Show '"“I r TJ tV (I 'I w V r i tts in- p K - ’vc uu oatesWjj THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING PROVO Provo Business Office — 24 No University Ave and Phone 338 OUTHERN Correspondent: 429 E Third North St Phone 1150 Agent: Phone 425-- Pioneer Group Draws Up Plans for Unveiling Program Friday PROVO— The bronze tablet honor ing Father Escalante early explorer of Utah will be placed on the southwest comer of the city and county building grounds here Definite selection of the site for the marker was made Tuesday by County Commissioner J W Gillman Mayor Jesse N Eliertson D Orlo Allen secretary of the Provo chamber of commerce Mark Anderson chairman of chamber monument committee Clarence Beesley and Olifton Pier-pont u A X ’ J It was originally planned to place it on a large boulder near the bridge over the Provo river on the northwest outskirts of the city but this was later changed to the city and county building grounds where it Will be more prominently displayed The marker will be placed Thursday morning and the unveiling will take place Friday at 11 a m the anniversary of the last day Father Escalante and his party camped here prior to returning to headquarters in Santa Fe The Most Rev Jolin J Mitty bishop of the Catholic diocese of Salt Lake will be the principal speaker George Albert Smith president of the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association will be master of ceremonies The tablet will be unveiled by H A Dixon president of the local chamber of commerce The Rt Rev Monslgnor Duane G Hunt Will be in charge of the music and a Franciscan priest Father Victor Herring O F M of Provo will give the benediction Rev N C Wallin pastor of the Community Congregation church of this city will give the invocation will Mayor Eliertson give the address of welcome The program is sponsored by the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association The dedication Is open to the public School children of Provo donated pennies to pay for the Utah granite base on which the marker Is set Two Seek Divorces In Court at Price j v t I O' PRICE— Charging cruelty Kathryn Richards has filed suit for a divorce from Renton Richards Mrs Richards alleges that on September 10 her husband threatened to kill her and a few weeks previous to that threat he kept her imprisoned in an automobile nearly all night and declared that he was going to cut her to pieces They were married at Mapleton on July 5 1919 She asks custody of three minor children and alimony of $75 per month Jean Aubert has filed suit for divorce from Sophia Aubert on grounds of infidelity and cruelty They were married ii) France on October 4 1923 and have one child Aubert agrees to pay $25 per month for the support of the child year Other members of the executive committee which included the various department chairmen will be appointed in the immediate futui e by the four officers reelected it was decided Court Sets Date For Murder Trial PROVO— The trial of A Lee Romero Pleasant Grove plumber on a charge of first degree murder for the alleged killing of his father-in-laWalter Baxter July 5 1930 was set Tuesday for November 2 by District Judge Geoige W Worthen Romero is now serving a term in the state prison for killing his mother-in-laMrs Sena Baxter Abe W Turner and J W Robinson were appointed as Romero’s attorneys Romero however requested an immediate trial and was granted the privilege of remaining here for 24 hours before returning to the state prison in order that he might consult with his father to ai range for other counsel w Neplii Begins Road For Fuel Relief NEPHI— Work commenced Wednesday on construction of a wagon road into Salt Springs canyon and through into Maple Springs canyon behind Mt Nebo The road will open up a large section of oak and maple timber which will be available to the people of Nepht and Juab stake for fuel The work is being done by donation labor under the direction of the Juab stake presidency and the bishoprics of the three w ards of Nephl Uintah forest officials estimate there is enough wood In the section to supply this district for possibly ten years NEW PASTOR ARRIVES TOOELE-R- cv W W Kitner and Mrs Kitner of the Colorado conference arrived in Tooele this week Rev Mr Kitner will assume his new duties as pastor of the local Methodist church replacing the Rev Thomas Manwaring who with his family left last week for Walden Colo where he has been transferred in Colorado Draws Utahns This Week Celebration PRICE— More than 100 Price are expected to attend the celebration highway at Grand Junction Thursday and Friday of this week The Carbon high school band under direction of E M Williams has a special place on the program and will play at the governor's banquet Thursday evening Other entertainment planned for Thursday is a street dance after Che dinner A motorcade will leave Price at noon Thursday for the Colorado city For a time it appeared that the Carbon band would be unable to accept the invitation due to the financial condition of the Price chamber but arrangements have been made to transport them in private cars The Price chafnber also will contribute $150 toward the erection of a monument at the state line Of this sum $75 was donated by Carbon county MANTI— Class elections were held $25 by Fmery county and $50 by in the Manti high school Wednesday Grand county and resulted as follows: The Price chamber has had charge Seniors: President Leonard Harof Utah's part on the program and mon vice president June Evershed the following committees were ap- secretary and treasurer Ellen Chrispointed by President O P Madsen tiansen athletic manager Elliott to handle ariangements: General Hall activity leaders Ethel Maylctt committee John Redd Carl Saxey and Elliott Bralthwaite L R Eldridge Elton Taylor and ArJuniors: President Harold Leslie thur N Smith transportation Jo- vice president Olive Anderson secBraf-fe- tt James finance seph Golding retary and treasurer Ethel Swallow G R Leonard master and mistress of Junior pronre The huge celebration planned at enade Max Hansen and Helen JohnGrand Junction is expected to bring son the attention of the entire nation to President Keith Sophomores: highway 50 and both Price and Mcllor vice president Harold ChrisGrand Junction anticipate an in- tiansen treasurer secretary and crease In tourist travel next summer Helen Mellor athletic manager DaAs vid Christensen chairman of decoas the result of fhe publicity soon as the projects now being con- ration committee Pearl Evershed structed between Price and Grand cheer leaders Kenneth Hall and Eva Junction are completed a standard Beal graveled highway will extend from Freshmen: President Reva Funk the latter city to Salt Lake vice president Morgan Lund secreSpeakers at the governor's banquet tary and treasurer Betty Keller athwill include L W Burgess president letic manager Lewis KJar of the Grand Junction chamber of commerce Henry H Blood chairman of the Utah state road commission Peter Seene chairman and member of the William Wesier School Announces ' Election Results Colorado hiRhway commission Saturday's program Includes the ceremony dedicating the monument at the state line 10 a m i buffalo barbecue Lincoln park 12 30 p m air circus 2 p m football game 4 street dance 6 p m grand p m parade and crowning of the "Queen minstrel of the Rockies" 7 p m entertainment and camivaJ 8 p m 10 m dance 9 to 12 fireworks p o'clock Speakers at the dedication of the monument will be H S Kerr chief engineer of the Utah road commis sion L W Burgess and Charles D Vail Grand Junction Actual Values to 1500 Now Selling at Onl- y- All Colors Misses' 14 to 20 Women's PROVG— Irwin Clawson of Salt Lake captain of the 145th field artillery during the war will be the prmclpal speaker at the thirteenth annual banquet of thp organization Saturday at 8 p m In the Hotel Rob- erts An entertainment program Is being arranged by M Howard Graham Provo president J Charles Conion Park City secretary John E Holden Salt Lake treasurer Kiwajiians Bid Teachers to Fete Traffic Resumes Over New Bridge 38 to 48 Adorable New Frocks To Select From Stales and materials jou Mould never expert to find at this low priee SEE OUR WINDOWS f idenee Insufficient in Vuto Fatality Probe PRICE— Charges Provo of involuntary manslaughter against J PROVO— Word received Wednesday from the Lost Lake damsite where the Clyde fc Whiting Construction company of Sprlngville Is raising the dam and constructing a levy for the purpose of storing water for H Ti aunt-vei- n of Clear Creek were dismissed Wednesday by Justice J W Hammond who had the rase under advisement since the preliminary hearing Monday Trauntvein was the driver of an automobile which on September 3 struck and killed Mrs William Mobley of Clear Creek and Miss Eloise Donaldson of Spring City who were standing by their car which had been wrecked a few minutes before in a collision with a truck The accident happened in Price canyon After announcing his veidici Justice Hammond declared the only element in the case which attached any blame to Trauntvein was that of the speed he was driving State's witnesses failed to give evidence which backed up the allegation in the complaint that Trauntvein was driving at rate of 40 miles an hour Justice Hammond said On the day of the preliminary hearing and also on Tuesday Justice Hammond said he made a thorough study of the scene of the accident Taking into consideration the character of the road and the fact that trees on the side of the highway would partly obscure the driver’s view of the place where the mishap occurred Justice Hammond said he did not believe Trauntvein would have had time to stop when he perceived the wrecked car and the people city is that the state Indus- trial commission has asked the contractors to work the men but eight hours on the dam Previous to the demand of the commission tlp men W'oiked 10 hours reports from the dam said The work will be handicapped to some extent by the change and will not be completed bv October 1 City Engineer Frank Deming asserted If completion of the dam is greatly delayed the city's water simply next season may be affi'cted Doming also rcpoited More than 60 men eight teams a steam shovel and several trucks are being used in constructing the project CLUB HOLDS SOCIAL RICHF1FLD— The Richfield B P W club started the season's activities at a social meeting Monday evening at the home of Alta Thurber club president LIONS CLUBS Boiler Explosion SET FETE AT Delays Beet Worl UTAH SCHOOL start of operaGUNNISON-T- he tions at the Gunnison sugar factory will be retarded fiom October 1 to October 10 or possibly later due to the blowing up of one of the boileis Tuesday when it was being tested for the ensuing campaign It will be necessary to install a new boiler belore the mill runs FORK— The local AMERICAN Lions club will meet Thursday night at the Utah State Training school northeast of this city Members of the boaid of trustees of the training school with state county and city and representatives of dignitaries other Lions clubs In this district will Midvale Heber Lehi Pleasant Grove Join club members and their wives Salt Lake and Pay son Lions club In the Hist major function to be held in the new school unit Prior to the Lions banquet the school trustees w ill meet A program has been arranged for City Coal the banquet by Dr Guy S Richards o district governor of the 1242 South West Temple Lions and a member of the American Fork club C A Giant president of Less the local group S T Shelley and Erl Ash Holmstead XITJ Lru include guests expected Special Soot of Milton H Welling secretary It state D A Skeen Mrs Amy Brown Cokes Lyman and Mm I M Thompson Salt "Cordon Creek Coal" Lake Roy D Thatcher Ogden AlexA Premium Coal at no extra cost ander Hedqult Provo State Senator Jolin E Booth Spanish Folk AttorCall Hyland 3131 ney General George P Parker MemProduced by Sweet Coal Co bers of the staff of the State Mental hospital presidents of the Murray Company Utah-Idali- J Another Huge Shipment Makes Possible This £ e or Qorgeous Tie and Dye Accused Autoist Cains Freedom PROVO— The case against O P Senior of Sprmgville charged with involuntary manslaughter as a result of Rn automobile accident in which Mike Bosanac of Sweet mine was fatally injured was dismissed Wednesday by District Judge George W Worthen on motion of the county attorney on the grounds that he could not obtain witnesses District Attorney M B Pope attempted to obtain Lloyd Steel Edward Steel and Earl Neil of Denver Colo who were riding in the car at the time of the accident for witnesses but he was unable to do so An appeal to the Utah county commission to advance expenses of the group to the Utah state line met Bo-son- ac with refusal Sheep Drift Out Of Manti Forest EPHRAIM— Sheep started leaving the Manti forest Monday While there is plenty of dry grass water is scarce and it is almost impossible to hold the sheep Enough forage to take care of the sheep from October 1 to 5 remains on a number of the allotments however The cattle ranges are reported faring a little better than the sheep ranges but some cattle are commencing to drift from the forest Colors of autumn of turning leaves sunsets beautifully blended in patterns on lovely quality velvet fringe in solid and combination colors romantic of “devil-may-car- Long The Loicest Prices at Which They Have Ever Been Offered in Salt Lake 9xl8-inc- 12x24-inc- 9x36-inc- 109 h h h 18x50-inc- h 25x25-inc- h 159 K-O’- B TVe 36x36 Inch Squares 449 I —ART SHOP— MEZZANINE Issue S d’ II Discount Stamps IKEOTM-fOs’lffii- M c0nc Caplain Speaks BOY GOES TO HOSPITAL At Veterans’ Fete MR PLEASANT— R W Christensen son of Le Christensen SPRINGVILLE— School teachers of Sprlngville and Mapleton will be guests of the local Klwams club on Thursday evening in the Third ward hall Dr Charles A Smith superintendent of Provo city schools will discuss “Do Schools Pay for Themselves?” Music will be furnished by Helen Palfreyman and Louise Foster of the high school faculty and Sizes 150 ct Ev Toll Decreases Richfield High Pupils Increase NEW FALL DRESSES 1 MURRAY— The first meeting of the Murray Woman's club will be held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs William Warenski as an informal reception Mrs Fred R Anderson president-elewill be In charge Plans for the year will be outlined by Mrs Anderson Mrs Hugh Ward chairman of the entertainment committee and Mrs E J Chegwldden of the program committee Mrs Vinnie Hill Sansom of Taylorsville will sing instrumental music will be by Melba and Louise Cooper and Martha and Lena Morris August Disease I I Women Arrange Murray Meeting Declares FACE FENCE SUIT PROVO— Suit asking that Alice Hone Everett Hone and Frank Hone of Benjamin be ordered to remove a fence which they have allegedly constructed on a public highway in that vicinity was filed in the district court PROVO — Contagious diseases In Wednesday by Utah county Provo City showed a considerable decrease during August City Physician C M Smith reported to the city comRICHFIELD— Registration at the mission Wednesday Only two cases Richfield high school totals 400 stu- of measles and two cases of mumps dents this year compared with 383 'last year according to Principal A were reported for the month There were 51 births in the cltyjM Maughan during the period 30 of which were Regulation by classes follows boys There were 10 deaths of Provo Freshmen 120 sophomores 95 Jum residents and four deaths of non- - iors 95 seniors 75 post graduresidents ates 15 The tuition fee this year has been reduced from $7 50 fo $5 Thurs Friday Sat Days Only peo- Utah-Colora- ple MURRAY— Edwin and Ronald White sons of Mr and Mrs Albprt E White of 6030 South State street are announced by Mrs D A McMillan as prize winners in the children's garden contest conducted this summer as part of the National Better Homes campaign Bank accounts will be started for the brothers bv Mrs McMillan Edwin to receive $10 and Ronald $7 Edwin's garden showed the Boy Scout insignia woiked out in santo-Iin- a a small green edging plant with borders of bright annuals and a scout wigwam of saplings covered with morning glories He is 13 years old Ronald 10 grew his Initials In the green plant and his flowers were surrounding a hut creeper covered Several other entries in the contest Mrs McMillan said failed because of insufficient water due to the hot dry summer All gardens were to be part of the backyard cared for and planted by children under 14 years Juilgp V 1921 21 Workday Hours On Dam Project M ’’ V Slate Law Cuts UTAH" OFFICIALS PICK Tiinpanogos Boy PRICE JOINS IN Young Brothers Scout Officials Win Prizes for HIGHWAY MEMORIAL SITE FETE Win Reelcction Flower Gardens PROVO— Timpanogos Boy Scout council officers were reelected by acclamation Wednesday night by the executive and finance committee os follows: Dr Lowry Nelson Provo president Henry A Gardner Spanish Fork first vice president Joseph H Storrs American Fork second vice president Clayton Jenkins Provo secretary and treasurer The annual budget of the council was trimmed 30 per cent from $8500 last year to $5995 for the coming year The date for the annual departmental meeting was set for October 30 at 730 p m in College hall at Biigham Young university Reports from the various department chairmen including S L Mendenhall of Sprmgville troop organization chairmnn and Executive A A Anderson showed a very successful SEPTEMBER H 1 ' 12 Roy city collector for light and water who broke his arm three weeks ago has been taken to a Salt Lake hospital The broken bones failed to knit properly The fracture was unusually serious because the bone protruded through the flesh of the forearm EPHRAIM SHIPS LAMBS EPHRAIM— Two cars of feeder lambs were shipped from here Tuesday They were sold by Simon B Stevens to Aaron Hansen at a reported price of $4 15 per hundred pounds The 609 lambs were consigned to Fort Morgan Colo for feeding 131 VS v juiA puu 89001 W 3B§ AjUSJOAllIUy ip6£ OIJRUIUJQ Aupjnjcs FACES LIQUOR FINE RICHFIELD— Geoi ge Lvnn of Aurora Hold-awa- A y arrested September Fairbanks by Sheriff charged with liquor possession pleaded guilty September 22 and was fined $50 or fifty days In Jail 14 V M PRINCIPAL PLANS TALK PROVO— Principal J C Moffltt of the Provo high school will speak at the Provo Kiwaius club luncheon at the Hotel Roberts Thursday noon on "Under Privilege Problems in the High School” Mumc will be by the junior high school glee dub SCHOOL TLANS HIKE MT PLEASANT— Wasatch academy students and faculty members SPRINGVILLE— With the completion of a new bridge over Hobble will hold their annual picnic and creek at Moran siding traffic has hike in the East mountains Thursbeen resumed on the road running day east of the Los Angeles branch of Transjiortation and a hot campthe Union Pacific railioad which is fire dinner will be provided for all t lie highway leading from the town participating in the hike south to the main highway at Provo SCOUTS ENJOY HIKE The bridge 27 by 12 feet is larger than the old one and is built over a MT PLEASANT-T- he Eagle and foot higher to ellminntp trouble from Fox patrols of boy scout troop No 82 of Wasatch academy accompaflood waters of the creek nied by '’coutmaster J A Poncel and "M" MfN ELECT Assistant Scoutmaster Edwin John-stSPRINGVILLE — Glenn Tipton was spent Monday on a hike In elected president of the local "M” North Fork canyon Men's organization Tuesday evening with Beit Brown vue president John Pati irk secretary and treasurer and Reed Aveiett athletic manager suaugo qii92 joj jasdn las i 3utna3 eptsdn sUutqj fBABaqdn us pnsdap 8J0M pun umop Suttunj Aia Aa juaux SutMOjqj pun 'BuauaO 07111 3utop 919 tsnf spqt ‘ijaA pq jjtn diji hi 6uni jno( Sui Hojtjj aq tqiinii no( ‘pnj uj fOOl ‘jWJll JlloX HO ftujpiWIS oi FOR SPORT AND DRESS WEAR Coals for Which You Would Expect to Puy at Least" $35 or More MATERIALS TRIMMING Boucles Chongas Senta-Weave- s Broadcloths And Others Sizes 12 to 50 4 t Marmot Muskrat Fox Beaver Manchurian Wolf Skunk Caracul Lapan Etc All In FALLS FROM LADDER ' toUaUnal polaona ara Upping TOOELE— Wilmer Lougy 45 reroar pap ceived painful injuries to his feet four anarrj Unite making you III Take Nt Wednesday when he fell from a -fttNSDY-- th stcpladder while wiring the NATUarg 10 MGHI Central school building for the county 1“" “vriahl vmuubla Kuna yon feailng fair here to MORROW JZe box Gat a rigkt Q ALRIGHf 1 1 NFR AL SET I RIDAY The Laxative PROVO— Funeral sort u cs for Wil- a ij hun Ihroert Iiuh y turtodidn of the Quick raluf Prmo high s bool w ho died Tuesday indigradon a4 TuM teeh 1 lie will held Freddy at 30 p m m (or aour areanued Only the lust ward i Impel Interment triburn Tum will be ui Sprlngville City cemetery J oq ptnoA Aup 9U0 HI 9SipUBipj3UI p ii TpjoM(sjuop jo spuusnoijjL ps 03 ot N C” pcij noA JI op noA pjnoAv V I (’1 A A |