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Show CORiriNE DAlLY JOUnriAL Supposed Suicide.- - Ou last Friday evening, a woman by the name of Elizabeth Ashley, was killed near Mile Creek, AGENTS. Tbe following persons - are authorixed to recite at the first stage station north of Kelton, .(hertisements and subscriptions at our veryl.iw-rut- f. to receite money for the same, and to on the Boise road, by a pistol shot, the ceipt in our stead. ball entering the right ear and ranging 4 CO (CCK, CODCRB 7 Dearborn Street, Chicago. downwards, lodging near the left jaw. CEO. P.- HOWELL Ik CO., 40 Park How, new York.- - Mrs. Ashley came to Corinne from Montana about a year ago, with her husI L. P. FI8HEK, California 8f San Francisco. band, Charles Ashley, and, after stop-pin- g , . H. M, ELLSWORTH, at the Occidental restaurant a Kelton, M., P. 8IMPSOH, W. of wevks, they went to Curlew j, Brigham City. couple nnd took up ranch. After living Valley j. X. BEIPLER, W. F. 4 Co.i Messenger there a short time, Ashley was accused ' B. F. WHITE, Malad City, Idaho. of cattle stealing, and fled the country, VEAKIAN GRAY, Little Ralls, Snake River. leaving his wife to shift for herself, and shortly afterwards she took up with a J. R. VAN ACKKIN, Ophlr, East Canyon, I'tah. r for the stage company, - Corn secfrom solicited known as Jeff. Davis, and they have spondence jUtevery tion of the Territory, as veil as from adjoining lived together as man and wife ever States and Territories. The writer's name, in all since, although, report says, very cases, must accompany the manuscript to guarannew he being very jealous of her, tee good faith. Make short and sy. and often threatening violence. No one "U ar Department Meteorological, Dnl was present at the time of the shooting let In, tortile Benefit of Commerce. Corinne, July 24, 9.15 r. m. excepting Davis, who says he had been out shooting rabbits with a dragoon pistol, and, on his return, met her near the stable, and gave her the pistol to take into the house, while he unsaddled his horse. Shortly after she entered the house he heard the report of the pistol, and, rushing in, found her lying on the floor, shot as described above. His Barometer corrected for temperature, elevation and instrumental error. story is doubted by many in the vicinity, The above reports are synchronous. and some evep suspect foul play, but no William McElroy, Observor. measures have been taken to investigate Reduction of Price. the matter, as yet. Our opinion is that Tlie Daily Journal will be furnished to the matter should be looked into by the in the city at 25 cents per week, payable to tbe carrier. every Saturday pioper authorities, and, if Davis is guilty of any crime, punish him for it, NOTICE. and if innocent, relieve him from all All persons having accounts against suspicion. the Corinne will " SODA WATER, CONFECTIONERY, cmArin, Komi Faoar t 8 p. For Constable. himself as a candi- Corinne Lodge I. 0. O. T meets ever; Tuesday evening in the Presbyterian church. AU members in good standing are cordially invited to W. C. T. By order DR. R. R. ROBERTS, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Dr. Roberts treats successfully all Curable Chronic Diseases, by Animal Magnetism and the Swedish Movement Cure giving medicines only whan absolutely necessary. Dr. Roberts has established bis off ce on Second South street, o resits tbe Re vere House, Silt Lake City, permanently, until my20-3further notice. WILL BE GIVEN AT Independence Hall, SALT LAKE CITY, U. T., September 1, 1871, -: OFtw of our lYrm 4o, derfnj Us THE OJtCHAimS m ; Shipping by tho Car Lead, are therefore JEnaXlod to ANYBODY, be sold 00,000 Tickets will each. at $3.50 The tickets will admit the bearer to the Concert. Tickets for sale at all the irincipal business houses of the Territory. All orders tor tickets and drafts for money to be addressed to CHl'Kdl A CO.. Salt Lake City, U. T., P. 0. Box 557 Tickets for sale at the Diamond Q Billiard N. F. MINER, Agent, Hall. Corinne, Utah. jy!9td Montano (EAST ra u MONTANA Feed and Sale Stable, DOW NEWMAN. Proper. vert best accommodations The Freighters. free for customers. l' Elephant Stablo, w, Tae) - SiGN.--Sam- r . in HorjLSt of Attentive Walters ta . B cousa X la to Cm ? .0 ?.! FREE.. ACH 9 --or;Repacked here, as Jesired. CJ moo tort af the DIRECT FROM THE ORCHARDS, 9 EC aiyidfim v TO ABD PBOSX YDS GABS. DMtf .1 GERRISH WHOLESALE & MILES, LTJMBBB Implements. T f of Tin, - IlanufactTirers , t 4 CORINNE, a. ciAions Ci cone, Prcpa ALLKINDaOir BUILDING, MATERIAL , ROUGH AND PLANED I.UU0ER, t r c ? t Constantly on Efcail 4 - Copper i- t. 4. STEAL SflUCILL, ' ' 5 I ECLIPSE AND r.lining , 4 IN RETAIL DEALERS AND UTAH, QUEENSWARE, Fire-pro- taren this refitted sad Having recently ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 43-A-LL ALSO ! nnd Length. CHINA, GLASSWARE, SHEET . IRON WARE. CUTLERY, AND CALL PARTICULAB ATTENTION C7 ; - . M ID I XI IOI iXfcl smsBT coppcs, l, Gold LAMPS, tURNITURE, CHANDALIERS, PLATED .WARE, Airs - OEHEEAX. House Furnishing Goods 1 t " - POINT: . f a , safi 7' cocnea xbobs. 4 j J k. 1 J i J. WHOLE3ALQ ADD RICHTER, ., TiALon For particulars inquire of Xlliotts, Gorinas. , Beef 0. H. ETEsmmro BEA BONABLE.CZ ..f i fi-r- OS 7 $ ( TLzizza Ci V Czrp'o fyx? ' V m f U-- . 5., A X O . X '' ' . v " ; - "" It'-3- ' rovnrn aztd pt?ru, x Jw1 r 41 ' S -- S'. i v i i-'jt- :: r J J A -- rrj - t- 'd ? " -v Vtl r Sr, A K j 1 . '1 5 t a h iif (H r '.-r- 'll' fw e Jr i i I; J at" 77 'y : iVA'! I ti ; ,7V P9KJ'fr, 7 n ' 4 ' . -' ft v ,y 'to, J u f 'V ..U' V, rnm 'ijAiaicait' V rs ' rrz - J L-a--CT &$& ' T t,W L , 0272 CCIC Aa;T2an 7 cz2, - ; f' J I Wr!1 BBTvrsizr J. Ti - r i "ta" Jix Zto-- UONTAUA' 07X3X3X37; Js. 4. , '3 1 3TOX5 UTAH. reo FnEI6UT, HUNT DIHE PS t"1 jyii-t- f -- Ji, 'T t , 3TraTrolcrb iT7231 CnQ'tZirr ' v EcstemEJcdo bd 4 v - 1&M1 - CORINNE, m a osaun ui:n to .7 I ' t Breeds C7- - PRICES CQ:rrAr3A.0Tnzr-T,-- . . pimnemra ccoaa noxron Proprietor. t onrznnvAAD,' if AIL, Endon, c? Vr 1 on n nnd Short Hand. Always CL H Llofropolifan Llcbl, mv3dtf flour, BET ;; k jtiEf NORTHERN HILLS, Farming Implemonta innr . (Oee at the Ctcea USOi U&Cx ct Tract, . j 1 Afivwstoyw, and ' Xmarlte them to ctoi m a : (v, ; SHOVELS, r ' i' v . ROCRBB OIPPCnD, PIOUS, : 1 . BUILDERS t Gold Seale, Qniehstlwer, ' Pan, SPRING , Bar FomHare, nt 4 tlotol, -o- Wholesale and Retail deader in for . Utah. - Mro COBPISLLA, IRON, STOVES, NAILS, THE OFEKA HOUSE,) caiaj the City . Shelf and Heavy. Ilarchvaro, I Cook house, wood and water formed by Dr. Graham. ' Bay nnd Sell Stock. Ootunn. NoatH Front Stun, last evening were: R. W. Tae Salt Lake Tribune has moved Raymond, New York 5 A. Eiters, New into its new office on Main street, much York; E. M. Cook, Omaha; G. W. Rock-fello- more eligible quarters. JOHN I. FINK, - - Proprietor, ' Montana; Owen Noler; John J. Nevada, R. July A te At Toano, (PwrrrssirT Married. Smelcer, Salt Lake; J. Harris, Ophir P. L- - E En0 Located Stable mud '3,' City, Centrally by J. W. Booth, J. Larffe Corral. Miss Laura N. May, both of Toano. Sew .E BAR ATTACHED TO TH STABLE. L. Tibbala, on the with the Traveler, Sportsmen, F1' A oorner of Fifth word and Montana streets, the Miner, thelm-migraerected an attractive and splendidly the Man df Business, and Tourist, will find it to their Overland Dlackenith Shop, executed sign. It is the work of Rus-- k to remain over at Ogden, at PAT ONEIL, Foreman, Caggie, of thisi .city, and does advantage fresh to he to as Credit to all House, the Ogden to do AU Kind -of prepared' j9 parties interested. Lake Salt or East cuad Carriage Maktake trains for the "Wacpn CDGE ipg and. 3Eaintips Toohy, after an absence of City We offer as good accommodations DEPAlltiflO weral day in .the dity of the Saints, as any house in Utah Territory. Free QAX10ES3 HAginO tomed last Bl4?2aithiz5 in all ib Ercnchcx evening looking; well, ah hack's to and from the depot. he had' been wcll treated while North of Track, oppoaite Diamond R Freight DeJOHN MAHON, IT pot, CORINNE. Proprietor, joying his vacation. jyl6-3' or asd -o- UTAH. - . rcto.' - Oorinno, Loner Experience. mark I To Contrnctovs, the Agency jirice per pound, to cover a contract to expire July 15, 1872. 3d. Any Cattle commonly called and known as Stags will not be received. 4th. The successful bidder will be required to enter into bonds in double the amount of the contract awarded, for the full performance of the same, Insubject' to the approval of the Commissioner of dian Affairs. 5th. Bidders are invited to be present at the OI6H.Bhe righUreserved to reject all bids. 7th. Bidders wiil be required to pay for the adEach bidder will be revertisements pro-rat- a. bid tbe sum of five dol-lahis ith a quired so deposit ($6) for .orb parpo. p BERRY, United-State- s Special Indian Agent, Fort Hall Reservation jy!2-t- d - - ,s Cterccri, mrs (Esrwsea t CORINNE, i ilUTflll ClpSK; The Only EXPRESS CO., Uontana Street, " TStOvo FRUIT SHIPPED . Cy, masarm And gtwe the Trade the Benefit ef eaur Agent Corinne. Caryxtal CIlTtywca D. CONWAY, well-know- City. PsTms, Can T,a"i rir t L. F. EVAIVS, jyi9tf j , - ONLY EXPRESS LINE HAVING The drawing w ill take place and the gifts be awarded in a manner precisely similar to that of the Concert given in San Francisco, in aid of the Mercantile Library, and under the supervision of n citizens of Salt Lake a committee of v. , Avcia X7d.z Agsati far Camfi 6 Cm m THIS IS TIIE d tawing. yA;W - . . THE ous to the day ot .' -- First-Clao- o G. MACLAY, Manager. Gen. Agt. GEO. STEELE, DEPOSITBE WILL $75,000 the First National Bank of Utah previ- H. KIRKENDALL, Supt. y: ? , rn 2. . I Gcedo Pc Express Teams Leave Corinrme Daily for all points in Montana . .... .. jw- 1S ,1 CHOICEST OF holders, Amounting to $75,000. W.k-i- Tamas jLtptja . Iroprieto - ' r - v cuppzjtb s oou, SELJSCTUrO FZt HIT FZtOXZ EXPRESS COMPANY, CORINNE, a5. r m R TTT- - l Through Eastern Connections . t " ' m CAUCOROTA CAKIE3 TZZ '"v - t; heitWJ y I A " co CARE J UQtJO - . FRUIT, To Tinsure Speedy TransportaUson Gootln I i r . and at the FROM & CO. CHURCH tbe Concert, 1,317 Gills vrlll Corinne to Helena. During be Distributed among Ticket as follows: J tobacco 'iso co .. Ana fie BUT Adssatsyt . EIGHT DAYS $75,000 IN CURRENCY, 1 ri X7E0 c3 I i iu i v. ' v' i .Vi: it to thdr And Dealers will fiad V BY ita4 J -. E. G. MACLAY A CO., & ! HUGH KIRKENDALL, $75,000 CURRENCY A Grand Gift Concert Sr ' ? d. m A v'; BfAEB FRUIT A EPRCXALir . OVERLAND J. B. NELSON announce date for Constable. I.,, i UNDERSELL myZ-dSm- t.H GUPPlEIj, F BU I T S! Wo K Sight Cap. 172 rs - qs Jobbsr tit mil Irinde of ' lOp. m Sparkler 11 19 , -- 0-0- Cnaile. m-F-aacy Jt v 71-110- ciu7on::iA TncaLEnv. CMmU hit vr; : - r .if v Gntre Aete. ICE CRKAM at-len- m-C- K FA(jlV,d!cdu;QQGO. v NOTIONS, NOTIONS, CONFECTIONERY p. General Maxwell t(as frequently interrupted by cheers, and other manifestations of applause. Ae was followed by Ofiici Bannack and Shoshone Agency,) from Idaho, July 1, 1871. of this and, place, Toahy, Judge UNITED STAES GOV. BY THE the report of the Tribune of the re- WANTED at the Bannaek and Shoshone mainder of the proceedings, he warmed Agency, Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho Territory. Two Hundred Head of Beef Cattle, upon a subject somewhat foreign to the the same to be delivered at tbe Agency, for the ot which, scaled proposals will be reissue, and received considerable ap- furnishing ceived at the above Agency until July 20, 1871. 1st. Contractors are invited to bid for tbe whole plause. We regret being unable to number or a portion of the Cattle required. Schedbeule of prices upon two, three and four year place tbe full report of the speeches beef steers must be stated. Contractors must fore our readers, but will refer t it old state in their bids what whether the Cattle to be delivered are to be Spanish, Texas or American again. Mr. E. W. Tullidge and Mr. Eli stock 2d. Bids will be received for Beef Cattle to be B. Kelsey closed, and the meeting was delivered at tbe Agency from time to time in such slaughtered at adjourned for two weeks. quantities as may be required to benett such bids the m ' TODACCO, ALIIAQDRA ; 0ALCC:J, 9 p. y , t t 7 p. Santa Clara county, California, is watered largely by artesian wells, et to nobody seems to know or to be able lars. tell anything much about them. A Los on 0. II. Elliot, Esq., one of Corinnes Angeles paper calls for information the subject. We reiterate the call. Let oldest inhabitants, and permanent citi- us and the world know what there is to zen, returned last somea from evening be known about the feasibility and econ-uinwhat of irrigation by means of artesian protracted visit to the mines in the almost universal interest 8outh. The Judge reports having done wells. It is ofthe Uuited States. considerable prospecting in the mines, in one half of wad intimates tha: he has discovered a Our devil yesterday had the misfortome of great value, which we trust may tune, while cleaning our Gordon jobber, prove as rich as he thinks it may. We to mash the little finger of his right will give a report ot his trip in a future hand to such an extent that it had to be Issue. amuptated. It was expeditiously per- -- Ercpici u-c- WV- - ; old-tim- Metropoli-Hote- P9 C2ilBO 03 A i. in. C;CC i GROCERIES, ; CIGARS, 11 a. ICE CREAM U 21 Ants Inch. EVERY DAY AT DINNER, 1 P. X2 Settler. AT 9 p. an A Z Cmyth. MRS. CLEMENS RESTAURANT, FIFTH STREET. je28tf 3 p. as Ceeler. 4 p. m Bocial Drtmk. $ p. aa Xmwftoratar. TUB O p. m Solid Straight. JLA e at the DBD UJUIQ, 10 su ' Among the arrivals USDECH'lO'QSJi 'i n-E- paj-men- g 9 j IL a House to Rent Containing four The following is Usds Tiase tMJe rooms. Apply at Parkhnrsts lumber Drtmkas 6 A. ye Ogvner yard. jy4tf Wedding Cakes made to order at tbe 9 u m Big Union Bakery, by Geo. Hanf. jyltf pre- e m3 j dMa,BmI, them ilqwcni & Co. . sub-scrilH- Daring Robbery. Yesterday, at about 12 M., while Mr. Frank Bush, freight agentancl Mr. Charles Caldwell, clerk, were absent at dinner, some person entered their office, and, prying open the money drawer, took therefrom $80 or $90 in currency. The office was only lpft alone about ten minutes, consebeen well quently the thief must-havacquainted with matters in and around the office. Mr. Bush had a' manwhom He suspected arrested, but, upon search-irhim, not enough money was found to warrant the in binding him justice " over. Mr. Bush considers himself as getting off ver well, losing only about $30, as on some days a similar mid Yould have captured thousands of dol- jel3ml. 't'-- c keep the best and largest stock of Boots and Shoes, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, etc., that can be found in the West. Store on Montana street, between Fourth and Fifth un-happil- y, NEW PAPER. mas tLSTzss2HA3 rntx vsn trsstrB York C3ty, scEi t JL Atto Boast J. Strauss stock-lende- sent them for settlement on or before Kelton. This enterprising town is, the first inst.,' and those indebted to us as usual, carrying on an extensive trade t will please make by that time. with Boise and the Snake River mines, and its merchants are apparently on tbe Kenyon & Merrick. v July 24th, 1871. road to fortune. We had the pleasure, e last week, of meeting there our friend, J. B. Emery, the merchant On or about August 8th, 1871, F. prince of Boise Basin, who was receivKenyon will commence the publication ing an immense stock of goods from of a- New York and San Francisco, and shipNEW DAILY PAPER, in Salt Lake Citv, devoted to the Liber- - ping by ox train for their destination. al cause, as well as the general welfare Mr. E. has been engaged in the Boise of the Territory at large. A Prospectus trade ever since the Spring of 63, and, as the result of Ms experience, says Kelwill be issued at an early day. ton is the natural shipping point for Toano. During a recent visit to this Idaho. We also noticed a large shipthriving town, we noticed great improve- ment of goods, purchased from one of ments in it business and prospects. T. the Kelton merchants, for Ophir City, F. Knox, the enterprising forwarding via steamboat from Corinne, which merchant has established a new route speaks "well for their enterprise. from that point to Boise and Idaho The splendid shower of Saturday evecities, and is doing a thriving business. Immense amounts of merchandise and ning last is cane of general gratificamachinery are shipped daily for Pioehe tion and thankfulness. It might have ami the surrounding mines, and with been feared, from the excessive beat of the outleLboth to the north and south. the last few Hays, that we would catch Toano promises well for the future. J. one of those terrible tempests which are Y. Booth, Esq., a pioneer of Corinne, so common in the Mississippi Valley we didnt. It was the nicest rainpreserves a quietus by faithfully per- bit fall imaginable, doing infinite good in forming his duties as Justice of the "Peace. Some of the sporting fraternity tbe politest manner. So far, June has made times lively last Tuesday by hav- been the dryest month of the season. fine showers in May, one race, and winding We had several ing a spirited hor.-rain of two days u up with a little onpleaantnes, the of them a long soakingmakes two considresult of which was a couple of plue and nights, and this erable showers for July. The total rain eies. fall since April 1st has been 3 inches. trunks, and blankets in the mountains. Call and see. - Daily Journal ALLBESS 'OIn?l boys clothing, boots and shoes, kzts, - - W. The Railroad Clctking Hours of 12. Meyer hag the largest dock cf mtn and j A |