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Show mm l ' 1 ffi I LOCAL NEWS I T :' H Cottago for rout. Phono 5. Adv. t rv H t f Leonard Lltz, of Lewlatbn, was In m t Logan on business yesterday. B B ? For flrft clnss Bhow cards nnd H enrtoon work, phono 42. Advt. tf J I William R. Fopploton of WcIIr-B WcIIr-B x vlllo was transacting business In tho M , county seat last Saturday. H B i "We are selling groceries at whole- 1 I , nalo under tbo United States Food H -' Administration's License No. G20G03 B Itasmussen Ilazaar. Advt tf B ' Mrs. V. AV. Drown spent last m I week visiting with hor sister, Mrs. M Charles l'inson at 1'reston. B . Tho Cache Valley Commission H Company nro now located In their uu) now 1)U"t"l,B on South Main street. H 00'Vhune AU7. Advt. tf i- i H. T. Tlant, Sr., and wife, wore r in Logan yesterday on business nnd B f pleasure. I H ' Wanted Four or five roomed H house on a half lot with barn. J'houe H 4S. Advt. 11-27 m Homer Hair, of Illchmond, wns B In tho city yostcrdny, making hit H annual payment to the county fund. m While many of tis must Hoovcr- H Ize, on our Thanksgiving dinner, a M vaso of flowers on the table will add cheerfulness. Plenty of them at the M Bluebird. Advt. t HYDE PARK BAND ) AT PAVILION WEDNESDAY EVE H Tho Pavilion Dancing Company tins arranged with tho Hydo Park ' Hand for a series of dnuces. This Hl -'will no doubt please tho dancing H 'public as the Hydo Park bainl has H o always been a big attraction for tho B ' , dances. I I ' - 1 While fnodstulfs are scarce, flow- H I ors cro plentiful, and you will enjoy B ' your Thitnksglvlng dinner mora nitli B ' ja few flowers on jour table. Oet H them at tho Bluebird. Phone 20G, I . , , j iTJit- following prognii will bo glv-B glv-B 'on at NorthLogan, Tuesday evening nt 7:30. M. I. A, activity night: Quartet Voung Men H .Trlo Junior Girls B Song Mabel Chambers and Co. H -Talk On Music George Syhnu H Chorus Hoy Scouts B Duet Mr. and Mrs. Win. Daniels Music . .Eunice and Ilarell Palmer H , , The local City School Hoard has H nsked the Education Committee of H . "the Commercial Club Uo call the B primaries for the purpose of nominal nomin-al ating iiersons to coino up for olcc-B olcc-B tlon as members of tho School H Hoard. This has been the custom for tho past two jears or so, and It H y bas been ery satisfactory as it has H taken tho matter out of politics. Tho commltteo will meet tomoirow and J Issue the call for tho primaries. H o B James S. Hansen, tho populn'- B . (dief at tho Booster's Inn, and MIk.h B -Mario Caliban, or the Parisian store . i'W?-1"1 Con5or strt'et were among those H Ijolncd In wedlock this weok, lllshop H " ' J. H. Watklns officiating in the m j ceromony. These young people are I V TOT nnoiiB our very best citizens, and ll ''w nro'vory popular among n wide cir- B ll tlo of friends all of whom extend M 11 iciigratuluttons. Samuel Seamons, pioneer and respected re-spected resident of Hydo Park, died at his homo at 12.30 o'clock Monday Mon-day morning. Tho Immediate causo of the death was cancer of tho stomach. stom-ach. Mr, Seamons was one of tho pioneers VC this valley, liavlug settled set-tled in Hydo Park In 18C0. Since that tlmo he has boon In Hydo Park where his name Is a household word and where ho lm3 spent his long and useful life. Funeral services will bo held at Hydo Park, Wednesday nt 1 p. in. All friends are Invited to nttend. ' HYDE PARK BAND DANCE AT PAVILION TOMORROW EVE L ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Huttars, of Clarkston, vero called upon to part with their young daughter, Annlo, last Saturday, death developing from an appendicitis operation. Tho funeral funer-al services will bo held In Clarkston today. Close with us Thanksgiving Day, November 2D, and help to keep tho home fire burning. American Steam Laundry, 24 1 North Main street. Laundereis, cleaners, dyers, repairers. repair-ers. Phone 438 for clennllness. Advt Max Clifford Larson, tho Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. August Larsen, was burled on Sunday, funeral services serv-ices wcro held In tho Second ward meeting house. The speakers were W. W. Hall and William Worley. The special music consisted of a solo by Miss Inez Thain. Tho more practising you do shooting shoot-ing now at targets In Holbrook's shooting gallery tho less you will have to do for Uncle Sam when ho calls you. Advt 11-27 |