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Show )The Draft Questionairc It Is now up to 9,000,000 young men of mllitarv BfC to answer the questions the United States gov- Bfl i L..niiL-nt puts them about their suitability for nilll- Bfl 1 -V service. It will be Interesting to sec how the H blank forms como back In this county. Many fellows Bfl wiiu lilt school early nuVer hoforo sat down to un- fl nwer any kind of a written examination. Thero will H bo great cogitations before the 2C or more answers ft J aro sol down In back and while. Bfl ' To somo men the form will seem needlessly H complicated. Hut thero Is no other way to get a thorough survey of conditions in each Instance. The H first set of exemption cases had to be handled in a Ba vtry hasty way. The country demanded the linmc- H iliato aBseml)lago or a gre.it army. Thero was little H time for deliberation or investigation. No doubt H fomii who should have served, managed to get ex- H emptioiiii. And some ulio sliould have remained at H home were forced to go. B Now tlicre will bo somewhat more time for (lis- H - crimination. Hery man should take pains to answer H his questions Intelligently. If ho does not under- B stand tliem, or cannot make out a legible paper, he V should necuro help. fit H Many of course, will seek to dodge service for H insufficient grounds. It will be a risky thing to try B to deceive. Tho exemption hoards should bo slow to H tako tho unsupported word of unknown men. Unless H a man has a positive reputation for truth telling, In H dependent investigation of his statements will be dc H This Is not a time when government officials H can 1)0 trifled with. The man who answers the iues- B tlons s(uarely and sincerely will avoid trouble. He H will have the satisfaction whatever happens that ho H. did his duty. BBB. o |