Show try traut ID IW I fain W 11 no N yo Y M 1 I J H JACOBS OF wr miles Re restorative va rt remedies emedies have surely rely saved my life rife 1 4 e k C ra I 1 r vp HAT A SINGLE REMEDY will out wk cure all li U a I 1 JL J L fact too well known to bo be questioned dr franklin miles LL IL tho the renowned specialist in disease of the heart aad nervous system hs during more than twenty awo of cou con stant 11 extending practice practices dept v record for reference study and corn com carlson par lion lson if if more than affections of hie the brain nemous and heart the results of dr miles ex cx geneire experience and prolonged study of disease lie ito hal lai ha l la to thu thia form of a not one only of Rc medIeL A full deschin alon of these remedies with instructions how to la admI administer nIstor then them together with the symptoms of the they will cere CUM la 13 given in tr dr book mew und and SUM fact facts 1 which Is nt tit free on request in the treatment of heart disease other ars frequently met with the most general of these Is a serious nervous trouble that must be controlled before the best results can be obtained from tho the hew heart cure cum this purpose Is nothing aquil di dr and feryo and find liver taken in conjunction with the hew new heart cure IM J if 1110 bogetta lo getta COta M mills Us Y writes writes ot of her won wonder dertil cure by dr miles grand nestora s remedies as follows two yeara years ago no I 1 was taken with a palo pain la in my left tide side I 1 could not lie on cither either lido side and suffered with a choking ur or filing so lassy t ma I 1 1 1 hardly hadly breathe I 1 suffered terribly trying IL many remedies without benefit I 1 was advised to take dr miles heart cure the first bottle relieved aue some and I 1 then took the histora Hc stora tiro tire Ner alternately with tho the heart cure and with them dr mile nerve anu and I 1 liver pills until I 1 wm much benefited I 1 was then without tho the remedies some months when the tha trouble returned pronounced by tha doctor of tho tile heart ham I 1 asala it ain commenced with the remedies adding this timo time D miles mcw ver plasters pre and they have done for tao I 1 have bavo gained steadily etea dlly la in flesh and I 1 thank you for the benedit I 1 unto received from the use of ot these valuable they no doubt have saved my life it Is so with many people who use tho the yew heart cure when tho the heart beat has resumed its normal condition there is no more pain and the remedy ii discontinued this li Is a mistake tAjI tho the heart U 13 detill mi wea and ana tho arcati meat anezo bo be continued regularly and persistently though in email small doses for a long time until the inns mus cica cles of the heart bare have regained their normal dr miles remedies an eold sold by all druggists under a positive guarantee first bottle benefits or money refunded book on the heart and nerves mut free to all applicants by the I 1 or dr miles mies medical co elkhart ind a t ir M SMITH 50 il A 1 D T HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY GENERAL ALL WORX guaranteed nr PRICE UTAH U or DOLLARS S FOR FIFTY CENTS CEN TS aalt 3 ott a gold dollar for fifty cl lip would 1 a austis IFA to with lite nut ol 01 kill li it not riot be tie L i ouane haldred lollar dollar bicycle lor I hOft 00 ap iv 00 oo cr IF A uan offers you lice rice but IOU 00 koltl iolj it auy lie one it abo ant i libl u up any I 1 ca amit et bay gold dullar dollars for fifty wal and nd I 1 ou celil o 0 avy i you lot your common bollt bicycles biry cles of haricot ale anle you ly pay the ib it 1 you loll ailua t A value in X bly elf 1 real wod for or gur ur alo and so ln know what chains all 1 cleyto Cley td yi 0 ku o 0 at 1 Fra latil mating Uearl I 1 ty aksu of bicycles too worth tile The Cleveland p Price rice aioo 75 worth the westfield prat 75 J hon lion wm I 1 J BRYANS book r ALL who arc are interested in furth furthering dring the sale sale I 1 0 of f H HON 0 W J I 1 BRYANS new book Is should correspond immediately latel y with nith the he publishers the work will contain an account of his campaign tour his biography written by his wife his most important speeches the result of the campaign of 1896 A review of the political situation mr mv bryan has announced his intention r i 0 of f devoting one half of all royalties to furthering fu t the cause of bimetallism there are a already r e a dy indications 0 of an enorma us sale address W B CONKEY CO publishers at dearborn CHICAGO st TRI wo Ls L s car 14 TV aa at ao culy 5 zet AL u cea M MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW LAND huntington UTAH in will TC T G BAILEY a MIXING its AIT SAIT CITY 1 kraii I 1 a nd 1 up 1 0 of all I 1 lit promptly Z 1 ol 01 I to at t trolas 1 e naf den pot our own twin if it any ny tortel tor ted rw ree given DOWNARD CAn carpenters PENTERS BUILDERS PRICE UTAH our oar charges are very reasonable and ire we guarantee nil till worl work alro tf ol for rifer cents 1446 bolat eur I 1 illif aam weak jell bin inua ewt pure toc it L jul all dr urcell SENT to any gereon in its 1 or who lovea loves anlin un lin we via wl end send free up application the the organ tt of ibis society in fit a to ifa it lait neely interpreting reading it contain contains a list of the tb mind giata bl t the paper addrue TUB NATION I 1 word charities Ju illing A 1 w wt says y boft cal UA tb most x t ado do d adl I 1 of uie the so wa ale an aou sou ting to ibe the fie test 96 aa f arst ely on k khi 11 oey by C anil nil Is ct anti inti s tho the calms lee la 11 in I 1 ids can cure I 1 ead rolie lever la 11 tie arl and tifilo m a ris ri 1 s tho buy and W d at C a U 0 21 W t ent k bold to curo curts by a all I 1 d ienir i nir W nn idea as ny brt BU exl r w urt t |