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Show City Council Adopts Ordinance Hilton & Car, construction com-pany ta complete its work on a city water line project before .ad1 verse weather dictates other terms. The Ogden firm has been working on a pipeline from the new culinary water reserAn ordinance gained unanimous vision from both resi-- , citys to voir. of the -' beA zones. difference Brigham approval City dential council last week which prohibits tween the two is the smaller lot re-- 1 IN CONNECTION with the citys trailer courts from being estab- quirements for homes in water and power development prolished in 2 or commercial zones. IN OTHER business at a regular gram, the council discussed the Factors of congestion, health meeting, the council authorized possibility of insulating the new and affect on adjoining property City Engineer Franci sTodd to chlorination unit building at' the values were credited with influen- prepare bids for additional devel- mouth ot Box Elder canyon. Purcing the council action. Under the opment work in the Birch springs pose of the insulation would be to new ordinance, existing courts in area, south of Mantua. - keep water from freezing as it zones have the right to conThe spring has been improved pours through the chlorinating systinue operating but as and its flow is now pouring into tem. businesses. A letter from the Utah departthe citys culinary system. HowNew trailer courts will be per- ever, it is felt that additional wa- ment of highways requested that mitted only in (agriculture) or ter can be developed in the area Mayor Ruel M. Eskelsen sign an M-- 2 and a contract will also call for re- agreement for city use of the (manufacturing) zones. Also included in the ordinance placement of an old section which figures of U.I.C. was a proposal to in plans for expansion of the mucertain pipe. Todd was also asked to advise nicipal golf course. property in Lindsay Park subdi- - Banning C-- 2 Trailer Courts R-- 3 R-- R-- C-- C-- 2 A-- 2 right-of-wa- TESTIMONIAL SET A testimonial will honor Elder Marion T. (Ted) Lauritzen Sunday at 5 p.m. in the Sixth ward. THE BOX ELDER NEWS, Brigham City, Utah Tuesday, November 22, 1960 Brigham Sewing Service United States and from many foreign countries, who are obtaining their engineering education at Northrop. Located in the heart of the Southern California aircraft. electronic and missile industries, Northrop has become one ot the Clyde D Nichols, son ot Mr and nation's largest sources of trained Mrs. Clyde Odell Nichols 727 West aeronautical engineenng personSixth South, Brigham City, is now nel, attending college at North Institute A graduate of Box Eider High of Technology, Inglewood, Calif. school, Nichols plans an interestr He is enrolled in the ing career with one of the aircraft, aeronautical engineering program, missile, electronic or avionic manand by attending school 48 weeks ufacturers, or with a majority aireach year, plans to earn the bach- line. His successful employment elor of science degiee in just 38 in engineering is assured upon months. graduation, due to the wide indusof Nichols is joining hundreds for giaduates demand of try young men fiom all parts ot the Noithrop Institute. Brigham Youth j Repair and Service On All Makes of Sewing Machines Attends School In California LUNDGREN ERNIE PHONE PA. four-yea- 3-27- 471 South, Eighth West SERVICE USE NEWS & JOURNAL ? I V 89 Brigham City, Utah GUARANTEED! WANT ADS FOR BEST RESULTSl Testimonial Sole Ends Will Honor Wednesday Missionary A farewell testimonial will honor Elder Marion T. (Ted) Lauritzen on Sunday, Nov. 27, at 5 p. m. in the Brigham City LDS Sixth ward chapel prior to his departure for the West Spanish LDS mission. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Dawn Lauritzen, he will enter the LDS mission home in Salt Lake City on Monday morning, Nov. 2 8, for a week of training prior to leaving at for his mission headquarters Los Angeles, Calif, on Dec. 5. Elder Lauritzen is a graduate of Box Elder High school and his completed one year at Utah State University where he is majoring He has been emin engineering. ployed at the local Safeway store since it opened here. Friends and relatives of the Lauritzen family are invited to attend the testimonial Sunday, according to Bishop E. Wayne Loveland, who will preside. T Sale Ends Wednesday I 8 Juice Decanter . . . ONE ONLY Reg. $369.95 FRIGIDAIRE RANGE One Only FRIG1DAIRE GAS DRYER Frigidaire Full New Warranty DEMONSTRATOR DRYER ZENITH RADIOS ALL Garland Armyman 10 $4.98 Deluxe Plus Fold-Aw- OFF Snack Tray, ay only 99c with purchase of any radio. In Radio Course Pvt. Fred J. Butler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Butler of Garland, has been assigned to Company C, KNIFE SHARPENER, 17th Specialist BATHROOM SCALES, reg. $8.45 COMPACT now $6.98 AIR PURIFIER reg. $29.95 now $24.95 SUNBEAM 2 Kitchen Clock Regular $5.45 now $6.95 YOUR now $4.95 DRILL KIT, reg. $47.95 SUNBEAM COFFEEMASTER, reg. $38.95 .. SUNBEAM Mixing Bowl $27.95 WASTE BASKETS Regular 95c 59c Regular FOR LATE MODEL MIXERS 34c 60c 1 $2 to $8 GE ELECTRIC COFFEEMAKERS FRIGIDAIRE 6 qt. PRESSURE COOKER, now $8.50 Reg. $17.10 BREAKFASTER, RV90 FRIGIDAIRE reg. now $4.95 $12.95 OVEN; Chrome BUILT-I- French door, wall oven, deluxe, now $99.95 reg. $169.95 SURFACE UNIT; chrome, deluxe fold back sur:ace unit. now $49.95 Reg. $89.95 RV92 FRIGIDAIRE B48D Y. K. DISHWASHER SINK, still in original now $180.00 . . crate. Reg. $429.95 B27D Y.K. DISHWASHER, large bowl Reg. Reg. 1 Measure. Reg. TOTAL VALUE GET ALL THREE 1 small bowl 2-c- $2.25 $1.50 .60 $4.35 $25 ELECTRIC STEAM & DRY IRON COMPLETE ELECTRIC FRY PAN ELECTRIC reg. $319.95 .. $150.00 MANY OTHER BARGAINS NOT LISTED COME IN AND SEE THEM! PA CHOICE $98 $29.95 now $36.95 SUNBEAM MIXERS, reg $47.95 $4.98 OR now $5.95 POPCORN POPPERS, reg. $6.95 Reg. $9.95, now $7.50 Reg. $4.95, now $3.95 HEATING PADS, reg. $8.95 Reg. $5.95 Reg. Bedroom Alarm $15.95 reg. $20.95 49 FREE GIFT FOR EVERYONE ATTENDING SALE! FAVORS FOR THE KIDS TOO! Delivery tuftihdfrA jkiam.! infill HAND MIXER YOUR $295.95 AUTOMATIC CHOICE $090 $263.95 Reg. $369.95 $299.95 $139.95 $109.95 PRIZE Giant Size Landers DEEP FRYER PRIZE THIRD LANDERS IRON FOURTH IROMER s4995 PRIZE TROUBLE LIGHT with Dual Heat Plate Brand New Regular $299.95 Now V2 Price bat- Steam or Dry Reg. $329.95 Full New Warranty Frigidaire DEMONSTRATOR WASHER D. C. Free Prescription SECOND CONLON Double Oven flashlight teries. Plays anywhere. OSTER $!495 Regular $19.95 Laboratories, Incorporated. Jorczak indicated that the change, with resultant liquidation of National Electronics Laboratories, Incorporated, is anticipated to bring forth a greater economy of operations and permit fuller integration of its electronics activities. National Electronics is located 14 Runs on inexpensive 39c HAIR DRYER d PA 2124' Transistor Radio 2-- Joseph S. Jorczak, vice president of Thiokol Chemical Corporation, has announced the formation of a new division of Thiokol, National Electronics Division, for the purpose of continuing the business and operations of Thiokol Chemical Corporations wholly-owneNational Electronics subsidiary, ing Regiment at Fort Jackson, S. C., for advanced specialist training in the intermediate speed radio operators course. While a student at the school, he will be taught the use of the international morse code, transmitting and receiving at a speed of 18 groups per minute. During the course, he will also learn the different types of radio sets used by the infantry regiment, how to set up and operate each, proper radio procedure, and basic signal communications. ea. Channel Master Keep Your Fruit Juice Tasty and Delicious 89c value in a Polyethylene New Division Battalion, 4th Train- Reg. 25c Bright Tin PIE PLATES Thiokol Forms in Washington, mipvI UliStH FIRST PRIZE with every purchase of $100 or over 25-fo- ot cord , PRIZES THESE VALUABLE IN DISPLAY OUR WINDOW. ON TO BE AWARDED WEDNESDAY 7:00 P.M. Not Necessaiy To Be Present To Win Ticket for prizes given with each $5 SEE purchase or fraction thereof. e A |