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Show NepM, Jub County, Utah eljc NEPHI NEWS BRIEFS BOWLING Mrs. J. A. Kendall returned heme Wednesday Of last week alter voting tor ten days with M and Mrs. Hinton alter games at Hurricane andWayne with Mr. and Mrs. ISntt Kendall In Wash Ingon, Utah. Scout Work Days Set Mrs. Lynn Jackson was accompanied home on Saturday by her sun in law and daughtMr, and Mis. Mont D. Baier, Team standings ley and family after a four weeks visit at their home in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ken. and family also visited with Mrs. Gilbert Bailey on Sund.dl, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Kendall, Edward Kendall and Miss day. K.iihh-eAnderson of Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Max Goates enjoyed a trip to Glen Canyon, and family of Sandy visited on Bryce Canyon and Zions Can- Sunday with his brother in law yon last week. and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Jnrrett. Mrs. V'irl Goates of Mr. and Mrs. Harold d and son Todd, and her Conterfield, mother of Mrs. Mrs. lav Allen of Jarrett, visited on Thursday mother, Fountain Green visited In Salt at the home of her son in law Hake City on Sunday with her and daughter. brother, Dean Allen. Mr. and Mi's. Earl Jarrett visited in Mt. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Howell, and family Individual high series Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hough- Pleasant on Sunday with her Mr. and Mrs. Abner Clark Ostler (Pexton's) 536 ton and daughter Judy w'ere in parents, Rosenlof. Individual high game on to attend Murray Saturday Bill Sperry (Jack's Service! the funeral services for Fred Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shaw, 201 I fed berg. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Park, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Linton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Black, Mrs. Ernest Brough, Bishop and Have Your Car Inspected Now at Mrs. J. Barres Jenkins, Mrs. Ada Oldroyd and Mrs. Zella Ingram were in Murray on Saturday to attend the funeral services for Fred Iledberg. Carolyn Warner of Salt Lake Main & Center Boyd Park, Manager Nephi, Utah City is visiting a few days this week with her parents, Brake Service Qualified Mechandic on Duty Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warner. Lubrication Overhauls Washing Engine Tuneup I RESULTS Lid-diar- CONOCO PARK CONOCO gasoline, and other products oil, Cimcfl-iVctu- fi For May 12, May 19 NEPHI NEPHI ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pett and son of Salt Lake City NEED A WATCH BAND? were week end guests of Mrs. The Chalice Club met at the Robert thapicll. WALLET? CLOCK? home of Ruth Howard on April 26 President Thelma Reed TRY Mrs. Arthur Seott visited took charge and DeVontt RobNEPHI JEWELRY erts was in charge of the pro- Pn.vo on Saturday with Films were shown on son in law and daughter, FIRST!! gram. forest conservation and Hood and Mrs. Keith Aston. control with Ralph Boswell assisting with the projector. Members enjoying the evening were Marjorie Grtenha!gh, Pat Greenwood, Adele Jack-soJean Johnson. Betty Motes. Joyce Pay, LuOna Prisbrey, Thelma Reed, Alene Sperry, Naomi Wilkcy, Marjorie SteinEUGENE ORMANDY, Music Director er, DeVona Roberts and the and the hostess. Ruth Howard. SALT LAKE TABERNACLE CHOIR with Jerome Hines and Phyllis Curtin, Soloists Saturday, May 19, 1962, 8:30 p.m., Salt Lake Tabemaclo Also appearing (in different Symphonic program) in BYU Fieldhouse, Monday, May 21, 8:15 p.m. Mail checks NOW for choice seats to Utah Symphony Mr. and Mrs. Mont Bean spent last Saturday and SunOffice, 55 West 1st South, Salt Lake City. Tel. EM day in lYiee at a rock show. Please enclose Prices: stamped envelope. George A. Hi gar of Phoenix. AH Seats $2.00; $2.75; $3.00; $6.00. $3.50; $4.50; $5.00; Arizona spent last wwk with reserved. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Eagar. Clark Music Company, Salt Lake City, proudly announces the BALDWIN is the official piano of the Philadelphia Mrs. Judy Marks of Magna Orchestra. is spending this wwk wilh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Foote. Mrs. Howard is Hostess Mrs. W. H. Sperry returned home last week after visiting in Salt Lake City wdth her Mow is the time of year ev- daughter. Nelda Sperry; and in Midvale with her son in eryone is busy, but it takes law and Mr. and daughter, busy j people to get all the work Mrs. Lavar Houghton and famdone. Yes, your local Boy Scout camp Camp Maple Dell ily. has work to be completed be. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Winn fore the opening day of the anil daughter Christine visited camp, the first week In June. in Salt I.ake City over the Its your camp and the work week end with their son in that needs to be done is yours, law and daughter. Mr. and too. Mrs. Allen Mikkelson. The Council office has issued Mrs. R. E. Winn visited in a call for help to get the camp ready for opening. Scoot- Orem with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. ers, Troop Committeemen. Ex- Guyman (Ranae Winn) over plorers, Order of the Ar- the week end. The occasion men and friends of scouting: was a dance revue in which Plan your affairs to give a Kathleen Guymon, rMs. Winns day of labor at the local camp. Kathleen Guyman, Mrs. Winn's On May 12th and May 19th granddaughter, appeared. projects will be in gear. Come Mr. and Mrs. Dale Worwood prepared to work. Bring shovfamily visited in Salt els, paint brushes, picks, axes, and power saws, trucks, etc. Bring Mrs. City with his mother, Lila Tennant, on Sunyour lunch and lots get this day. done. Dont count on the other Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Norton fellow but do your share we of Provo w'ere dinner guests have been really disappointed of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. on our fall calls for help. We Melvin Stanley on Saturday. must get this work done on Other guests were Mr. and these two wwk ends. On May Mrs. Charles Bowles and fam12th work will cease early ily of Springville. Maxyne and enough for Scouters to attend Christine Bowles remained for the Scout-O-Re- e at the B. Y. U. a week end visit with their Boyd R. Ivie, District grandparents. Scout Executive, TOP XOTCHERS Ann Boston, Jessie Belliston, Utah National Parks The Top Notchers 1 1 Club Carol Lee Pay and Kathryn Council. Ixmax attended the State Remeeting was held on April 26 in the jibrary of the Juab High publican convention on SaturSchool. The meeting was collday April 28 as student deleed to order by Nyra Stanley, gates. The convention was club leader. We elected our held at the Terrace in Salt club officers and selected our Lake City. club name. The Ladies Republican Club Officers are: President, Marwill meet at Rays Cafe on Easter week end visitors of jory Greenhalgh; secretary, Marcia Tidwell; reporter, Jo Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Moly-neu- x Monday, May 7 at 7:30 p.m. Ann Faekrell; activity and were Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bishop and Mrs. Kenneth song leader. Sue Jackson. Pritchett and son of Garland. Nyman and daughters Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Molyneux Nancy and JuLee were in Loand family of Tremonton, Mr. gan over the week end to atand Mrs. Gary Molyneux and tend the funeral services for James P. Rasmussen at family of Richfield. Mr. Rasmussen was Miss Norma Molyneux of an uncle of Mrs. NymanrThey relatives and Easter week end visitors of Salt Lake City was an Easter also visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackman week end visitor of her par- friends. were her brother in law and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mrs. Max Orme entertained sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Jen- Molyneux. on April 21 in honor of her sen and Miss Lora Lee Engle son Bevan on his sixth birthof Salt Lake City. On Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. day anniversary. Refreshments Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson Calvin Neilsen on were served to the honored of Fountain Green visited at of last week were Wednesday and 15 friends by the her father guest the Jackman home. and sister, Byron Colton and hostess. Mrs. Geraldine Burdick and Mrs. Harold Dudley of RooseA buffet luncheon was servvelt. The occasion was the daughter returned home Suned by Mrs. Max Orme on Friof Mrs. birthday anniversary w'eek day after visiting the past day, April 27, to her daughter in Downey, California, with Neilsen. and 25 girl friends. The ocMr. and Mrs. Dave Miller and casion was Victorias 11th Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Burdick The Mona Ward Relief birthday anniversary. and family. Society will hold their Apron Mr. and Mrs. Leonard LinSale on Friday, May 4th Saturday visitors of Mr. and after the Mona School May ton, Mrs. Ralph Carter and Mrs. G. M. Worwood were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Park were mother and sister, Mrs. For- Festival at the Ward Recin Murray on Saturday to atHall. reational also They rest Memmott of Scipio and tend the funeral services for Mrs. Lon Memmott of Salt will sell hamburgers and refreshments. The proceeds Fred Hedberg. Lake City. will go to the Welfare fund Guests at the home of Mr. for purchase of cattle for the and Mrs. Wallace Miss Barbara Bogh of Park on visited with her brothJuab Stake Welfare farm. April 24th for her birthday aner in law and sister, Mr. and niversary were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Bryce Christensen three Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sum- J. H. Burns and four children days of this week. mers of Salt Lake City visited of Cedar City, Mrs. E. S. Anon Saturday and Sunday with derson of Manti, Mrs. Reed left Cahoon Mrs. Josephine their parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. Christensen of Manti and Mr. Sunday for Tulsa, Oklahoma H. Siunmers and Mrs. Ray and Mrs. Davi dSeat of Tooele. to visit with her son in law Newton. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Week end visitors of Mr. and Jim Handley. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Park were Mr. Mrs. Oscar Newton were her and Mrs. David Seat of Tooele. brother in law and sister, Mr. Sunday visitors of Mr. and and Mrs. Archie Kay of Mrs. Ed. P. Cox were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dyreng of Manti. At Camp Maple Dell rstr: THE PHILDELPHIA ORCHESTRA NEPHI ITEMS U Sftiiity paact pedtivzt MONA NEWS NOTES .. I LEVAN Hon-eyvill- SOCIAL ITEMS HALT ENGINE WEAR! Motor Oils can save you hundreds Deposit-Fre- e of dollars in overhaul costs. Both RPM Supreme and RPM Special contain an ashless detergent that keeps RPM combustion chambers clean and gives your farm vehicles far longer engine life. Choose from the only motor oils: complete line of deposit-free VA UNSURPASSED RPM SUPREME-- an multi-grad- e motor oil that can save up to 15 NEW RPM SPECIAL 'H grade, deposit-fre- e in gas. the only single motor oil available. Cen-terfie- ld For any Standard Oil product, call LEO W. CHRISTENSEN Phone NEPHI 623-064- 6 ME! the agile handling of exclusive Advanced irust (engine moved forward for easier steering, flatter cornering, e automatic Turbine Drive, aluminum flatter front floor), mt brakes (the safest!) all at no extra cost only in Buick. Buick Le Sabre costs less than many low- g id now BIG RECORD SALE On All Albums - - Buy One at the Regular Buick Le Sabre! Get Price jerk-fre- fast-sellin- W cars! Get value. Get Le Sabre. See your Buick Dealer! I,, Vi Get the Second One at Price American Made 6 Transistor ONLY 14.95 Radios RCA VICTOR STEREO SPECIAL Stereo - 69.95 FREE - 10 STEREO RECORD ALBUM with each set purchased NOW mrif DUIGK IISABRE Sm th GM Exhibit tth 1962 IS THE TIME TO CONDITIONING ISTIIE BUY SMttl. Wodd'i Ftr, Apdl B Nephi, Utah See your Buick Deofer for Double g i election! B:g roueif Phone MIXES Each g forgone - 303 cans3 3 SECTIONS IGA FRUIT COCKTAIL 5 for 99 z 10' e. tsr HILLS BROS COFFEE MANDARIN ORANGES 5 cans l.OQ IGA IGA SALAD OIL Pierces V2 qt TOMATOES 89c jug IBS North Main lin I TAGLERITE CHEESE SPREAD 7E!C 1Vi 4 for 95c 2 TOILET TISSUE 4 roll pks 3 for 1.00 lb box mm Regular 10c BOYS SIDEWALK gc Each NEW IGA GIRL'S or TABLETREAT BICYCLE SUNDAES given away . BUTTERMILK FREE BREAD 5:00 p.m. Saturday Winner Must Be Present!, Saturday Only L TABLERITE TABLERITE ROUND STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK MAYONNAISE FULL QUART EEC 33 TABLERITE SLICED BACON--- LB - 100 LOAVES FREE SAT. The Brand in Demand" 79!i ROAST MEAT PIES ORANGE JUICE FRESH lb PICNICS - 6 oz - 7 for 1.09 3 for 1.00 CLOVER LEAF COTTAGE CHEESE ...'"SI WHIP'ING CREAM y2 pts 2 for 75c TABLERITE Oven Ready BISCUITS for 49 lb 29 SNOKREEM 7$d 2 for 85; 5 for 95 j FRUIT PIES ib C 59' -- RUMP IGA FROZEN FOODS NEW Jlbs GREENfc PEAS NEW RED SPUDS T' - lb AVOCADOS Each LETTUCE per head- Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday! FREE GOLD STRIKE STAMPS -- 1' Phone NEPHI 623-017- 7 CUSTOM CUTTING Phone WRAPPING 623-113- Quantities Limited! HEW LOW PRICES! at 56 EAST CENTER STREET Appliance Center 11 myJi GRAPEFRUIT Shavers n JIFFY CAKE & FROSTING VALUES TH JACK'S Refrigeration 623-185- 1 Check Used Corsf 3 Come in today for FREE estimate 21, 1962. GREENWOOD SERVICE 740 North Main Street DOWN-TO-EAR- ASSORTED LUNCH MEATS3II)SS1. THINK ABOUT AIR rmfiTrf"fi'ii'frft REAL DINNERS- - - Save! RCA VICTOR TRANSISTOR SALE ll HOME TOWN 4-- v! Page Three Thursday, May 3, 1962 1 FREEZINC ...for the who pushes lady the cartl |