Show ja 1 a the ol 01 emery county am carefully ally ami and witly wisely AIKI awl the th advocate Adro cate bai a chami ha rallou loa of 0 reform and we think there are vocations who I 1 it too rigid adherence adhe ranc rance to urn time honored democratic prinell mtv l may iad lead 0 o a at the spigot and leaking at t tb the alliy y in short burtne wit ife ra the th crauly official fur for their losavi tk take hi Ilmi tion of treasurer for moet 4 P os ON chuu s ud ikc up aletho all tb I 1 incumbent tim at tims thu the duties are most arduous the alary iu jis but 09 per year or hardly that of a fairly paid blerk yet tb necessary for the I proper or itte 10 lo cullee 1 of ilao axce of it tie farer are ehtee moet most requisite in fit the successful man of bintai bin lai honesty not 0 tact etc it ie bowcher in the salary grunted granted the fille lariff rift that we think th the lemund ici auner atlon allowed iu adequate to the cmunt of services expected to be por performed perfo nned formed emery li 14 a luge laige county rol 14 general y by an ilir abeling coin win inanity it bo admitted however that it Is ln loetel etel at truus by anany desperate character the cheritt is 1 to keep thi this lawlee elt element unclick la In click ch ck iiii eaury Is but a year and he Is to allowed bat but one deputy emery bai has abma fortunate in her alty ally a ai sections the rr abent it to admirably tima lifted far for thi mo bance ad co splendidly hodowud tid by nature w v the of aal aol nj cons titu ion and aud conversant conver jant with the county and people hj h j h has all pro r i chite of an ideal omer ia r yet he te IS to in n of affairs to whom the alary ti achl to tho effim can ballo be no great grest incentive Ince nUri coupled with all this the offlie lj a perilous one tb tha fear lew and aud effir may be 9 1 I on any day to life an I 1 limb in the p of 0 big daty datil tue tile pro ent amt ah sli riff Is 1 l not yet met at from v roul at gouni wan t id acme ao ago child in bravo sin ani I 1 hot pur walk walkr r we au nu ution if it br bin bank account after his luecil anil other ex are paid will gow a favorable a bilanci from cen ity ro opt ur or that bes be a ardent flacker for reelection re election tit at the we present munificent ont reward row laj we sub ab matthwe mit thee th ee for kation would it dot not bs b a wier wi er policy to appropriate for or this impo llant office compensation to enace the holder thereof to devote all bit his time to its duatt to enable him to properly conserve the of the t taxpayer heap keep care garefal ratch of f and clean cleanse the county of the gang ng who are with dij mothr lat erti ani out In injuring jaring oar our fair fame ab abnel would it not be money well espen expended oled and injure to the leattie 0 ot t ill abe county in the greater protection prot eLtion it vonly gire to tested lat treet and an the offar off the Ase aranco it boull wooli and ud lome home beeker that this is a where the right rights of property are am guarded and cri crime punished punte hed abe halt herald of recent lo 10 quite an article tells boins to tons mr of the U S Ue 1041 cal survey xi to task on ORI ibo tho claerr as to why it icv ic at this lime for him to mke make another rut quitty vey of the he for tile par pur ane coee of and bearing hearings gutib the this herald te is to uy any the lat least l at right after gentleman ilbe be grat leman from Wai hington aal sol doe does vot to ak ask la ili I 1 fain tifilo NO azoa rby why mr Eldir comes to utah ulah to exploit or explore re aloro imn ate thee mineral fields all watt to the tackles the lion in hie his den in civils I 1 publicity to its it orlI tIon to h mr me eliare because bre anif j we re take it the lion secretary of the lott desire bome some aig light lit so in to the lutrin sir vant of and field fields in n utah the lion of I 1 bo he interior of I 1 li a mr now york r everybody who hu ban la in the pol ithal ilat arena of thi this con connary koc koces nf t cornde COT allua M Our nele was the tre treasurer pt of tho national 0 for fir two or th la tact lecce stir ical W ay W D bemen of blO of AT letter fain mr is 1 m gohil harchut far chut of 0 law rollf hovas ejected by floley Kl oley for the interior hip ill to ly wa wat the tb job jl ie tot be he anally finally accepted and his hi acoba aW oba not been ov greo miter after fter a LIS fight Illi cotely gily pitied the 4 14 bf br bollini ll biek ick tue tal ueral from acm unell took lola 11 tf a gaws next 1 tt r ri Is n ot t tm tru aloun I 1 1 lu alo oa ire ro to tillable available par suits alt hills ait to re port ports to the interior li fully 2nd covered 1 ibis fact let lettis let mk melt pue I 1 question clial I 1 tb motive of 0 the minion of el dredge to the tb re berva lion at tit the tb when he bu has arrendy madana j cipun a persel tal ill ot I 1 erat deponta on tin deservi u tio i an I 1 the government him an elaborate and expensive fam clr coTer lug taj two a ly thesbit the liko like herald to gme rally wide lil awake on thise matter matters farming la in all ita its branches bran chee requires in intile this mh century tho the application of intelligence and close staly tn ty perhaps more than any other calling this la Is true in eastern utah more so than in a ua an dijer county them there should be more comm commow ace in fn idea do la in ble his regard la lit Califor ula and other stat gatej that havi caine came audr taj wilter this la in best t through till meil liui of alonco uie etiL paper are real on irrigation and br bt those who froia experience are bet wept be t to treat of the 11 subjects tings pro productive 11 of immeasurable good why nut not hae bale analogous me tings in carbon or emery counts after hattett be an excellent titue time it there is one tiling the eastern utah farmer needa needs proficiency in it is i a kno knowledge ledge of the adaptability of tl e boil lie Is cultivating let some act iva spirit lake take the initiative and gull in thie this connection and led wo nile will eoon won have an organization whose annal anneal Inee tings wlllie of inc aln bent banut ht A man with a ot tew few bondred dollars lo llara laying goow can make a Xion klondyke dyke in a is pile ariter and geang into emery anty c ue ile will find all the work desired on bridge bridges daini dams and canal canals and carmera would order poeta posts driven for the prodoc lion of their land tue tae chanty would have been money ney allaead today had 1134 thy they purchased a pile driver for the construction of 01 ago N we note that the good gwi penile of Cast ledale and Orang orangeville eville a are about to incorporate an irrigation compary coin puy to control the water waters of cot ten wood creek this is a wise and commendable movement and one of the first beta of the company abound ix be the ee es topping of tb the per from county who are rising alley valley w stem continue continues to roast toast the editor ot of the provo enquirer to call him baseborn base bora kowt low lej L ej disreputable of dispositions with uie annee dismount disho and cowardly and all till 1 tile tribune deplore deplores tho the of 0 editors to say ay mea meana thiap of 0 other salt lake deside givina one a chance to I 1 R t off the earth occasionally without becoming a real angel aerial has its communication method methods will become so ceafy and that the tb bunco men wen fruia the cili aliee es will come right out into tho the country and work ns n country jy jays to a flabb it Is not genei gene ally known ant much buchic I 1 a fact colonel james F who was tb action U indian gent agent for or the ut 6 lit the 1 rust 11 1 tion of 0 assistant Auis tant ol 01 indian ail are h he declined with thank than Th There erss 1 lot lots of fait up ILI provo 1 a traveling inan loan who came into late artie a day or two ego ago let link otherwise it is the deadren town I 1 know of in utah As tho dingley bid bill d 41 xu 9 impose a tariff on bard turini we will be atle 11 ll to import a aj 13 balili bald of them thein from next yar I 1 now that the s j buxo kwa of wellington haa hall bad 0 talk k with th nt hi h i Is 1 1 glad be proc eed to aunt him biln |