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Show gp JV- vv a . U v 'tit v l Jw A X t GEORGE L. HOLT, JS PublUhed Every Morning, ; Monday,) , t 6 J- (except BOOKS, 5 ' B Pocket Xu.bliUer and. Projin. Terms lay 31 nil or Tlxjar 1uld ut i . - - One Year, $3 00 -- - Surveyor General Ltceirtr of JvLlic Leyitter of Land OjJ.te Mich. - John 1. Taggnit, III. 0.s JJlolUfcttr, Lul. e U. S. Assessor lr. S. Collector V s Practical Scourer 4 ANTI , Rolieit L. C llljllM bi.lul.iV tfl exc-- v. b.iH.v. 4,'Ri 4 U 1S1. Jf4.it 7.0 l.2i 18 y3.3 .no.' p.mi. Slot hum. i - - 1..13 5.30 lA.8P.ar b.Jj3 C. T. BREAD, PIES AND o CORINNE, UTAH. , Dealers in , rAINTS, PERFUMERY, DRUGS, IX A,etnlles Filial lyaj mul H,K' Pin, iLuly Mon Fat 7 one at 7 30, a,, in., it.iilY. -- 11 tm iiiiig, PuuiLi iljnv, mul 3:5o p. in. ikuly ,vxupt HAKUMi lPANt.lt 1. n., Pcx mul 11. lo, a. ni., 12:00, 1:.0. ii .3o, fc.Mi, !:10, 0 .10.8 30 iu.i 11:30 p. tn , (10.20, 5:13, .(,, 11:10 i ml 3(0 lo Ouk'm.d coll.) l.v 1.K0- KI.3 x, 3:13. (i:3U, 7:40. 8.30 and 10 ('0 a uilioo, 2:10, 4 53, li.l, mul UMO l . in. tlloa. ixcpt - G () 0 1) S mid Sold. Rough! - CORINNE, South side -- ). -- :. 0.-- 0 CRGCElillTS uml 10.2t (7:-0- j.v-5i- n. d Retail UTAH CORINNE, im2-d3- V. t. CVVPBI I. 1.1.. P. OTP I'lCME, Cor.4tIiniidM(ii:tr.iin, Kis. H. Ollice Hours from OFFICE AT It. K-rAIE- II. L. tiff J. . asotutUe. MINIS AN1 CJGARS AT THE BAR.AA Cok irnlo St., near fctimi.Loat Landing, and 'Jtrn.s 2fJ - - UTAH. lujPddniJ CORINNE, - UTAH, MARTIN, WHOLESALE BUTCHER, at all Have liest Saddle and Carrii H vehicles. kind8 ul.ld kuns: uu-.- u B 8 n le own. HOUSE IS NEW, AND TRAVELERS will hiiii tim iirt a coiiiiiiotiMiToiiH in the city. Tile table will always be piotided with the ' I we have fJ1 ? ft ?ve,s,tP..ceerat!1.8 the times, forked. w.iting--ril met because we cant help . c. DUCIIINEAU, Prop'r. on hand i'cgv g day of thaokiffivinf ? No. Deals In Horses aud Cattleof all Kinds sl8,er!' we call it a day of rHtK'i. iu Held, Ly ,i j rather .hould for whatf For Bus- w.t nuHbU roo'irmegand ,r ai.,tl,,,,u ! I)J, bands for husbands. Terms. Yes, sisters, which we feel we need, at least I do, and Large Corral for Freighters. also much desire. Talk to me about womans rights ! We have all therighU 1AIAV I HAWKINS & CANTFEL. MACHINE WORKS, r uniicr rtUUOL Uhl rtMLr"VVM 210 & 212 Scale Street, SAN FRANC sCO. Near Howard, R. D. T. G. CANTRELL. s rr UTAH. WM. HAM KINS. ZXnlda. -0-- FANCY GOODS.niy213m rums 1 Old Sioux City last whiter bad an Old Society, and they had a dinner. COIs an speeches, and a general vowing all rape A specialty. around that they would lead asingle life, I an eschew the naughty men roreYtr. examine quality and prices before buy CALL ftnp I elicw here. Orders from tlie country But, It 18 8aid, there id generally a blade w and lactory on mied. promptly sheep in the flock, and so it seemed there - - - Corinne , was one in this. . street Montana , While vowing .ven 11 3m. w. a. hodgmam. geance on the male sex, these decaying sisters were dumbfound! by one of their I numher, Miss Panthea L. Kennedy, who r&CITIC 0T&D16. I arose aud most charmingly flung into CORKER THIRD A Montana STS., their midst the following bit of treason ANE) CHEMICALS, an-room- mv2-d5r- n. And then with a hurst of thunder sound lie kicked over tables and chairs, And clearing the door with a single bound On the bannister slid down stabs. On the Pacific Coast. 0 N- AND GO ODS; CORINNE, AND ALE. BEER J'lled Orders from Distmire 1rtin Coiliini'. TIE, 1 DEALERS town. --0-0 FINE TOILET ARTICLES, 13 CORINNE, I 1 CITY BREYVEltYJ. l lnTi .ale mid tail dtalels, in t J. W. GEAHAM, M. D m down. And at last disappeared th the socket. And the man at the table who hailed fro Slipped all the stakes In his pocket. T1IP C1IPAFPST AND REST BOOTS and SHOES, BEAlt RIVER HOUSE, FLOUR. Front Street, LIQUORS ; Ccrinne, KIRKENDALLS BLOCK, (OPPOSITE DEFOT,) Corner North Front and Sixth Streets, E. A. STAIIY, Proprietor. Sttcf , near Montana, Fourth DRY It flickered np, it flickered Harness -and Saddlery DRUGGISTS, I- AND RETAIL DEALER IN yy IIOLESALE GR 0 CURIES, ToLrtro, Ftf., Etc. n- - Ipmtmo. Al.AMP.DA IRANfll T.twr Fx " mid 11.13 a. in.. 152, 4 00 5') and i.ttt) p 7;2t, !i tai , lull only.) In. ll:l nil 13:30 to Fiuit 7 .00 mid 10.43 a. m., and I.v. II u IKL6, 4 l.v! Iron X I r. 3: 25. 7.33, O.tMj and 11.20 a. ni I :.o, 4 i 3 and 5 .A . m. 'i i a iim du not ri.it M.ml.i.t s. A. N'. lUMNK, C.on'l Snpt. T. II. G 001 MAN, Ci nl Pas-s- i ibn Afecnt. akr in L1QUCRS, CICAKSS, and lYhoh'&ale 1 - j.23lf Oil. Paints, Varnishes, YVrindow Glass, m L. DEMERS. LEI WES, lllvNHY H-- T. 0 l.V. OtKLMy and 11:30, a. in., 1:40, 2.50, 3:50, 5.03, my2-d3- inv2-d5i- n 1 - Etc. by ds ui Wkolrsale and Retail j v . 1 BEEF, MUTTON, HAY SCALES IN FRONT OF STORE CORNED MEATS, VEAL, And Sausage of AH Kinds Constantly an Hand. ON ICR. BEEF KEPT J. W. McNUTT & CO., my2-d3- . t And he ahem ted on again at last, My father moot I stay t" While o er the table thick and &at The fluttering pests-boarplay. . . The tallow dip burned fltfhlly wild And flickered np on high, , And gleamed In the fine erf the gaQant chCi, And nearly blinded his eye. Proprietors. ILVI SAKIEES, Proprietor, Montana Street, OF i heard that. His countenance ktt when his But it wasn't a time to grieve ; So he played him the aoe from under kis hat, And the "right bower" out of his sleeve. Hand Good Bought and Sold. of Montana Street, near olh, PURE DRUGS CORINNE. UTAH. f Etc. j Liberty Heat Market, AT AUCTION PRICES! 2 Speak, father I" once erain he cried, Im playing my b VC3 BTEN And, but the sun on the other side . Ordered him up on the seven. - WELDON A 8MILER, jelltf . He called alosd Had I better go it alone f" He knew not that the harkscy Unconscious of his All work warranted and aatiefaction guaranteed, CITIZENS OF THIS CITY of goods in his line, Second WHOLESALE and RETAIL Ills roles no longer heard.I Ilornrmhnring, General Jttaelismlthlng, Wagon Making and Repairing. ! School Books, Cutlery, Dry Goode, etc I1URLBUT BliOS., RmnoM want on, iMtsokU note ' lf WUhoot bis ktberY word ; That tether drank on thrCoor USaw, Connors. 1 : t . SION OF XHE BIG SHOE TO 1 1IE CONSISTING nn2-dt- f Yet beautifnl and bright he sat, As born to win or lose, , With an see of trumps kii ttnder hie hat. two .in his sloth. or And a bower" t . Proprictore, North of Lowea Wagon Depot. FARWELL, - CORINNE, STREET, OFFERS GEORGE I1ANF, Propr. - one raliflay adveteary. The boy bM oa te the meey Mdeck,' Whence all abowt hiotkad Bed. The lamp threw Its liyht on htalact red check. And he hadnt another M red. VINO Sixth snntT, .r. MONTANA Kipt constantly on hand. m my2-d3- SE C 0 XI) II A XD r CAKES , AND CIGARS LX QUO US OILS, PROVISIONS, TOILET ARTICLES,, GROCERIES, Cnllluiitin fi'innil indtr, Etc., Ciuin and rs Auction Prices And a Good Stock of IJIdlAlorslT, XlLaLLR 1 BAKERY, JelStf Pioneer Blacksmith Shop. ' ' - myio-t- f CORINNE . Iloan. ted reed, tat after Cae party tad ciamJI ka,1 ui tt7b2i" qaa abaodooed except kla tnciCitlif SNODGRASS A MYCOCS, f ewchre, taoha Mi been Stable at the old stand, Caratr Fourth and Colorado Streets. . Cbrinnt. 8olicit the custom of the traveling public, and are prepared to give the beet accommodations to nmn and beast. A good Cook Uouee attached to the Stable, and plenty of wood and water free of charge. Stock taken to reach by the Day, Week or Month. ' Ores and Bullion Bought FRESH All the heat qualities of ' WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS. 6.43 r.M 12.30 P.v 11.38 l.M 3.12 titii. Oukhiud, i Sin Ia-wg- uily. Itxcipttd 1 - t r MONTANA STREET, bun itja JULY rxjn3 'ii.un H 8.40 f 7 I UNION ALGOIT, Central Pacific Railroad. t . Fischbachs Heil and Opposite Salt Lake at , UNDERSIGNED, c"' f Ike faboo, reiealeail at hie poet la a Feed and Sale Stable, BESUILT BA ISast Tetuple Street, - - SaU Lalea City. Etc. Paper-hange- r, street, wfcere 1 CALIFORNIA rIE f -- a key elect tl bar-kaer- or Board by the day or week. Single meals, fifty oente. Jell-t- niyTtf mj i amnion Schools A IVILLIALIS, Assaycis( ; VT7ORK done with neatness and dispatch. Oand rff ders lett at the shop, coiner ol H5th streets, will nrche umpt atuntion. (Nimly ii)ueite ll.o Pent Ollice) MONTANA SlliLLT, CORINNE. 'iteasurer .utiit'H .ia k. Express 'Hu.ll 1 a ly. Pcjiaircr CLOTHING. CENTS 1 I.i-w'M- Glazier, OK. LADIES' SILKS A XV SATINS, TERRITORIAL OFFICERS: ni. II. 1 1x ) or. Ptlrgale to f 'ftigresxWitlilaila t now . ei Attorney fjtaar.il .J arshat J. D. I. McAllister. A udituT M m. I laj ton. tuiendivt of tuj ri It. & myltMf House and Sign Paihter, GEORGE BOND, THE ONLY Pa. Geoige U. Maxwell, TILDEN A LAWRENCE, Proprietors. HERMAN II. II. SHEPHERD, m - - UTAH. SALT IsAKU CITY, niv2-d3- Corixxe. C. LAWRENCE. Yocxs JukCwu, loH. ooa of the Heals prepared in Sttperiaa by iMdy Caere. East Temple Street. II, HENRY DENHALTERS. 11. llernpeteatl, Cal. 4 '. C. 1 b nteiits, 1ml. Moneys .1. 1:. Oveiton. Cortnne. Jost below Meets at all hours, ,'', BY . JOHN HAPPY. DWKN1IN3 BAS C7SNED A RTSTAU jfSS. SALT LAKE HOUSE Rrpairlng Neatly Done. A. GUNN. Constantly on linnd at Patruk, Nebraska. - - J. A. F. TILDEN. guaranteed. -- niy2-d5- UTAII. : , mySotf (Opposite Metropolitan Hotel) r'1 ENTS ROOTS MADE TO ORDER IN TIIE JT in the must approved styles and satnOaction FRESH VECL1 ARLES, SITS, AXD C O NFE C T1 0 XE R Y - : : ; Montana Street, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF - BALT T.ATTE CITY. BOOT AND SHOE MAN U FACTORY. O- Corner 4th and Montana Streets, f in. Chancery. : CORINNE, my . . K'AltnrneyC V. Solicitor UTAH. -- OFFICERS FOR VTAII I M norls, Oregon. hi Gorrrnrr George A. 1 Luk, I tali., Secretary Chief Justice .1. 15. Mrhiun, N w York. AtmciaU Justice 0. 1 . Strlckluml, Midi., aiul M. Jl a lev. Marshal M. T. kinds. Building, - 1 23 (b-org- 0. - , of all FRUIT IN SEASON. r UX1TK1) STATES 111. Office Notions , OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. - Post Postage to he $10 00 Three Months, 6 OOjOne Mobtli, - Months, fcix and CORINNE, of Hell eery, Office Cutlery Philadelphia Uzz'cztczL A. HTJGGAN, 1. Counselor Law at & Attorney ATTORNEY AT LAW, e STATIONERY, SEWS, WALL PAPER , - JiKXYON & MERRICK, cm a, E.P. JOHNSON, DEALtR JS.vVPl I? ?. - i CORINNE DAILY. JOURNAL. j ..t..'...v.'t tilM .Hfifc l we desire, 9 JOHN EAVES, Propr Stilt the fta0e if the men would only propose. raen propose, mamma, ,dot why dont the men propose? I dont jcuow ;vhy fn l,he feei Bboug it but I do the jcnow jf right man comes along and makes me an offer, I wont be at your and MUTTON sold BEEF, PORK, made ex- - next 0ld Maids dinner. No, sisters. AND ALL KINDS OK PEACHES. T1! .rR01IIfT0Rto having hy the C nrun, Side or Quarter. APPLES, his popular Dinner St Hon, invites the Traveling Public to give him a you may tsjlc as yOU will about womans ORANGES and LEMONS Mill and Mining Machinery. S. A. MVXX. Choice Meats for Families always on hand. tnus. men. call, ilia table is not excelled in any country. independence, it is all folly j we are al- IN 0 The Traveling Community. Referenced ways dependent j and upon man. Yon V. 11. Jobbing d Impairing done with Dispatch. I over to for room8 tl,ose All orders promptly attended to. desirins rcnin may say what you like as to our being and other my2tf night stock fat for The Bar, tinder the superintendence of JACK mRn S Superior, or mans helpmeet, Of ww ATYTTOfTTAXTO mnvcTfitT ATTORNKY fi$ - X'M -- 1 VAA, The highest Prices paid my IJiUrivMi ritUJJUbilUJlD, rouinson, will at all times have a stock of the nature's noblest work, all of which man N. & G. W. very be.t Clgara. wi grant UTAH. what pleaun Or LAKE CITY, SALT CORINNE, THREE DOORS 1YEST OF TOST OFFICE, we have in onr weary pil- can my f for the thirsty traveler ltU7, In purely City happiness life without a mans , Style. JelStf , grimage through Xoith Front Street, Close to Dejwt, NIont mi u Street, - Corinne, I UTAH Book and Stationery Store. s:ignhe7-d1eTX"doS?aCORINNE, XVlioleaale and Retail dealers lu .Nr; on Ecxtnurant Style. Al trays on hand the Latest Kipt the for I will, me, am determined to hare Good Clean Bed Modern Luxury MAIN STREET, OGDEN. REP011TI.U OFFICE, one. And I will here volunteer a piece MAGAZINES, OV1 SIONS, of UTAH in Dealer gratuitous advice, and that is, for each & Periodicals. COnXXNEf ' " . Newspapers of niySdtf GROCERIES and LIQUORS. you to go and do likewise. What iny2dtf TOBACCO, relation in life so honorable as a other JA11ES CHAH0N, CIGARS, mans 0' CAN companion, the wife of a loving, I?. O. Proprietor AND affectionate husband ? None ; kind, Kirkondalls Block, North Side of the Track. Tlie CHolceat Wluee, Liquors mud and in order to become such, let us culI Collector Jnicrnal Iicvcnnc. tHe ln Mrket Clgm" tivate and D. J. HEYFROH, Fropr. practice all those virtues that SILVER STAR HOTEL! so much adorn our station, and that man cuts of choicest on hand the AIM TO KEEP A GENERAL Keep eonstantly CORINNE. MONTANA SHlEtT, much so 1 and my word for it, both for luuul admires, of cut CORINNE. 'Groceries, LANK OF MUTTON, PORK, BEEF, Trade. the and will GIEce. we find husbands Jobbing Foul . ni37tf il1-3worthy of us. We Op.Okite BACON, SAUSAGE, AS ORDERS PROMPTLY. FILLED. men know love that us ; know that in EGGS, A GCOD ACCOMMODATIONS. BUTTER, the mines are leqtiestcd to ex LARD, Pnrcbaaers from smile our exists the poet's inspiration CORNED BEEF, VEGETABLES, amine our 'rui-- . nij2dtr rOAP.D and 1.01 G1NG per week, - and. the . alsa reward; poets Etc. 1 OAED Etc., Etc., Tlie Fineet Resort in Opliir, know, that for us patriotsandhavewe died. ler veik, my2-dSINi.LJ. MLALS, Kant Canyon, TJ. T. HUSSEY, DAHLEB & CO., Man is never so happy as when in our Bricklayer and L0LG1NG, company, or rendering us a favor, and caw Nne hut Coed Workmen EmiToy ed. SA T1SFA CTIOX GUARANTEED. a (Successors to Wilson A Morton,) t ntid Choicest be the Summer Driuks, gotten why is it that each of us cant have one? iuj2-dt- f XI LEAVIS SILVER, Propr. up in regular City Style. Alsu, Beer, by the Quart Let us see to it' while it is called todayr my2-dt- f I t,: so that when another Thanksgiving day CORINNE, UTAH. LO IS DEBMAW, Proper. ICIC, ' , rolls around, there will not be au Old UTAIf. 0. D. CASS, rg'The Utfct In the Emkft.'C I CORINNE, Maid in Sioux City--, Ltlncred Every' Tay in Qpimtitica to suit Pur' Behold her reward s' . T. W. , tlia of FIELD, Tlie Stockholders chasers, ty N. CtrccG Bentana STABLE J. & PURCELL, SALE L1VRRY ; FEED MARRirft. Utah of Bank National First JSI. At the residence of Boa. A J7. Uatfcwrf, Kmx commodious corral and stable AND CORRAL. the accommodation of Freighters. Stock Compose the Firm. Orders fiom - At road J'rowptly 'At Best Aecoinwcdstlen1 far Freighters i bought and sold, iindtd to. . I GOLD DUST. COIN AND EXCHANGE Government Yfoucherf AoaaAjr . Cood f sddle and aud Travelers. Hems. J to 1 X. UNI. mj7-d3- - Cornet 5tli and Montana Stieets, - - MANUFACTURERS CORIXX'E. OF Lake City to Ojahir. Stca in Engi ucs, ni i,ow yOU a ... 1 I I FITCH & MANN, all MASONIC I I STANLEY, 2-- 14-t- uts. Limes, -- I HOUSE, Bt I 1 DENNIS J. TOOHY, I ATTORNEY AT LAW, BANK EXCHANGE, GROCERIES, PR LIQUORS, FRUITS J. HOLLISTER, BILLIARD HALL. C. niy2-d3- MAKKET. 0-- CONFECTIONERY. 1 OFFICE, --- 1 WE --- rh I W. W. py HULL, -- J Plasterer, tf , 1 RIVER BANKERS. ... Kardenbrook Bro.s HOUSE. Corner Front and Sixth Streets, - BREWERY, FOURTH ST., CORINNE, - TO DAY THEf 11171NS01 THIS PI ol count) y. the latt (polity M1B. X AtiJ.lt Id.rered to nrv desiicd 1 lace on the rnot ouable terms. ' ' mwii Corixxk. S10CK TAKEN these Stables, to Ranch, on AND NIGHT IILRD. Resmuatle Xexius. SPORTING, MINING Tv - . : HOT AND COLD BATHS! Hdam Spencti-wt- ll peraonally ceive Ladles deairing Honiara street, 1 , J , J. N. Kaxvdv, - . - , ; - Has , tr Of Superior Strength aitd,Cle.anHnes. AMERICAN METALLIC CORINNE. A. W. TAYLOIt, Agent.' omen escratp boob wist o po New. York, t Chicago, CLUB ROOMS, - - CORINNE, COLLECTIONS WILL BECZITB 1 hit soon TO TBS XKTKOrOUTAX HOTEL. stocked with the bar is always rpnr. of J. Choicest brands - Wines, Liquors and C direct from Eu FnuKjco,Calo. i ( And the Principal Cities East and Rest, AKKUNITIOri , COUP ANY, O.cixampague Jstiu bouse, and Exchange. tn, good TAKEN STOCK SIGHT DRAFTS DRAWN ON Sun Fronciaco, MONTANA ST., 0.0 ta-GI- TE CoclctnftlB a BpccXaUty. t USA CALL. A SAYADY - O TXIOZZAJ3, Shrep8 Carriage modation of Freighters and Camp- f ora the neenn cook with free wood and water. I AND 0 re- C. Thomas OSCEOLA SAL00I1 AND SA1IST LOUIS Barber. Shop & Rath House, BLASTING POWDER lo my2-d- tf my2dtf Oriental Fcwder Co. . - ' - Propr. SPEKCrn,' : : will receive prot.pt attention. V - myUdtf H. 'W. P. COliINN E STABLE. Ooin, Oold 13ut, Bought and Sold. Collection RANCHING RT WRIGHT'S F. X. AV LN CB ELL ACE Oni.rs always - myyDtf MONTANA t tiiir garden BANK OF CORINNE, BUY AND " TDD fl D Dl?T UiN. U AKU i mytSStm ISAAC. D. HUNTOQN, WELLS SPICER, ATTORNEY-AT-LA0PH1R CITY, PAID TO Abstract and Tnucripti of JARTICUIJLR Property, and Real Estate and . ?, . Mining Agent. 1 u. s. ccimissxdzrstt Qyistf - - - - -CBCXQHTOY A BUNCO, RLLECSm A LC3XSAB. CAL. con tcah. lm the future. the railroad depot Cw I . , , ryest t tilj Ila C3 aiacua OMtta - UTAH. RHOUZAIf ,BTACm UOVZsl . tctij overcome with glocay PIONEER HOTEL, CITY, '777 . na toSS cars speeding tUong in the valhy bebtr. He sms wteixY to no Co etciea horse iavnding kis hrezziz, T. U- - tss Pcsicd. Fite' Th Injun or, in the old geographies used to repretei. the Indian standing solitary and ia a, melancholy uttedaea 4 rc a sad, reflsctive way, W, Ooxzkxxkicsioxx Merchant, OPHIR I Comer Battery ead Waxhingta Un EAST CANYON, SAB XTCXA2ICISCO, Jell-t-f ATTENTION PERSONAL AND PROMPT ATTENTION f TO RANCH. . c . accobboatics xsr ra tarJVZilU.. A ' tbTr myWSm- - -- jprV , . j a 1 V 1 i V-fi- e. uli , tv , hnJS.i: V . |