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Show N CLEARFIELD b Teddy Swedenborg is City at the home grandmother, Mrs. Frank son. He has Wen under a rare for the- past lt days treatments, will continue Lake ?J Published by the INLAND PRINTING company 'sWTPttSASSOCIAIlOX Cj u mckhI-U- u 'iututujy miter Frbra.r, 15 mi. under the Act of March 8, 1879. Jllunt u K.jivill,, Vuh. Albert W. Epperson. Editor and Manager Phone 17 Office Phone 10 179-Lona Udy Parrish. Reporter. Woolscy. Adv. Mgr., R; 131-- J .,IH MARCHES OH DAVIS HIGHWAYS persons have lost their lives on Davis this year as a result of traffic accidents. unty highways most has been the factor in this loss of speed part r the week four have been killed as a result of this but past fpery highways. Alarmed at the highway traffic fatality record in Davis unty, state offiicals are determined to curb the loss of life local highways, and place all available highway patrolmen the county to see that 'motor vehicle operators observe fed limits and other safety measures. The majority of these fatal accidents occurred on the olane strip of highway from Bountiful to Farmington ction, and it would appear that a four-lan- e highway should constructed as soon as possible on this heavily traveled rofare as a means of eliminating a traffic hazard. Most recent traffic accidents have been attributed to icy rn centers immediateljrTollowing storms, jhwaysr-Imeastecovered are with sand as a means of curbing je highways This accidents. Iffic practice might be carried out bv our commission. road yn j If there is to be an elimination of traffic accidents in tah, all groups must take stock of the situation. Drivers bst watch their speed and observe all traffic regulations, ;d highway officials must see to it that roads are in good idition for heavy traffic. This problem can be licked, but going to take action to accomplish the objective. Twenty-eig- ! after which they visited Layton Second ward MIA will relatives in Trenionton. plays, Four present two one-aKaysville, Davis County, Utah Mr, and Mrs. Robert Whitman, in a Tower, and The Lost in the ward amusement Thurs., Dec. 11, 1947 Page. and Mrs. Wendell Adams and vator. in- - Tuesday, ct LAYTON in Salt of his i , MRS, .MAGGIE SIMMONS Correspondent Phone 219-J- lb Lardoctors Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown at- 3 hall Tuesday evening. Dec. Id. Mrs. Carman Dibble, Maxine Stevenson and Patricia Green entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Green at a personal shower for Miss Fern latch, a bride of this week. Thirty-fou- r guests were present. The small son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Evan Whitesides was taken to an h () , ita, laat wwk for an operation. Mrs. Arlene Zesiger. who has accepted a positoin with an insurance company in Elgin, 111., expects to spend the Christmas holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Stevens., Layton Fourth ward Relief society will hold their Bazaar Saturday evening, Dec. HI. in the I,ay-to- n LDS amusement hall. A Boston baked bean supper will be 'Jvod at A. rora,n and Vmdancing will be enjoyed. tended the Montana Stated, "of II. - Mrs. Nilda Corbridge entertained. footbal game Friday evening. and his 10 small friends at the home of her Mrs. Margaret' Adams has been Mrs. Stanfoni Cowley enterfor the mother, Mrs. Wallace Gailey, in ill week. the club her home Next til- - Weeks. at tained her bridge past honor of her daughetr, Gayle, on were Guests Mr. afternoon Mrs and Ivan Beaudorn and i Lie, lMane Swedenborg was en- Thursdya her fifth birthday Saturday afterMrs. Mat Holt, family have moved to Thermopolis, tertained at a birthday party last Mrs. Joe Knight, noon. EuMrs. Z. Noall Mrs. Tanner, Wyo. Saturday at her home in Layton Mrs. Velma Hayes entertained Reed Gunnell. Mrs. gene Reed. Mrs. Rufus Dickson was honored park, Guests were Sharon Monday afternoon for her son, Susan Lund. Niel Harris, Mrs. ThomasG. Layton and Mrs at a birthday dinner at the home Dennis, on his fifth birthday. ReJimmy t'hidester. Gwen Grwn, Harold Ellison. of her daughter and were served to the folfreshments Barbara and Sylvia Banz. Myrtle Mrs. Ray J. Dawson, Mrs ami Mrs. Reed Oviatt in Farm small friends; DeRay Taylowing torgiat. lhil, lKn, Iaiwrence and vid Brown, Mrs. t'lyde Adams, ington. Other guests were Mr. and lor. Gary Flint, Ann Dibble, ShirNancy Adams. Prizes were awardMrs. Ralph Hampton. Mrs. Dan Mrs. Ruth Smith and children, Rued and refreshments served. ley Ann Hoesch, Jean Corbridge, Adams and Mrs. Ruth Baird at- fus Dickson, Barbara and George Val Judkins, Jay R. Simmons, Clint i club Clearfield Dickson. tended the The Birthday club Literary at the Bette Jean Hoesch, Bobnjet Judkins, in heme tif Mrs. Kvelyn Uorgiut'Mon party at the Mansion house Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Llovd. Oak John Bennett, .Marie Simmons, by ilay, Dtr. The event was Mrs. Ogden. Mrs. Helen Briggs gave am aj visitotl the past week Dibble,. Corbridge, Julie Ann Gayie torgiats birthday. The evening a Christmas reading. The Small with Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Adams lianne Williams and Crowley, was spent playing Monte Carlo One." Games were played and gifts -Christine Layton. "hist. d hristmas gifts were ex- - given to those in attendance. Mrs. E. L Mr.and Mrs. Ellison, during the evening. Re- - esses were Mrs. Clyde Adams, M rs. and Mrs. and Mr. Simmons Roy freshments were served to Evelyn Angus Stevens, Mrs I.cKoy Stuart Jones. Waldron Gentry. Ann Laub, .and Miss Alma Dahl. George Wilcox attended 9 wedding Mr.'and mYs.' Akin JacTbsbn and . Irene I hidester, reception for Mr. and Mrs. GeofElda held children. Kay and Stewart, spent The Iaiyton Jaycee-Fttefrey R. Cannon Tuesday evening in Jackie Green, will be MIA Snow, Hprtense chorus practice Monday evening at the week end in Rockland, Ida., Preparation meeting Lake City. Mrs. Cannon waa Salt "U the home of Mrs. Wendell Adams with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Udy. held at. the home of Mr. und Mrs. Miss Betty Morgan, former the Mr. Stevenson Jesse and Mrs. Joseph Josephson Monday evening, followed by a board meeting at Mr. of and Mrs. Samuel daughter exthe home of Mrs. La Rue Bassett. and daughter, Sonja. Salt Lake Dee. 15. All MIA officers are of Kaysville. Morgan attend: to were ity, Those attending were Mrs. Lorlie Sunday Winner guests pected Johnnie Layton, who has been Wednesday. Dec in honor of Simmons, Mrs. Verle Biggs, Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Brock Mrs. Dave Clawson is reKrted in hte Dee hospital in Ogden for their mother. Mrs. John 1?. Slaugh- - Marian Brailsford, Mrs.. Thelma and children ill at her home. on- again Mrs. Wendell Smith entertained ter. The occasion was her birth- - Paulsen. Mrs. Viola Whitesides, Mr. and Mrs. Howard lligley and Hi days was operated day. Friends and neighbors called Mrs. Wanda Madison and Mrs. the Skyline Literary dub at her Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stimpson spent Friday. home last Thursday evening. Mrs. Gordon Sessions and daughMuxie Shetley. during the day. Sunday in Uollings.ton with relaDick Egan, son of Mr and Mrs. tives. ter. Mrs. Barbara Stucki is convales- Kay, Trenton, treturned Friward Third Sunday Layton Howard is U.S. who with to the B. was after the taken Egan, J. spending two weeks with at day home her in Corley an school eing apfollowing presented the program is home on furlough. Dee hospital in Ogden last week her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin pendectomy. sacrament meeting Sunday eve- - navy, The Iaryton Third ward Relief for treatment. Corbridge. Lois Anderson underwent a ton- ing A short skit was presented held its annual bazaar and society sillectomv Friday, Dee. 5. by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stevens dance Aiemittntns in the w ard Wednesday Mr. arid Mrs.' Charles Bushncll and two sons and Charles Maugham amusement hall. was Dinner served ? Presented by the junior from tl to s entertained friends at their home Y'n p.m. followed by classes. A talk was school Sundav Dec. eveThe Saturday evening, James GuimelL ning was spent playing jnmiehle. Mrs. Burton has been ill Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Roberts at her l.ynn Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Monroe home. Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wil- - and Mr. and Mrs. John V. Adams Slc Charles E. Bennett, who has attended the O.F.T. dub at the been stationed with the U.S. cox, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wrath-navy erstone. Mr and Mrs. Allen Taylor, home of Mr a n d M r s. Elden in New york is at the visiting Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thurgood. Schwartz in Clearfield Saturday homc of an parey Mr and Mrs. Howard Ellis. Mr. evening. Weaver. Mr. Bennett is with the und Mrs. Angus Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Layton entertained electrical engineers ami will spend Mrs. Hqwley Reed, Mr. and Mrs. the Acacia club at her home Thurs- - the Ben Ryder la back ! After twenty holidays here. aaya, how a town can get run down Elmo Hudson. Mrs. Clarence Iverson will en- day afternoon. Guests were Mrs. in reBen has In twenty yeara! And then Ben years Capital City, The First ward and Vird Cook, Mrs. Clarence L. Bone, tertain the Skyline Bridge club ut come tired and to life in the takes hia tongue out of his cheek enjoy Gleaners held a fireside chat Sun-- Mrs. Lonis P. Cook. Mrs. Claire her home Tuesday evening, house on Street. W and Mrs. family Maple us how proud he Is of the tells Mrs. Joe hitesides. Mr. an,j Mrs. George Wilcox vis. Hay. day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Green of Smith Vil-- ! Golden F. Layton, Mrs. Evan El- Mrs. ia doea Ben write ua orderly, Gln Jypsen.and First thing wjthv atmosphere he lage. Subject for the evening wasB lison und Mrs. Spencer Ik Adams. jTailiity' 'In' Kaysville' Sunday. complaining how Our .Town haa finds here. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Forbes have Mr. and Mrs.' Reed Gunnell and Keep the Sabbath Day Holy. changed. Why, thcrea no mud in And from where I sit, you can Larry Wilcox, who was recently daughter. Bonnie Gay. spent the moved into the Wendell Adams the atrccta to aink up to your to that growing preference released from the Texas mission, week end in Grace. Idaho. point apartment was special guest. f anklea ini ho aaya. No pistol for a moderate, wholesome glass of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cowley and 1T",1ock camP' lKhters Wwlnea- feuding in the town square I No beer as one reason folks in Our " Thomas Charlton and Mrs. Eu- daughter, Julie Ann. of Big 1iney. V,ahT Jwwf a ome rs moonshine liquor or Saturday Town era so temperate, and neighgene Charlton. West Weber, vis- Wyo., are visting at the home of uy ited Wednesday. Dec. .3. with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Cowley. nwC brawls! Nothing to do but borly and ? '? night Mr. and Mrs, Davis returned and Mrs. Russell Thurgood. settle for a temperate glass of beer Mr and Mrs. Francis Bone vus- - Ust week from Ray Mr Dft. EI(fin Clearfield Second ward Sunday ited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. in a tavern in course his yjg jjas compiet,e( school is sponsoring a Christmas Samuel Layton in Clearfield. watchmaking attending tufrrlble," Ben Tnrrible, turrible, dance Dec. P.i at the junior high Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Adams were school in Illinois this summer. They school. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and are visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. Clearfield First LDS ward Re- Mrs. C. L. Bone. LeRoi Day and in Tremonton with lief society held i t s Christmas Copyright , 1947, United Statu Brewer, F oundation Mrs. George Flint arrived home relatives party Thursday. Dec. 4. Especial- Sunday after a visit in ly honored were Elva Fark, past Los Angeles with relatives president, and Della Reed, past Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bone, Salt secretary. Helen Briggs gave a Lake City, were Friday visitors Christmas reading. Gifts yere pre- here. sented and refreshments served to Mrs. Blaine Adams and Mrs. R. all present. It. Lloyd spent Monday in Lake-tow- n Pfc. Richard L. Padgett is spend-ni- g with Mrs. Alan Adams. Mrs. s convalescent fur- Adams returned to Layton with a lough at the home of his parents, them and spent a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Padgett. RichMrs. Dean Simmons and Mrs. ard underwent an appendectomy Steve Slames entertained Thurs-- 1 Nov. 23 at Tucson, Ariz. day evening for Mrs. Claud Fraley A fireside chat for Junior Girls at the Fraley residence. Guests and Senior Scouts of Clearfield were Mrs. Gertrude Secrist. Mrs. Second ward was held Sunday eve- Irene Gattis, Mrs. Marjorie Solo- ning at the Ben Brown residence. mon, Mrs. Beth Jacobs. Mrs. MilDick Wallace conducted the meetdred Owens, Mrs. Opal Truman. ing. The evenings entertainment Mrs. Walt Hartman, Mrs. Leah was in the form of a religious qujz. Hansen. Mrs. George Fisher, Mrs. Refreshments were served. Fern Orton and Mrs. Joan Sandall. Clearfield First ward Christmas Miss Bernice Phillips has accept-- 1 dance will be held Friday, Dec. lit, ed employment at the Utah Power THEY KNOW THE BENDIX in the ward amusement hall. The & Light office in Layton. and mudance will be Mr. and Mrs. Cal Warren, Salt SAVES TIME AND WORK I sic will be furnished by the Art Lake City, were week-en- d guests Simpson orchestra. of Mr. and Mrs. Dell Adams and Just put your clothes ia the Bcndix, set the dial, add and Gleaners of the Sec- family. and youre through! All by itself the Bcndix soap ond ward held a fireside chat at Miss Birdeen Johnson, Pocatello, RobRob Mrs. Mr. and the cloches the home of washes, rinses three times and damp-dry- s Ida., visited Saturday with Mr. and erts. Mr. Goldman, Farmington, Mrs. Dick Adams and family. . . . deans itself, then shuts off automatically! You was speaker of the evening. ReMrs. Dell Adams and daughter, dont even have to b there. freshments were served to approxi- Rebecca, visited Sunday with Mr. fam20 mately guests. and Mrs. Stan Van Fleet and The J.M.S. club will have its ily in Salt Lake City. THEY KNOW THE BENDIX Christmas party at the home of , Miss Marian Adams was sur-- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fifield Monevehome her at Thursday prised SAVES HOT WATER I day, Dec. 15. ning at a party given by the folMr. and Mrs. Bryant Stringham lowing: Ruth Spackman. Sally The tbriftiett way to get clothes deanest is to tumble entertained Friday evening in hon- Adams, Joyce Sibbett, Mary Alice Sirs. Fred Clark. Adams, Arlene or of Mr. and them, hundreds of times, in and out of a small amount Firth, Audene Slany friends and neighbors were Shepherd. Coleene Feller, LuJean of hot auds . . . and rinse them thoroughly. Thats present including the First ward Smith, LaRae Parker, Bernice Sulhow the Bcndix works. bishopric. livan. Shirley Knoblaugh, Becky Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Adams, Joan Thompson, Betty Eldon Barlow entertained in honor Weaver, Bob Mitchell, Don MadTHEY KNOW THE BENDIX of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark. Thir sen and Cecil Barton. Mrs. guests played games and ad Mr. George Briggs spent SAVES CLOTHES 1 were served refreshments. Mr. and in Salt Xake City visiting nday h Mrs. Clark were presented an TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR Mr an(j jvjrw. Lewis Briggs is gentle action The Bcndix "Tumble-Actiotrie clock by the guests. The Clarks and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bar-loEASY PAYMENT PLAN I safe with the daintiest fabrics. No agitator wear and plan to leave this week for WashBriggs. ington where they have purchased Mrs. Laurence Ellison, J. S. Adand no tear twisting. rubbing, scrubbing Why not start enjoying washday freedom with a dairy farm. Mr. Clark was a ams and R. William Adams atmember of the Clearfield bishop- tended funeral services for. Mrs. and take your timeto a Bendix Washer now ric before the ward was divided. Lettie Adams Clifford in Logan pay for it? You make a low down payment THEY KNOW THE BENDIX SAVES SOAP! Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Padgett have and pay a small amount each month while tbj assisted to Boise where ly Holbrook, by Mary returned from a trip i t The average Bendix owner spend about $ 1 a month of services Blood. attended Bendix Is saving you money and work. Ask hqaling they Idaho of visHalverson would with she an washer. also less on soap than Mrs. Henry Reverend Branham. They ordinary your neighborhood Bcndix Dealer. ited Mr. Padgetts brothers, Jim visited at the home of Mr. and Bendix gets a whole load of clothes the because Thats of and Nate Steve Mrs. Layton Golightly Padgett, Payette, Ida., sparkliog clean on just a few tablespoons of soap. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Golightly Padgett. Ontario, Ore. moved from held Guild its children and Clearfiled Literary recently meeting Monday, Dec. 8, at the Clearfield to Layton. IS IT REALLY AS GOOD AS ALL TlAT? Mansion house in Ogden. Dinner Gwendolyn Green, daughter of was served to 30 guests. Helen Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Green, was Among the first million Bendix owoett is one who Briggs gave a Christmas reading. entertained on her ninth birthday were exSharon lives near you. So dont take our word for It . . with a party. Guests Games were played and gifts and Banz, Barbara Hostesses the for Sylvia Iladfield, evening changed. have a chat with ter, just to make strre the Bendix Is were LaVaun Stewart, Lona Ste- Jimmy Chidester, Connie Rae die best buy for you. Shell tell all ... as you know. vens, Ruth Adams and Alma Dahl. Thornley, Cleo Deane Swedenborg. refreshand been Games were played Mrs. Milton Iladfield has ill at her home for the past few ments served. Mrs. Ellis Black has returned days. The 500 club met at the home from a weeks visit with relatives of Irene Chidseter Wednesday, Dec. in Provo. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. 3. Prizes were won by Luella Lambert, Hortense Swedenborg and Sterling Clark returned from ill-a Betty Christiansen. Refreshments hospital Friday after a recent ness. were served. Mr. and MrsEIlis Black had as Darrell Johnson celebrated his sixth birthday Monday, Dec. 8. their Tuesday guests Mr. and Mrs. Many little friends enjoyed a party Michael Deleon te and Emil in his honor. Hooper. and A large number of Audemus Guild Literary club met attended Clearfield Dec. at the from Gleaners 8, Monday evening, and home of, Marie Sticker. Anita Flip-pe- n a dance in honor of all 173 was assisting hostess. Familiar Gleaners of North Davis stake melodies were presented by Bever- - Wednesday, Dec.'S, at Hotel Utah. -l 1 Advertising Rates on Application Subscription $2.50 a year in advance. X. Ne tt About Folks - ijationauditowa; 09 TH -- ht i Had-fiel- d. son-in-la- . HjT-j.M- C r. Host-change- -- - Mary-Ranz- s ' j C - -- -- Rom where I sit ...JjJoc Marsh - "Tumble, Tumble, Tumble!" 1 I j 1 J JOB WELL DONE Congratulations are in order for the Kiwanis club in yton in promoting the recent Country Fair for the benefit (crippled children. Directed by Louis P. Cook, the project cleared in the ghborhood of $1500 and these funds will be used for the efit of unfortunate children in the Layton area. In addition to the worthy cause for which funds were .bed, the local club is to be commended for the fine manner the Fair was conducted. Everyone attending had a Slich and entered into the spirit of the occasion. Danc- and an auction were the highlights of the evening. 1 law-abidi- . ng , I (t well-behave- d. . law-abidi- 1 ng after two-wee- A MILLION HAPPY HOUSEWIVES HAIL THE BENDIX mil three-week- WHERE TO BUY 1 c 3 WHERE TO GO IN OGDEN J a help and as a guide to the people in this area, we Digest that you keep this directory for easy reference to save yon time and effort while SHOPPING IN OGDEN Apparel for Juniors, Misses and Women i WRIGHTS IN OGDEN B COATS . . . DRESSES . . . SHOES MILLINERY . . . LINGERIE MODERATE PRICES PREVAIL. o Good Sportsmanship Bank Smokery Ogdens Finest Mens Club tor Lunch Counter . . . Serve, Good, Clean Food! al ... M-M- en INCORPORATED If semi-form- Watson-Tann- er features .... Griffon and Society Brand Salt Wilson Bros. Furnishings Nunn-Bus- h Shoes Stetson Hats Interwoven Sox ty-fi- ... elec-4jt- Watson-Tann- f I j! X 2313-1- 5 Wash. Blvd. Phone CLOTHING CO. ' $7$ 24th St 51 pMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS Free Delivery RELIABLE Furniture and Carpet Co. The Store With the FURNITURE CO. Friendly Doors Q 2231-3- 1 n w ... ... 276 r er 9 Washington Blvd. Washington BJvd. Complete Circulation I automatic -- C5DERStfn tcc WetdcM Maturtf fatutivaym.. xomi in todayi Now on Display at My Homo , 1 o! North Davis County -- WHERE EVERYONE . SHOPS WITH CONFIDENCE." 2265 WASH. BLVD. OGDEN washer Del-cont- . e, EP.AXn&E&IE RADIO M-M- en M-M- en Phono S-- APPLIANCE CO. f |