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Show Saltt Single Copy 10c 1962-6- Jt ium on Monday, May 7, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Students to be registered should bo five years of age on or before October 31, 1962. It will be necessary to present a birth certificate or certificate of blessing at the time of physical examination also bv the time school Local begins next September. physicians have the district health forms which should be presented to the kindergarten teacher upon completion or when the student enters kinA is required dergarten. NEW MISS NEIIII, Barbara Christensen, center receive the crown from Christine Winn, Attendants are Patricia Orme, 1961 Miss Nephi, at the judging last Thursday evening. and Chapman Studio Photo left, Mary Margaret Morgan, right. Graduates of Junior Livestock Show Successful Seminary Are Honored There were 71 exhibits in The Spring Livestock Show, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club the show, including 47 sheep, 19 horses, 8 beef, 5 swine and 2 dairy. Livestock for the judging contest was supplied by FarEarl rell Wankier, Levan; Jarrett and Art Ostler, both of Nephi . Lunch was served to the contestants by the Clover Leaf Dairy, and Allens Cash Store. 4-- H Mrs. Bailey Attends State Honor Affair 4-- H 4-- 4-- Yearling ewes: Greg Stuart, 4-- Ewe lambs: Tom Goble, Mike Stuart, FFA; Sam Bram-mel- l, FFA and Roger Stowell, 4-- FFA. Yearling rams: Tom Goble, 4-- Ram lambs: Greg Stuart, Stephen Stowell, Grant Bean, FFA, Roger Stowell, FFA. Swine: Larry Ostler, Horses: Trist Roberts, Dale Carter, Dale Royce and Bill Worwood, all liveWinners of the stock judging contest were: First, Greg Stuart, 338.7 points; Second: tie Dale Royce and Merrill Sanders, 333.3 points; 4-- 4-- H; 4-- 4-- H. 4-- Third: tie: Charles Jenkins and Paul Jarrett, both 321.7 Mrs. Chloe N. Bailey attended the Award Ceremony Program of the American Mothers Committee on Stinday, April 29 in the Garden Park Ward Chapel in Salt Lake City. Mothers of the Year selected from the 12 districts of the Federation of Womens, Clubs of Utah were honored, with Mrs. Lucile D. Smith, the State Mother, being given Mrs. Baispecial recognition. ley represented Nebo District as Mother of the Year. Dr. C. Lowell Lees, head of the speech and theatre arts of the University of Utah read a brief sketch of the life of each mother and each was presented with an orchid by Mrs. Evelyn B. Lomax, President of the Utah Federation of Womens Clubs, and Mrs. Clyde, wife of Governor George D. Clyde. members of the points. Classes in dairy, beef, sheep, and swine were judged family of Mrs. Bailey were present at the ceremony, and a by the contestants. The list of winners of the family dinner was held late, FFA judging contest are not arranged by a son, Edwin A. I available at press time. Bailey. Twenty-si- y ' business district winners are as follows- - First Mr Fourth Worthingtons Grade; second, Mr. Oldroyds sixth grade; third, Mr. Ockeys third grade. Honorable mention, a display on Forest preservation by Mr. McDills fifth grade. Prizes by the P. T. A. were $4.00; and $3.00. Judging by law enforcement officials was on neatness, originality and safety theme. fashioned, and proud of H, tome folks just wouldn't understand. This Is because there are people who don't see the difference In being and being Clothing changes with the season. So does the shape and size of automobiles, furniture, appliances, and other items. of the things have never gone But, some so far as many of our local merchants are concerned. These are the "plus" factors, the special benefits acquired only when one "shops at home." Local merchants stlR believe In such things as friendly and courteous service, quality merchandise at a fair price and guaranteed satisfaction with every sale. We hope this hometown attitude never goes Trade at Home'S take! progrest. As is usually the case, frost The cold damage is spotted. night on April 29 completely killed some varieties of fruit in parts of the county and hardly damaged others. This is how it now looks after a limited survey: Apricots hardest hit. Most areas completely gone. Peaches in the better fruit areas surprisingly little damage. Most of the damage to peaches was due to winter kill resulting in very few blossoms. In the areas checked about 50 per cent of the rents ining blossoms are good. thinned heavily in Apples some areas, not touched in others. Should be a good crop from todays survey. Pears hit somewhat harder than apples but should be a fair crop in the better fruit areas. Cherries Sour cherries do not seem to be hurt badly. Sweet cherries are thinned considerable, depending upon the variety. If you wish to check your own fruit for frost damage open tiny fruit forming at the base of the blossom. If the center is black, its frozen; if its green, its good. Temperatures below 27 or 28 degrees usually cause damage to Fitness to be Mr., Mrs. Hoyt Return Nelson Co. Is Bidder on Project Scout Camp Judge and Mrs. Will L. Hoyt have returned home after an enjoyable trip to the Hawaiian Islands. While in Hawaii they were guests of their son in law and daughter, Major and Mrs. M. C. Olsen. Judge and Mrs. Hoyt report having had an enjoyable trip. Mrs. Hoyt renewed acquain-tence- s with many she had known while serving as a missionary to the Islands. Activity in fitness activities in line for the annual Boy Scout Spring Camporee. Calendared earlier in the year for the week end of May 18 and 19, this camporee shapes up to be one of the highlight events of the scouting year. distance of 29 miles from Scip-i- o to Levan in Millard and Juab Counties, according to C. Taylor Burton, State Director of Highways. The apparent low bidder of six contractors submitting bids was Carl E. Nelson Construction Company of Logan, Utah at the low bid price of A son was born April 27 to The official highway de- Mr. and Mrs. James N. Fran partments engineers estimate com (Jeanette Mathews) of had been $368,817.00. Long Beach, California. GrandThe contract calls for use of parents are Mr. and Mrs. James approximately 57,000 tons of Derwirr Franeom of Payson bituminous surfacing. Only 75 and Mr. and Mrs. James W. working days are allowed to Mathews of Nephi. complete the job. Work on this" section of U. S. 91 was originally scheduled Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pay for a later date, but due to of Salt Lake City announce the heavy damage caused by the birth of a daughter, born April severe winter weather, the 27. Grandparents are Mr. and project has been hastened. Rather than spend large Mrs. F. Dee Wright and Mr. amounts of money on repairs, and Mrs. Raymond Pay, all of Great grand parents only to resurface the road at Nephi. a later date, the Road Com- are Mrs. Jack Wright of Nemission thought it wiser to phi and Mrs. Carl Crowther of move up the date of the resur- Brigham C3ty. facting contract which had already been planned said Commissioner W. J. Smirl of Kanab Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. who represents southern Utah Kay of Kearns are the parents on the Road Commission. of a daughter, bom April 26 Earl Johnson. State Engin- Mrs. Kay is the former Renee eer for District 5 of the High- Jarrett. Mrs. Irvin Jarrett is way Department with offices spending two weeks at Kearns in Cedar Ciy, supervises con- with her son in law and struction In this area. $362,-126.5- 0. Feature of Vacation in Hawaii BIRTHS le Service Agent 24-ho- ur From Extended Bids on construction contracts were opened Tuesday at the State Office building for resurfacing of U. S. 91 for a If we said we were old 18 By Lynn Esplln, A banquet the honoring Seminary graduates of 1962 was held on Wednesday, April 25 at the Juab Stake House. A delicious dinner was arranged for by the parents of the graduates with Mrs. Max Orme as chairman. M. Clark Newell, principal of the Juab High School, was master of ceremonies for an fruit outstanding program, consist- NEPIII STATION' ing of: reading, Patricia Orme; clarinet duet, Catheryn Kendall and Anita Ewell; toast to the boy graduates, Vaughn J. toast to the girl Paxman; Bessie Paystrup; graduates, vocal duet, Rose Keyte and Betty Brown; trumpet duet, Michael Paxman and Steven Ludlow. . Seminary pins were presented to the graduates, signifying the completion of three years of seminary. Graduation exercises have been planned by Principal S. Corbett, Principal of the Seminary, assisted by the following Seminary officers: President, Carl Bailey; Counselors, Wesley Sherwood and Janet Brough; and secretary, Linda Taylor. Everyone is invited to at- Total precipitation for 21 week tend these graduation exercises which wil1 held in c06- - Total precipation for water year to date .. .13.98 ion,with the Juab Stake Quar' terly conference, during the Readings are taken daily at evening of May 20th. 10 a.m. at the Nephi station rj-- Alma P. Burton, a na. and at 5 p.m. at the Levan five of Nephi, and now an as' sistant to President William station, each for the prior period. E. Berrett of the Brigham Young University will be the guest speaker. $5.00; US 91 Volume 53, Number Juab County Extension " x ' s Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Thursday, May 3, 1962 3 registration. 4-- H; Utah Frost Damage Varied, Agent Registiation for kindergarten students for the school year will be held at the Shows Nephi Central Schxl Auditor- Survey j H y Registration Time For Kindergarten . Students Announced ' of Nephi, Tuesday accomplished its objective that of teachand FFA members the ing 4-proper methods of fitting and showing livestock. The Junior show, conducted by Lynn Esplin, County Agent and Jay Dailey, FFA instructor, started at 9:00 a.m. with demonstrations on fitting and showing beef, sheep and horsand FFA memes. The bers ability to show properly, how well their animal was fitted for the show, and in dividual merit of the animal was judged by the official judge of the show, Marvin Ogden, Millard County Agent. Blue ribbon winners in each class were: Beef: Blake Garrett, and Dale Lou Ann Jones, Royce, Grant Sheep: Aged ewes: Bean, FFA and Ron Dailey, Lake citj-- is This years camportee is being planned and will be held on a sectional basis. Combining talents for this event, will be the Scouters and Scouts from the districts of Juab, Deseret unand Millard. Twenty-fou- r its are expected to be present for the Camporee. The location will be the Forest Camp ground in Oak City canyon. A special campfire program will be conducted at the camp In the big outdoor stage. A special invitation is extended to all parents of boys and friends of scouting to drive to the Camporee. site and Join in the campfire program stunts, stories, songs, etc. will be presented. On Saturday, every boy will participate in 15 fitness activities judging his own fitness against a standard. Such activity will include pull-uppush ups, walk, potato race, ball throw and many others set up to fit the needs of the national fitness program. Lets help put the OUTING In SCOUTING and see that all eligible boys are a part of this camporee. Parents of Scouts are Invited to talk It oer with their scout to see that he is signed up. In Juab District. Neil Jensen and Leland Ostler are in charge of arrangements. For additional Information, parents may call these scouters. s, 2x4 QUEEN OF T1IE MAY, Rhonda Stanley, center Is flanked by her attendants, ('Indy Jarvis and Noreen Robbins, left; Brenda Yates and Susan Vest, right. Public is invited T-to attend Mona School's annual May Festival on Friday evening. Tlieto N May Festival Is Readied Mona The Mona School will hold their annual Spring Festival at the Mona Ward Recreational hall on Friday, May 4, at 7 p.m. Miss Rhonda Stanley was elected Queen of the May by her classmates. Her attendants will be Brenda Yates, Noreen Robbins, Cindy Jarvis and Susan Vest A musical fantasy Welcome Spring will be presented by the First and Second Grades. A skit Tom Sawyer Gets His Fence Whitewashed, a dance The Crowing of the ballet, Fred Hedberg Services Held At Murray Funeral services were held Saturday at Murray, for Fred Carl Hedberg, 76, of Nephi, who died at a Salt Lake Hospital last Wednesday night. Mr. Hedberg was born Feb. at Ostermauler, 8, 1886 Queen and the Braiding of the Maypole will be given by the Third, Fourth and Fifth Grades. A one-aplay If Men Played Cards as Women Do will be given by students of the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grades. Part Two will consist of a dancing exhibit with all students participating in folk and square dances. At the conclusion of the program the Relief Society will conduct an apron and gift sale with gifts suitable for Mothers Day. They also will sell drinks and food. ct Enkop-in- g, Sweden, to Carl J. and Tekla M. Lundberg Herberg. Displays of Scout Skills, Outstanding He married Ebba Eklund Dec-11906 in Salt Lake City, Set for UNPC Sccut-O-Ro- e the marriage later being sol- Program emnized in the Salt Lake LDS Another first has been the booths. A special stage She died Aug. 3, scheduled Temple. by the Scouters of show will feature Indian danc1948. the Utah National Parks Coun ing, Hemaphore Signaling, parHe married Delta Howell cil. The Cubs, Scouts and Ex- ade of Cub Themes, etc. 1955 November at 10, Jarrett, of the entire council Tickets will be $1.00 each. plorers emManti. He was a former will be represented by 60 of Ona ticket will admit one ployee of the U. S. Smelting and Refining Co., and retired nearly 1000 units in the Scout adult or two children between which will be presented the ages of 8 and 18. Children in 1955 after 43 years service. He had resided in Nephi to the public on May 12, be- under 8 are admitted free. Partween the hours of 5 and 8 ticipating Scouts, Cubs and Exsince 1955. A member of the Juab Stake p.m. in the West Annex of the plorers also will be admitted BYU Fieldhouse. free. Money from the Scout-O-Re- e High Priests Quorum, and the What is the Scouting Proabove expenses will be Nephi Third Ward, he had What do Cubs, Scouts applied towards a swimming formerly served as a Stake mis- gram? Scout-O-Ree and Explorers do? The pool at Camp Maple Dell. sionary. is the place to find out! Everyone is invited for this Survivors include his widow of Nephi; the following sons Come, and see Scouting in big Boy Scout Show of the is the invitation by year. and daughters: Arthur G. Hed- Action Scout officials. In the Juab District, E. C. South Salt Lake; LeRoy berg, What is a Scout - O - Ree? Sherwood, District Chairman, Hedberg, Mrs. Vergil (Verna) Over 40 booths will demon- may be contacted for tickets Peterson, Mrs. Keith (Donna) skills learned Cub the strate and information. by McHenpr, all of Murray; Mrs. Leo (Lillian) Anderson, Sandy; Scouts, Boy Scouts and ExMrs. Grant (Velma) Stewart, plorers things they are now Salt Lake City; Mrs. Robert doing best. Among the displays will be (June) Crane, Holladay; stepsons, step daughters: Von H. found a pinewood derby, signal tower building, rope making, Jarrett, Logan; Mrs. Ralph glass blowing, first aid, cookTryouts for Little League (Donna) Beard, St. George; canoe making, sleeping bag baseball will be held SaturMrs. Glen (Emma) Wilson ing, and Earl Jarrett, both of Ne- making, wilderness camping, day, May 5, All boys beets. The show runs contintween the ages of eight and phi; Clyde, Glen Jarrett, both 12 years are urged to come of Salt Lake City; and Mrs. ually while parents, teen agers Don (Arlene) Jarrett, of Brig- and children are watching the to the Canyon View Park at ham City. Also surviving are Scouts demonstrate skills in 3 p.m. for these tryouts. a brother and two sisters, and 46 grandchildren, 17 greatgrandchildren. Burial was in Murray City Cemetery. 9, O-R- LITTLE LEAGUE TRYOUTS SET Two Nephi Young Ladles Participate With National Winners Misses Nancy Nyman and Kathleen Jensen of Nephi were members of the Brigham Young Universitys Angel Flight aquadron which won top national honors in recent competition In Los Angeles, it was announced recently. Groups from all over the nation competed in the drills. Miss Nyman is dauglhter of Bishop and Mrs. Kenneth Nyman, and Miss Jensen is a daughter of Udell R. Jensen. Minerals of County Detailed at Monday C. of C. Meeting . j ... Patricia Orme Two Chosen for Girls Cathern Kendall State Attendance Two Nephi girls will attend the American Legion Auxiliary annual Girls State to be held at the Utah State University at Logan June 24 through July 11. The girls chosen are Cathern Kendall, daughter of Mr. and the mineral re- Mrs. Dee C. Kendall and Patsources of Juab County, with ricia Orme, daughter of Mr. particular emphasis on the and Mrs. Max L. Orme. Miss Kendall is being sponareas in western Juab County was given by Reeve G. Rich- sored by the Federated Woardson, at the Chamber of rn n's Clubs of Nephi, and Miss A review of Commerce luncheon meeting on Monday. Mr. Richardson spent considerable time in the western area of the county as a young man, and in recent years male many trips to Callao. Trout Creek and Partune areas. Orme is being sponsored by legion, Nephi Post No. 1. These girls are among the 275 girls in Utah chosen to atend Girls State. They were chosen through recommendation of the H.gh School Prin the American cipal and Faculty. They were selected because of their leadership, character, personality, and scholastic abilities. Utah Girls State is an effort on the part of the American Legion Aux'liary to bring to the girls of Utah a knowledge of American government through actual practice and control of the state officers during girls state. Its purpose is to educate our young wo men in the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of American citizenship. It is to instill in each a sense of individual obligation to community. state and nation. These girls are expected to bring information bark to their school and community. |