Show WL mU iwifspr iryj!ppn — r— n THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE I) Sharp Advance Caused by Purchases for India China following BritisKGold Edict NORTH SALT LARK Sept 33 (USDA) Hogs — Receipts 1122 In iudlng 33 for mar- kft 200 to Lot Angeles peckers 312 to Los Angeles market and 571 to ©an Francisto patkers mostly steady: top 16 10 on 5 7!) (Special to The Tribune) NEW YORK Sept 23— Uncertainty over the probable effects of England’s suspension of free gold payments unsettled world trade In commodities The nonferrous metals held up well under the cir- -' with little quiet and featureless CUmstances pthces nu:tua!M 8haTly reflecting clianges that taken by the British government to took place In sterling exchange Silver suspend free gold payments sUver scored an advance In anticipation oflPrlces have advanced sharply caused for both India the probability that the metal Is des- by heavy purchases and China accounts The market tined to play a more Important part closed firm with more buyers than In world finance Tin declined here sellers W‘th vlrt’ia'y no improvement In on the fall In exchange Copper the for zinc prices again t lead and zinc were virtually un- - easeddemand olf slightly though no real changed so far as prices were con- - selling pressuie was In evidence at cerned although the total volume of any time In the last week Most of price business In the major metals showed the T?1 18 5 fl ?"?!: Tbe cents for gradually e m n contrasted I a reduction of Prompt and near-b- y wUhcpri uJlcw6 5 named a week The startling developments In the points from the price Production Is being held In British situation together with the ago check but there Is some uneasiness announcement that the steel Indus- over the continued slow movement try and other large industrial groups of zinc products Into consumptive will lower wage rates were generally channels Little Improvement in the acoepted In metal circles as favorable market is expected until business In In the minor metals developments a reduction In price took place in galvanized products registers some gains S'oWK'rs bismuth and quicksilver Copper Sales Improve I Although the market for copper was anything but active sales showed some Improvement over recent weeks and the price was maintained on the basis of 7 cents delivered Connecticut on all business reported during the week Custom smelters again took all of the open market business the large producers restricting operations to filling regular contracts Sellers to Interest buyers had to offer copper at 7 cents for shipment into next year and a good part of the tonnage moved during the week was for first quarter delivery Fabricators reported little If any Improvement In the demand for copper products and most of them appear to be well covered against current year’s requirements In one or two Instances there has been a slight Increase in specifications at Foreign business continued about the same low level as hi the last month or so The turn of events J in Great Britain naturally disturbed traders In copper and restricted operations Germany took mast of the modest tonnage purchased during the wreek Export sales for the month to date amounted to a little more than 12000 long tons Copper exporters continued to quote 750 cents C L f 4 Producers May Meet copper circles It Is pretty well understood that producers will get together In about two or three weeks to review the general situation and attempt to bring about some degree of order In the copper market Further curtailment In production Is expected whether producers agree to a set program or not owing to the low During the last week It was announced that two Phelps Dodge properties would shut down— MonteThe forzuma and Old Dominion mer produced about 14000 tons of copper last year Old Dominion produced 575 tons during July Magma Copper has reopened Its mine pre- In f ® pricss-prevailin- g paratory to starting its smelter on October 1 The plant had been shut down for the summer The week’s i average price was 6775 Though some sellers of lead found the last week a very quiet one the total tonnage reported sold was considerably above either of tine last two weeks In fact It was one of the best weeks of the summer This was due largely to three or four good sized orders the carload business not amounting to very much Demand was pretty well distributed among the various classes of consumers Inby battery creasing specifications manufacturers continue to ture of the market bo a fea- Prices Unchanged Prices of the leading producers continue unchanged at 4 40 cents New York the A 8 & R contract level and 4225 cents St Louis However not all sellers could realize these prices and tost Thursday and Friday and again yesterday a good tonnage was booked In the middle west on a basis of 4 10 to 4 15 cents St Louis desilverized lead for both prompt and future shipment Also one brand Pf lead continues to be available In the east at a concession from 440 cents New York Howthese concessions are not ever and the large producgeneral situation as the ers consider stable as they did a week ago For one thing the advance in London has removed the threat of Imported lead being a laetor in the American market t Indications are that shipments of lead in September will be not more than 32000 or 33000 tons and therefore less than In any of the last three months This would probably mean a slight Increase In stocks perhaps of 2000 tops but producers are not at all alarmed and feel that the statistical position of the metal to unlikely to take any unfavorable trend Bales during September have so far been rather light only about 22000 tons but from now on business promises to continue somewhat better than earlier In the month October requirements are not much more than half bought Foreign business has been good the last two days on Monday the lead pool did not sell conditions being so erratic In London Now York lead 4 40 St Louis lead 4 190 The unexpected in developments the foreign situation had little Influence on domestic producers The London market according to traders should easily adjust Itself to the change In the status of sterling exWeek’s average price was change ' 3708 (Engineering and Mining Journal) f Grain Market CHICAGO Sept 33 (AP)— Led by atocks and cotton the train markets joined the general procession today toward higher Previous sellers of grains became prices uneasy and there was plenty of buying front other Sources more than enough to take the slack out of all the cereals widespread sentiment prevailed that bear factors tn the grain trade had been overemphasized for at least the present Wheat closed unsettled cents ?tl up corn unchanged to 4 advance oats unchanged to S ogher and provisions varying from 10 cents setback to a rise of 12 cents RANGE OF LFADfNG FUTURES CHICAGO Sept 21 AP)— Wheat— Close Low High 48 are the of toots etoclt ex- higher than the low point reached manded premiums of 15 month butt heri weights i SEPTEMBER 2i $4 75 5 25 throwoutw $3 50 u 4 00 fat com- points per Globing prices on 09 per cent Chinese tin largely nominal have been usfolldwv Beptember 1724 25 cento LFAVIS LOR EAST lflth 23 875 cents 19th 23 75 cento Idaho — Henry POCATELLO 21st 22 75 cento 22nd 22 50 rents and son of Mr and Mrs 8 E 23rd 22 375 cento Now York average Btady for week was 24 058 jBrady Is en route to Ithica N Y During the first half of the past where he will enter his Junior yeai week the silver market continued 'at Cornell university U8DA— rpt 23 f till v steady tuo loads lt0 to 1P4 pound California I7 0OUM0 parking soa quoted $4 00174 40 Cattle — Recep(s $00 Including 230 direct nArntnal tuo small lois meii uin to good 1100 to mo pound steers $6 50 Inquiry for desirable indrr 9)0 pound steers up to possibiy $7 00 he stock steady odd haad low good 900 pound cow $4 00 medium $3 00 3 60 package 1160 pound dairy cous J') bulls quoted $4 00 down Calves —Here pts 74 all diwt choice 2t0 to 600 pound quoted $7 50 down eiierp—Rpcfipts lk' 0 gtronr higher Inquiry for good to ciioic© under 74 pound lambs up to $H 83 two dpcka 66 pound shorn $3 60 aorud 10 out $5 6o time Oregon dcckv medium to good 71 pound shorn Callfornias $6 24 sorted five out $5 24 four decks medium 67 to 83 pound wooUd t4 24) 5 80 decks 58 pomd Oregons $4 J4 as feeders yearUm-absent quoted $J0fif(4 25 ears $2 50 down I OS AVOIIFS fiept 23 fURDAl— Cattie — 600 holdovers 14fi fully steady load good 822 pound Nevada fed yearling sierra 17 75 load California held around JH 00 937 to jnj0 pound Imperial and local fed steers $6 Arirm a and Imperial Mex-tra- n steers $5 50'(1 4 65 two loads 719 to 770 pound Nevada fed heifers lifiO load 1210 pound barren Nevada fed cows $5 6$ common down few other cows $4 K) a 4 Calves to $3 l¥) cutter grades IDOdj'n - prreips 50 holdover 3HJ very Jilie (hue lew weighty calves steady at Jo 60 u 6 40 JO0 about Steady 161 to Hogs— 217 pmnd locals i6 0fWi6i few pat kin sows $4 oo quotable t $6 74 Speep- Pcce p s 19oo steady tn 2V low- fru deck guod 82 Vo fei pound wocled to 'r Iowa Solon Questions Right for Roads to OF U S Earn Over 3 Per Cent Income IS 25 smooth light packing aowa $4 00 Cattle — Receipts 89 Including 4 for mar ket and 35 direct killing cUsves steady medium grass steers 35 00 grass heifers 4 0u u 5 00 grass cows $2 75fU 75 all cut-teII 00 A 2 50 Sheep— Receipts 6340 Including 4713 for market and 685 to San Diego packers no eny sales fat or feeding range lambs OGDEN Bept 23 (USDA)— Hogs — Re cetpts 874 ad for market mostly 152c lower top 15 90 on lights bulk weights I5 30&5 90 packing sows $3 0U(M 00 137 107 Cattle— Receipts for Including market and 30 to Los Angelea market kilting classes slow weak quality plain lew common grass steers 32 75 Ur 4 25 gras heifers 13 0044 50 grass cows 32 763 75 all cutters 11000 2 50 bulls ground 35c lower at 12 7543 25 — Sheep Rereipts 7333 including 1774 for market 1197 to Denver marked 1610 to Omaha market 3163 to Ksusas feeders and 578 to St Joe market no early sales fat or feeding range lainhs late Tuesday one car Idaho slaughter lambs 15 00 with 35 out at 14 00 KANSAS CITT Kept 33 fDSDAl— Hogs 4000 —Receipts 15'r)26c lower mostly 25c lower thaa Tuesdays ateragev top 15 35 on choUe 0 pounds bulk desirable 0 0 pounds 5j0fr5 3O pounds MC5(5 00 heavy butchers scarce pack3 254 25 Stocking sows 10 fif I5c lower er pigs dull 10ftl5c lower 14 25M 65 average cost Tuasday 35 26 weight 216 pounds lambs mostly 8‘ieep— Receipts 10000 lOcctiSc higher sheep strong cho'ce Colorado lambs to shippers $6 35 others to 2 25 packers 3656 25 top ewes Cattle — Receipts 6000 liberal proportion of run fed steers betters ktuds eligible to sell ground $8 00 and above opening steady bidding lower on fed grassers indications around steady on ltmited supply k straight grass steers offered very scarce fully steady bulls vealers and calves firm Stocker and feeders bulk fed comparatively scarce steady steer eligible to sell aroiuid 17 00 8 75 medium fed grassera down Ao $0 25 j best yearlings early $8 85 nothing strictly choice offered few loads fed heifers 8 15 110 00 bulk butchsr cows 32 75 h 3 50 desirable weight medium bulls $3 00 0 3 25 Piacttcal top vealers $8 00 scattered sales Stockers and feeders 34 255 75 CHIC AGO Sept 28 U8DA) — CftUL Receipts 12 500 fed steers and yearlings steady to 25c lower mostly steady early on upper crust of crop d steers topping at $10 10 and several loads yearlings and weighty bullocks making $10 00 bidding weak to 25c lower on bulk of crop very little done prospects however mostly steady on good to choice yarllngs about 1000 head western grassers in run k Stocker mostly stockers and trade weak low cutter and cutter cows firm beef cows easy bulls strorg to 10c higher and vealers about steady mostly $3 00 u 9 00 with choice offerings $9 50 most weighty sausage bulls $4 25 extreme top $4 50 Sheep — Receipts 30000: early market strong to shade higher few choice Jambs to outsiders showing advance nothing done on westerns good to choice native ewe an dwether lambs mostly 15 75 j 6 25 to packers several closely sorted decks $6 50fri 6 60 to outsiders native bucks Uige-l- M 00 RAN FRANCISCO Hogs — Receipts 13 Boston Stocks Foiwatd tin has lights 8 00 t 474 t 48 Monday and Tuesday caused wide In buyers’ and sellers’ x arlatlons Ideas of prices It was certain that prices weie lower than they had been however and this attracted some business last June 7 native ewes $10(Ky 2 00 choice black faced 4R' ranger feeding lambs held above UUfL 484 494 4 Hogs — Receipts 20J300 receipts inc'ude 92 52 3500 direct market slow nioitly 5tfl0c May 634 lower than Tuesdays average weights bebVi 524 Corn— low 180 pounds 101150 and more lower JWH 39 4 394 packing sows steady to 10c lower good September December 374 to choice 374 0 pounds $5 65 75 5 75 top 38 4 39 4 $5 80 March 394 0 0 $5 55r5 414 pounds $5 2df5pounds 414 May 404 60 pigs $4 50u 5 00 packOats— sows $4 1094 75 smooth Light weights ings 214 $4 8565 10 314 314 September 23 4 22 December M OMAHA Sept 33 fU8DA -- Hogs — Re264 254 May Rve— ceipts 10 000 15c to mostly 25c lower than 374 Tuesdays average marxet slow at deSeptember 58 394 cline bulk good and choice December 394 41 h weights 404 $4 5015 30 414 May top $5 35 on load choice Lard — weights 6 90 6 77 butchers mostly 14 255 25 sows largely September 6 80 6 67 October $J 2554 24 smooth light weights $4 75 0 95 5 95 December stags $3 00413 50 feeder Digs $3 0054 50 6 92 5 8© 6 92 January average cost Tuesday $4 67 weight 266 Bellies— pounds 50 6 35 6 SO September 12 0 per cent of 6 00 Bheep — Receipts 13000 - 0 12 October run feeders on load sorted choice trade native lamb $6 35 35c hipher packers OAII QUOTATION No 3 talking steady or down from $6 00 on naCHICAGO Bept 33 API— Wheat—Yellow tive and range offerings sheer steady red 48c No 1 hard 60c No Strong to 25c higher best ewes hard 48c No 1 northern spring 33 V ft feeders $1 75 choice lambs range grade 3 feeding mixed 08c No 47c 75 $4 6004 sorted lambs up to $4 85 Corn— No 3 mixed 41c: No 1 yellow Cattle — Receipts 8500 largely a fed steer 41'ii4140 No 1 wnlte 43c quickly Improved Oats— No 3 whits 23Vfa34ci No 3 white rim mostly good and choice market uneven: choice long feds 21 ‘4 1240 all about 46o others slow 3 No weights steady Rye— bidding 15 2 5c lower heifers and cutter Barley — 38u 59c— 3 254f3 50 grade cows slow weak bulls steady to Timothy eed Clover seed — 110 754114 23 strong: vealers steady Stocker and feeder steers In light supply about steady few Lard— 6 93 Ribs— 7 62 steers and yearlings mostly $7 25 7 9 00 nuBellies — 17 03 merous choice loads $9 25 n 9 50 three loads 1275 pounds $9 65 strictly choice Angus 1298 pounds $9 90 fed heifers $7 Z5M 50 KANSAS CITT — 23 few lots $8 75? 9 00 bulk grass cows $3 25 KANSAS CITY Sept (API— Wheat 4 to 1 cent No 3 6 4 26 cutter grades H75&2 75 medium Receipts 129 cars up dark hard 43a55e No 3 66c No 3 hard native bulls $3 00w7 50 practical top veal40fo56c No 3 404fi51c? No 2 red 45c ers $7 00 few $7 60 000 stocker and Close Sep- feeder steers No 3 nominally 41l4i44c mostly $475£575 tember 39c December 424c: May 464c DFNVFR $ept 23 (UKDA)— Sheep— ReCorn— Receipts 18 cars down 14 to 3 13 500 includes around 14 cars aed 2 ceipts No 3 No 42c' 2 No y‘hiter43c cents ellow nominally 43 44c: No 3nom! Inally rang© ewes and 17 lorftii slaughter lambs :2&?48c No 3 mixed 43c No 8 42c Close also about 35 c&rs feeders quality rather alow asking strong to 25c higher Seterabej 3940 December 334c May plain on fat Iambs or above $6 25 on best rannatives odd lota common Oats—Receipts 5 cars unchanged ioMt gers $4 25: nothing done on sheep and feedhigher No 2 white nominally 2b4iT37c ers Indication about steady 1st© TuesNo 3 nominally 2542640 Colorado fat day 13 cars choice Rye — Nominally 46tf47c l&mba $6 15 to packers Barley—Nominally 27tf41o Hors — Average cost Tuesday $5 09 weight 241 pounds MINNEAPOLIS Wheat-Rece- ipts Cattle— Receipts 1000 killing classes unMINNEAPOLIS Sept 23 AP)— but mostly around steady llttl© 229 cars compared to 195 a year even Cash don© on calves and vealers fed light steers ago Market lrer to 4 higher No 1 dark $8 10 hellers $8 35 odd lots grass cows No 1 northern 63Sfr684c mostly $2 76$ 3 50 few $3 75(?iJ 50 active northern 15 per cent protein 66tfV70c 14 per cent protein 654'u694c 13 per trade on all cutters at $1 50 0 3 30 low 12 cent prograd© bulls S2 503 10 few heavy grass per cent protein 647ftfc tein 646i68c No 1 dark hard Mon helfara $5 00t 6 25 stocker and feeder steers steady to weak1 and alow it $376 tans 14 per cent protein 67He to arrive 5 65 stock cows $2 107T3 34 No 1 amber durum 6974flr777(ic No 56c No 1 red 3 Hogs — Receipts 450 one load direct: very smfter durum 6874fU7774c durum 477c September 63to December slow fully 15c lower than Tuesday s close few around 0 May 6941c pounds (5 40o 5 50 60c some held higher few packing tows at Corn— No 3 yellow 45’4 CM3c $4 00 Oats— No 3 white 23fc3410 Barley — 34(5fir ST JOSEPH Cept 33 (USDAl— Hogs — Pee— No 1 Receipts 3000 slow generally 25£ 35c and Flax— No 1 II J9Vtl 3354 spot more lower than yesterdays average 0 $o 25 top bulk pounds $5 20 3 WINMPFO 1 5 25 0 pounds $5(Wfl5 15 WTWTPEO Sept 33 (API— pounds mostly $4 754 90 sows steady to Close Low Huth Wheat— 25o lower bulk 60 114 50 $3 V4'4 BVH 3 $ October 54'$ 54V Sheep—Receipts 6000 fat lambs strong 54 a 6tr u December Csah wheat— No 1 northern 54 Vc No 3 feeders and aged sheep steady six carR lambs 100 tops to car $6 00 Colorado 3 46c northern northern 60VC No 65 per cent feeder end unsold load 5 6$ Idaho ranchers best rang© slaughter lambs heldstraight above $6 25: top natives $6 00 early sales feeders mostly $5 00 Cattle— Receipts 2400 calves $00 slaughter steers and yearlings unevenly weak to 24o lower better grades fed yearlings showing least downtouru Indication plain western grassera sell around lull decline heifers relatively numerous opening slow weak to lower cows steady bulls 10tt no higher vealers steady calves firm stockers and feeder heavy scarce unchanged choice light yearling $9 5O?9 0O early sales fed native steers and yearllnrs $7 5Qfi 9 10 few fed westerns up to $7 25 hS15 hjhrmIm fd heifers $6 757 75 cutter grades $! 50$ 2 50 bulls up to $3 50 top vealers $8 00 few sales feeder steers $5 00ff5 14 PORT! AND Bert 23 (U8DA)— eints loo all drives: very few arrived curly none sold talking generally around steady Cam©— Receipts 50 calves 10 all drives no early aalfH market slow but quotable round steady about four loads Monday holdovers still unsold Siicep-Recei- pts 1100 rail supply 001 not sold early early sales drives look about steady a few good to near choir© under 80 pound lambs $5 00 with soin© throwouts 13 60 a few common to choice ewes $1 50 September December March Tin Drops The tin market has been unsteady all week with both buyers and sell-- ‘ BOSTON Sept 33 f API — Kollowtn ti'yh low and clo'tn price els afraid to commit themselves soles on the Boston Various unfavorable factors brought traded Wednetday the market below 25 cents on very The limited bu'lness last Friday V THURSDAY MORNIXU Kwrywy VW' T'-- p w I1'1 ' S' 11 1031 SILVER PRICE JUMP Livestock FOES OF RAIL RATES GOLD RESERVE GOLD EDICT CHEERS FEATURES METALS QUOTATIONS FINANCIAL AMERICA LAUNCH FINAL DRIVE SHOWS WEALTH f 1 vvrr BANKS Bankers Statesmen Business Rerivery Writer Believes Strength of System Re- Sept 23 (AP)— Opponents of a flat flects in Statement on all commodities began their final Increase rate freight drive today before the Interstate commerce commission Huge Surplus whose approval of the raise is sought by the railroads In command of the opposition were Senator Brookhart WASHINGTON Sept 23 (?— The of Iowa who has consistently fought for a lower lawful reof the federal reserve systurn to the carriers J E Benton representing the National stiength tem was demonstrated today In a Association of Railroad and Public Utility Commissioners statement by Its governing body that and E M Hendricks member of the North Dakota board of member banks hold In their gold about $2000000000 mote than ‘railroad commissioners law WASHINGTON See Way Clearing for By B C FORBES Financial America has heaved a sigh ol relief Alarm over Britain’s ability to meet her banking troubles subsided with the news that the Bank of England would stop paying out gold to all and sundry j This decisive step was cordially acclaimed both In Europe and here Even J P Morgan now in England g bioke ills almost sllpnce to voice npprovul He called it "a hopeful and not a discouiaglng event and one which biings the great work of by Brookhart and Hendricks argued tequired The reserve board’s August review the British government much nearer against the plea for a 15 per cent also showed that Great Bi itatn which to accomplishment” increase from an agricultural viewabandoned the gold temporarily Thish 1s no means the first time point Both contended the farmers standard tills week had a ret loss of the Bank ofby England has put restricwere In no condition to stand higher $67878000 in gold front PONOMA Cal Sept 23 JP) 1 January tions on paying out gold As a matrates —Trapped and injured unto the end of July during which ter of fact Britain was off the gold der the wreckage of hi Questions Property Value time France Imported $209935 000 standard all along from 1914 to 1925 Catl J Baker OntaBenton argued railroad rates in- from Great Britain and exported or 11 years out of the last 17 And It rio Cal truck driver was stead of finances must be consid- $382 000 to her neighbor took similar action duilng two earforced to watch an unidentiThe federal reserve banks were lier ered and that the roads conld not pcilods fied passer-b- y rob him of $95 DENVER Colo Seut 23 (IT) legally claim the right to a blanket shown to have held last week nearly Lower Value Once Even today and then disappear withof the world's gold supply Increase because of a fall In earn—‘‘Now show me how you out offering aid Aa recently as 1920 the pound with a total of more than $5000000-00- 0 killed Patrolman ’William ings That above legal requirements sterling sank very much lower than Brookhart said the rate of return Baker told deputy sheriffs Keating" h the it did yesteidny The low quotation he went to sleep at the wheel So saving District Attorney permitted the railroads should be was placed at about world total of his truck and it crashed reduced from 5 4 to 3 per cent yesterday was $378 That compares Earl Wettengel prosecuting The reserve ratio In August wax with $318 11 years ago Still more ‘‘Our civilization itself is in ques- down an embankment pinning Albert Carlson Gary Ind him beneath Baker said he tion” he added "If the railroads can 81 per cent while under the tow icccntly in 1924 the Fiench franc youth for the slaying of a Dencalled many times for help extort from the farmers $100000 000 ute banks are required to have a went below 3 cents Yet in eeven ver officer handed the deor more In rate advances when they 40 per cent reserve in gold against short years Fiance has risen to a The stranger appeared fendant a loaded revolver in "Can't you get out?” Baker position of phenomenal financial the courtroom yesterday admittedly have a net earning of 2 24 notes in circulation and 35 per cent exwas asked strength with two billion dollars of Jurors ducked and dodged per cent upon ai enormously Inflat- against deposits Tho volume In cess is of legal requirements about gold bursting the Bank of France "No I’m pinned” he replied A ed value while agiiculture has sufprosecutor ignored “There's $95 in my pocket fered a constant deficit since 1020 and $400000000 moie Uian it was two vaults the dignity of the court and What France has done may not which will pay for a doctor if its capital value Is depleted by more years ago leaped across the judge’s desk Britain prove able to do? Free Gold Drops to reach the gun Patrolmen than $30000000000” you'll get one” ill wind” Sorrowfully "it’s an The stranger rifled Baker’ The Iowan questioned the value in court as witnesses in tho The board reviewed the laws reone doe case pulled their guns and of railroad property asserting its re- quiting all fedetal reserve currency rather than exultlngly pockets and fled Other motorists found Baker newal cost would be considerably be- be protected dollar for dollar in gold point out that Britain’s misfortune surrounded the witness chair later and took him to a hoslow book values He also questioned or eligible paper and said that while will infinitely strengthen America's where Carlson sat holding the tn that the dollar their right to earn more than 3 per gold reserves had Increased "free financial position revolver pital cent when he said capital of the gold" or that above legal requiie-men- will now eclipse the pound sterling The gun borrowed from a setmedium international as the for detective by the prosecutor had decreased by about country earned less than that He said the law requiring the conf was taken from the prisoner The tlements While Britain remains on In the Inst two yems New York having basis merce commission to announce from drop In the "ftee gold” was brought a nongold “I didn’t know it was loadtime to time what it considered aabout through action of the banks the gold standard and five bllllonrAn ed” said WettengeL fair return on railroad property wasjm withdrawing eligible paper from gold inthe country to back it tip mandatory but that it had not been their reserves and substituting gold a II lsupersede London as the world’s for It During the two years the financial center This la a developcarried outv banks' eligible paper decreased bv ment of incalculable Importance Demands I C C Action Instead of here enumerating the about $900000000 and the "free gold' the' Is “I think It Impeative that held during August averaged about many reasons for what has haptulco now this commission should up pened in Britain let us rather conbefore I700'000’000’ fundamental proposition At a time of active business such sider how magnificently equipped Shares Make One of Year’s said Increases” he granting any rate ON as 1928 and 1929 when- the United States is to take care of In this case the Increase Is general at federal reserve banks borrowings are large" whatever business expansion may Unitin Silver the business affects It every the board said "there is abundance set in First however it should be Widest Advances ed States It ahttrRe against the Lj eugjfcie paper and the amount of susthat the emphasized very clearly whole people of the United States m Price Also Goes Up pledged with pension of unrestricted gold paySan Franciscan Denounces In this case as In no other It be- - the federal reserve agent is relatively ments by tlie Bank of England does comes material to learn what Is the sma a considerable volume not for a moment mean that the Transamerica’s New Fi- average ret return of all property or of free faring (Continued from Paw One) gold British government will not mete its the average wealth increase of the "At a time like the present when obligations— bonds Interest and from the many that have marked the 3 per a return of nance Policy With tho borrowing at the reserve banks other payments — in this country or country" course of the bear market cent Brookhart said this left only 1 is at a low level and the portfolio In other countries with which the The wide gains in bonds howInof labor reward cent as the per of the reserve banks consists to an British government has obligations ever were regarded as quite another SAN FRANCISCO Sept 23 (F) — vention genius and management unusually large extent of governl’ower Grows Bank matter It was said in highest bankmere a over above and living of ment tho securities major part Firing his second broadside at the two alone York have New banks small ing circles that banks and underreenough” federal Gian-mbock of collateral certainly the "Thiyis new Transamerica plan A P — two thousand condidollars billion writing houses had decided that the this not sal think do “I he to be held serve has in notes would gold declared late today he drop in bonds had been carried to (commercial been ever "eligibles" tion has amount tire with a adequate that given the into consequence throw his full force fight extremes and that they were going ear-incould take which to the as consideration they etc) Is of available free paper general Caliconsiderably of gold the to prevent disposal giant into the market with plenty of hard on bank reserve and to federal the busiwealth or of of active a time smaller at than Amerproduction of Bank capital fornia banking chain cash Most general recoveries fronv of two billions the facts of these If the whole the country in ness” strength low” a ica at “ridiculously price major depressions have been prereserve their credit received federal to then considered are be by Credit Increased upon denounced Gianmni vigorously could expand loana by ceded by good bond markets and the what he said was the obvious pur- own showing the railroads are not The board said teserve bank credit them they there outstanding increased In August by nearly 20 billions of dollars which persistent weakness of this market pose of “the enemies of the corpora- entitled to this advance but has been one of the most discouragtion"— to secure tho assets of the should be a reduction Instead They $240000000 and at the end of the is equal to almost three times what ing aspects of the recent outlook in 0 they now have outatanding month amounted to $1200000000 bank with its 410 branches making dtsclose a surplus of over $4500000-0011 Next take the country as a whole ya Street and they then ask the commisadditional demand for credit all California into one great system The federal reserve banks could lend was caused In part by at less than they are worth Last sion to forget it because it was reof funds by foreign our banks enough credit to expand London Exchange night Giannini said he would fight invested In the properties” the plan and tonight he said progcorrespondents of the reserve banks loans by more than 55 billions That Amid Gieers ress had already been made in the fron$ the acceptance market to bal- is mote than the total now in ex- Opens LONDON Sept 23 (— Swarms of istence In banks ances reserve and the with campaign Should the banks of tire country stock brokers laughing and cheering A stockholders’ committee was repart by the Increase of money fn stock invaded rirfulation which was $1001)00000 choose to cal lupon the federal re- like schoolboys for the the ported forming to carry on the fight resumption exchange today but Giannini denied he had initiated larger In August than 1s usual at that serve for currency instead of ex- of two-dacomy trading after the season of the year the move He stood ready to particpanding loans the reserve banks their closedown— buoyand adpulsory billions five over of inof At the end August government foul dsupply ipate in its activities however he was reflected in the pricea of He said ho had received dicated security holdings by reserve banks ditional currency on the basis of the ancy securities many to close the banka to the amounted $728000000 country’s numerous communications and pereligible paper Industrials showed considerable) Gold now cariy In other words the cursonal visits from stockholders oplargest amount on record due mainly to covering by holdings of the banks Increased In rency now outstanding could be strength posed to “the Walker decentralizabears and adjustments to the new Board Grants which Education of more doubled $40000000 the month by than tion plan” standard sterling quotations Banks more especially New York $25000000 came from Japan and the bonds were good and Germ at) Awards to Long List remainder from Latin America banks present an extraordinary pic- French failures In ture of liquidity They are in a posl bonds showed a sharp advance The board reported issues which were marked of Applicants August of 154 banks with deposits of tion to finance a boom tomorrow down at the opening improved tothe number $260022000 making Urges Broader Tolley wards the close since January 1 1933 with deposits This being so the writer suggests Weary dealers said at the end of Diplomas entitling the holders to of $698816000 In the same period to our strong banks that they adopt the day that the reopening had gone 609 banks failed of year the previous life for teach In the schools of Utah a thoroughly considerate attitude to- off very nicely and they were able with deposits of $263025000 to enjoy news that the Austin Motor were granted Wednesday by the state Four banks with deposits of $1- 4- ws i d sound borrowers No respontdboard of education to a long list of 396000 reopened in August while ble banker would admit that he haa company had been so successful durVtnl ' imuirs but ing the last year that the directors certilirntcs in eight months of the year 195! turned down "good applicants Two bill of in school administration of the high banks DENVER Sept 23 MV-has were recommending a 100 per cent the the since $117-1 of tendency with panic ultra-rigi- d deposits reopened definl-onl- y dividend on ordinary shares to an 1930 been of exceptions signed by District Judge school grade also were Issued entire adopt 180 000 the year In The new spirit was apparent at E V Holland today was filed In the The lists follow: an analysis 147 banks with deposits of bor-- the opening of the session as smilstate supreme court to continue the Speclxl hlKh achool 1230 diploma in merhanlr 599000 reopened constitutes of what "good rtn— L R Exit First South ing brokers many of them dressed rower” litigation Involving the Moffat tun- street Salt Lake Thomas A Dewry Randy nel supplemental bonds The action Heber C Foulger 2260 Ectles avenue OgKo without countenancing any- as usual in toppers and morning coats Jammed the exchange paves the way for a review of Judge denSpecial high school diploma In physical thing savoring of undue risk our Throckmorton street became a hive Holland’s decision In holding the edui atlon— rtoyd Romney 167 E atreat Balt bankers could do something to move of Lake and all traders seemed of-fbonds to be valid industry Its center” "dead off business by of in administration rertlflcate in a big hurry Borne arrived in Abstract of record of the district high school grade— Charles M Iverson ing more encouragement to trusU ne John O MofflU Provo court case brought by the Denver private cars and taxicabs and some borrowers worthy Diploma tn supervision of elementary Land company was to be filed in the school Now is the time for everyone to walked in the unaccustomed bright —Freda Jensen Sandy Laveta grade sunshine Wallace Logan high court within a few days cooperate to the limit in hastening Hatless clerks with quotation book High school dlplomw— Delbert F Bone The action of attorneys for the 1788 recovery Laird avenue Sait Lake Melva Boyle and out of ofland company further complicates 64 North University avenue Provo J A Will the interstate commerce com- in their hands ran in street took on fices and the Fork Gladys A Clark busy the status of the tunnel bonds as Christensen Spanish do their part by Pleasant Grove Helene Clark Sprlngvllle With Lee Roberto alias Leland missioners a please eastern bondholders have asked the Reata de- some of the atmosphere of a boom rate Cornish Franklin Idaho Franses K railway helpful rendering "three-tltnbehind e loser” In the courts off the street little United States circuit court of appeals CrltchSow Hvrunt Victor Frandsen 818 Ohlsen 24 cision without further dwadltng? fiprintvllle Flora the bars of the city Jail police Wedto review the decision of United South Third West street definite groups of traders busily canvassed the This prove easily J Hansen Bear River City Hannah C might confeda for quotations to be passed back to their States District Judge J Foster Symes Johnaqn 2860 South Ninth East street Balt nesday night searched offices and at regular intervals figerate who escaped from Patrolman B turning point Don S Kennry Holden Pearl C Kimin dlsmLsslng their action tost July Lake 1432 1931 C B Forbes) ures were shouted by ball South Eleventh Fast street Salt the pair (Copyilght along the street Judge Symes ruled the state court? larks Harold H Layton North Ogden Jena O Brady when he arrested as stocks rose or felL shortly before midW Leigh Cedaj City Lllilas D Lund Fort for investigation had prior Jurisdiction New Mexico G Heed MBrrhaiit night Tuesday There were bears present but as Payments on bonds for January 1 Wlhsate Peoa Wallace L Martin F one trader remarked they seemed Patrolman Brady reported that he and July 1 1930 have been held up Mills 2613 Madison avenue Mnffltt Provo George A Nielson Brigham took the men into custody on Fust mostly to be “bears in sheep’s clothpending settlement of the Denver Cltv Blaine Nielson Murray Grace fc West near street Broadway ing” Land company suit The similarity NlelsehO 408 North Third West street Suit The elusive Montagu Norman govof the two suits created a controversy Lake Vera A North 1683 South Sixteenth Roberto’ companion he said broke fast street Salt Lake Charles A Osmond awav as the ofilcer attempted to LOS ANGELES Sept 23 (TP)— Or- ernor of the Bank of England arbetween the state and federal courts 840 Lorenso Twenty-fra- t street Ogden east ganized industry not the rived in London today amid the last spring and approximately one Parker pegram Idaho James Klee Farm- summon a police patrol and ran Russell M to police Roberts admit-- ! mpnt must solve the unemployment flurry of a police guard Returning faprlngvllle million dollars in taxes which had ington RLillian Ogstreet 4’9 Seewmlller Cross ted that an armful of blankets and 'problem Walter H Bennett of New from a Canadian tour taken ostensibeen collected for payment of Inter- Charles den E Oordon Smith 1967 Monroe avenue York secretary of the National Asso- bly to benefit his health he vanished Ogden Edaln S Smith 2648 Liberty ave- other articles which he was carryest on the bonds was Impounded 1926 Fast nue Oeden Stone Royal ing when arrested was taken from ciation of Insurance Agents told the Immediately Into his usual seclusion Couth strett Salt Lake Nothau an automobllo parked on First West thirty-sixt- h annual convention of the The house of commons spent the RAW SUGAR FIRMS 387 Douglas afreet bait Lake O Thatther street between South Temple and organization today evening in a long debate on the secNEW YORK Sfpt 23 (AP)— Rw tuxar Louise L Young Farmington M Merlon school diploma— Junior high ol a ond reading of the finance bill which dvnilnx streets wri tlrmtr toritiy the Police slid for a seen Mrst goved South Bennett agitation M Dnlsy 2920 Cook FIngree alreet Ogden )th a bttipr innulry (put to 6 42 Maiad Idaho William M Swain machine had been stolen earlier in ernment sponsored unemployment makes effective the emergency budget Snip reported lncHidlnr enrne md Evens late yesterday totaled 13r 000 bex of Cu- Avalon apartments Balt Lake Glenn Tay- the evening from C W French of insurance declaring it "would Inevit- of Philip Snowden chancellor of tho ban from fitore end for prompt rhlnment lor Willard Grammar grade diploma— F- - a J Adame Coalville while it was parked at 35 ably and Instantly lead to he dole exchequer at 3 3 (tit 3 43 and 29 00O bens of Porto Nurii South East First South sticet for prompt snipinent at 2 43 to locai end Garland Kato W Anderson 23 Fast svdnn a sjstem costing England With Prime Minister Ramsay MacTemp e street Salt lake Ltllism A AnderDonald recuperating from overstrain ou'port rrflnets Roberts according to police records $200000 000 annually ’’ Le ih Lake Bolt street 1031 son Jeremy rre the firmer reflecting hnr futures to the federal farm board "somewhere in England”— the exact Provo Varia B Hate 161 Fast served two terms at the Utah slate Refei bet ter tone to the epot market and the Avhtrn ring Silt Lake Elwo'd prison for burglary and one at Mc- he with a more optunUtlc feelinx xenerelly prevnil-h- u Eighth South street predicted "the upshot of this ex- place being undivulged— and f aetle throuHiout the ntimlnl dlnrlrt 1 red- Baxter Pleaawnt Grove Ida2 '8W Herk F'sh'h the In one periment In business will be a bill to government majority assured Neil Island for auto theft Fi't ing however waa not very active bnt with tale Orson V Kidnap street halt Lake Dean W Bent h Instance— August 14 1925— he was abolish the board as a sorry mess and proceedings in the house attracted otferlnys llpht the market advanced on South 866 Flevenlh South Brown Fairvlew Afton nuMlrrn’e covering end buvlng by houeeg ” little attention street Balt Lake Zelrra Butterfield Involved in a gun battle with police monumental faliuie with Wall street and trade connections Fast Mildred t arlston Fairview Helen at 166 West Second North street Riverton The open ng waa lrreeuler at point de- M Iltilda FIs Croregrme Christensen cline to was arrested on a burglary Old-Timpoint advent c but throughout Draper Anna 8 Dltkson Morgan Jean where he e was of Thief Steals Helpless Car Victim's Cash life-lon- Loaded Gun Throws Trial Into Uproar auto-bomi- le one-ha- lf one-fift- dej-ut- ts $350-0000- STOCK BOND PRICES SOAR BANKER WARS CHAIN SALE ni gs TEACHERS WIN LIFE DIPLOMAS off-go- ld Gilt-edg- REVIEW NEARS five-ye- ar A $61-ti- POLICE GUARD ei Five-ye- Du-c- TRIPLE LOSER A Industry Inherits Labor Problems I govem-Acrordi- 13 Fur’r-elght- h 1 1 the aeeion the trend at the steadily upward with final pricea best of tho eceeton or from 2 to 4 points net higher The spot month trading In which ceased today moved Independently and over a wide range and alter opening 33 but on belated (told off tn I 28 roverma aold up to 1 38 cloalng at 1 V(ai 38 the or piovioua close above poiuta Approximate aatea were only I'HiOO tons In lulling half In the form of exchimgra October doted 127 Deeeeber J 33 Janu172 March 134 May 1391 July ary 1 49 1 44 Hepternbel There wna nothing new lit the refined situation with buyers still Inclined to llmt uunhasea to dey reuulremenla Prlrea were iis'id at 4 S3 for fine granulated by all Crooks Thieves Set Home rIake Horse Feed Afire Woman Dies no-- e 1 the rcmamdtr Dodd Pangullch Mary H Frandsen Spanlara Aish Fork J Claud Fr'I 811 Westminster avelberta I Freshman nue Salt Lake Ivin F Garth er Belem charge He is held at the city Jail on open charges pending further Investigastreet Margaret Gledhlll 1S7 Four'll Fast Fork tion Lake Nina Flalhday American Huth Hansen 860 North First Erst 'reel PHOENIX Arlz Sept 23 Pi— Mrs Has the depression caused modern Vivian L Hy Donna Pnny 2:55 Washington ate-nProvo Vera Hansen Hnneyvlllo Prrki is Prlc f crooks to abandon their "high pow- W L Wright was burned to death 06'1n Apt Harrison SprlngvUlo Edna L lleelor rare 1‘Fttilln© Person Ml Phriaam Mttutl© I4 ered motor cars” in favor of the less and her husband was rescued front of Halt Lal'8 City srhool office halt lake Ger'rude K Helnerke Farmington Ariou Porter 1878 Swiph Pleven h East hftpI their flaming home in a critical con- Oforv© H Hampton Lvton R Henegar AAA South Etshth East strict $H Lake expensive horse and buggy? nt Nell Hutf Moiev IlasmuMen Box 55 SuFimiouMS gait Like Gladys Hill Wel'svIUr Johnson Cnlllnston tSrnrg© A Kowley Helper Elhel JUitWlifp Spanish Fork Melba Box vuvi Ferd lotple Ihemift P Bergmiller Nephl Fuiekn C los Jones Kathetlne 978 SCiOUnPSS BImj Stt fire tO tllPnOU e va thP report Of G E WrcUlPff Mvrtle I arsm l()Ji Flrn utrmie Halt Lake Br itnm City Krnksh 2M9 uher'r vsnne Ovdm Mv burr-evRtnli Idle Id Fleta F Lyon 1987 South Paul C Pcteison a neighbor was Ftreet South LaSt Seventeenth b’cw-Pit Norma 8'rvens Frank Cltv FTorelue Salt Hrlghnin Lke Fast street ref mere H Mr Wietheg told police an invasion prevented by flames from reentering Halt F I) B x 151 660 Tnirteuith Fa't striet it Mgrlr H'isrt 70S f hth HVM1- fuili i Lake Tesslo McGuire Hebei Lund V Mft-raMf'i s'cf his grounds at that add levs had'the house for Mrs Wright after he J8 3ofr8 A0 rholee quot'd Bvrlln Arlmna lamb 4 Uiufl F"ir Ihrtr-uur- d Bonn street ‘JumUon Hpringtlllc J lor to safety Wright s 10 7d K at lirln 157 N tr'h S' ' nnd lake sla diixa lighter Nevada Urrhe un- 8i I La M Her b Tfinp- - IK’ttod thlGOi ieu bales ol hay and had carried Wright Bit iak Jll' as found near 2 4 Lo (iMilfn HionimmitA sold two dersa good ICO pound tru ked tn Vrtf MiV h bnlt Lftkf pocketbnok fio'e a bailies Halt Ihk (empty l(( 8 5ns-10 W A IF esra 13 60 lorled to for cent at 1160 Wrd hirlnfvlllr Mvron Hooper Harry B Mnrtn'n ONenn'i "I think we’re safe" said Captain ’the dwelling Wright w'gs able — — h WU'itrrlAoh Ba'Pia Nrhf rr 9$7 hou h ausall-lopotplo Zf'jTid it WsUliMiTiA 50 H Hit h LlMt fcasl Ml lv-- a John U Bui bid ge who received the'glve a good description of the Manv kinds of birds hold court foristrsft esii LsVe Ann N'da m x tJ 13 Irf-iW linht nd n itf BiUiiigU t "In eliminating all gangsters ants He suffered severe burn "" the trial and punishment of their fel- Wooiwartj Pr cu Verona A Uoronto 24 A ihead wounds ias aspects” L ilJeAUtoii iurkUnceU Duu- Muy W 1‘axUm Uoi vxluj ut Jm or Hrl -Tfe ed MOFFAT BOND 3 |