Canyon Country River Marathon Asa Grta Unr County Hopping stria publithtd through rhe Cooperation of rh Utah Start frM AlMthtiM CHmI tU$ WKit MaMal fvmithtd by tho Utah Tovr'ut and Publicity Council. family, Mr. and Mr. David (Charlotte Peterson) Howarth and two children child-ren stopped to visit with their grandmother, Mrs. Emily Bunker. They had been lo Salt Lake to visit with their parents. They live in Phoenix, Ariz, where Mr. Howarth works with General Electric Co. Velraa Kay Odean was home with her father for Thanksgiving. 1 didn't see Larry. Sacrament services Sunday night was a farewell testimonial honoring honor-ing Elder Lynn Bunker, son of Mrs. SEnid Bunker and the late Rea Bunker. Elder Bunker has been called to serve in the New England States Mission with headquarters at Cambridge, Mass. A large crowd of friends and relatives attended the testimonial for Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hardy and three children drove to Tooele Sunday Sun-day afternoon to visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. H. Rice. Mr. Rice recently recent-ly had surgery in a Salt Lake hospital. hos-pital. Mrs. Rice is an aunt of Floyd"s. I tow Beverly Peterson, Bob Bennett, Ben-nett, Craig Hardy, Carol Ann and Richard Farnsworth, Carol Jeffery, McKay Church and Jean Taylor. I guess all the boys and girls that are away to school and away working work-ing were here. Joan and Becky Swenson, nieces of Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Erickson, from Grantsville spent from Wednesday Wed-nesday until Sunday at the Erick-son's. Erick-son's. Sunday, Mrs. Erickson's parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Abrams and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Millard County Chronicle Thursday, December 3t4f44 Swenson and family stopped on their way back and had dinner with the Erickson family. We send our sympathy to Mrs. Haltie Harris and her family on the death of Mr. Harris. ....We surely hope all is well with the Skeem boy, who was hurt in the accident. USAIR FORCE THE AEROSPACE TEAM So) your local Air Fort Rcnlfr 1 I College student! will toe ly Interested ia west Millard Coun ty. Order the Chronicle for yaw student today. J3 lffirfMhn t-.'Dffa for LJOU I 'tis the season to crow a little A New Policyholder Every 22 Second My company State Tana Mutual Insure can at this amatinf rata bocauaa It offora the moat modern pro taction available, pro rides hometown service wherever you drive and peam important operating aavinga on to ita policy holder. Sea if you can join the company that insures mora can than any other. Call soon. Kennard Riding AGENT f Mil MUil (21 i a I Nifty-1 Q n OLD CROW America's most-gifted Bourbon IttTUOn STIMMT MMMII WKISKtT M MOOF. OlSTULf 0 tit SOTTIEB If TKC HS00S OU OMt WTKUIY MLFWlrtlT.n. -Rflora on tiHne way Your wait for one of these new 1965 Chevrolets is about over and we want to thank you for your patience. Come see us now. When you get behind the wheel, you 11 be glad you waited! C1 ......:.:-w-...j ' i ( "T 'minrnnifflli. iimmiiif r---nrrriQfgrr- ...i r M Mll llllnmtlllmMlllaiiilll" . .. "-.v. ;7" Jmpaia Sport Coup mjc ChGvrnlat ts ln8er wider, lower. It's swankier, more spacious. You could 99 vfietTVftn mistake it for an expensive car if it weren't for the price. iiiii... )j.ffj 'yjr- vj w Malibu Sport Coup r(if CiaiaII A Fresh-minted styling. V8's available with up to 350 hp. A softer, 119 Vflvrei IB quieter ride. And it's as easy-handling as ever. - - r 7 J Nova Sport Coup '65 ChttwTT Clean new lines. Fresh new interiors. A quieter 6 and V8' viiwrj u available with up to 300 hp. Thrift was never so lively. Corsa Sport Coup fflK. Cnnfitr racier, roomier, flatter riding. With more power available U9 SfVfva ir up to 180 hp in the new top-of-the-line Corsas. More to see, more to try in the cars more people buy Orfai i new Chevrolet Chevelle, Chevy U, Comir or Corvette now at your dsthr's 43 2224 PACE MOTOR C0.V.PAIIY 324 WEST MAIN DELTA, UTAH |