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Show if y ti run nrT prf nf rT,ii,JrMrMrirTf'nffrtffit frrywi THE BOX ELDER NEWS, Brigham City, Utah Tuesday, November 22, 1960 Heart Council Plans Underway For Successful 1961 Campaign rO tin Member"; of th" Box Ik1 ty Heart Courcil mi Nov in the (1 16 merce rooms Ur president of the k i the meeting Discussion of the 1 di W t sd j tib r if Con mu II I) nm s ciik d ivmn1 ovii on k iv a t art an ir ip' in mil s 1 i id sit,r at ii f ( n i i run ' in ions mu t i it i sin r i rv t tl t I t si nt s s nt S' Ik nt and r lot on t im in ol t d ocial opm m to i on in Sarah Yates, Society Editor u t t h in c t II l ath h ii ' h w is C ' For Dinner Meet Plans Annual Jayceettes held their dinner meeting at the Idle Isle cafe on Wednesday, Nov 16 Program for the evening consisted of a film and demonstration on Civil Defense presented by Mrs George Hodges, country director Guests for the evening were Mrs Lee (Georgia) Andersen and Mrs Colin Hunsaker Three new mem- - PA Telephone Box Elder Stake 'fo. Thanksgiving Ball Box Elder stake Thanksgiving dance will be held Saturday, Nov 27, at 830 p m. in the Fifth ward recreation hall All members are cordially invited to attend the affair, which will feature a good orchestra, refreshments, and a floor show 11 I 1 Local Coeds k Hill ml t ii f w Ink Cl ltp &K tered about the pi m f At l r d Lid r trict membership dine ol s i k ii t ic Hi n lit a' tl id t a st (mi ing aimed at inhuming ft. S3 on kli r x S u l I tk the methods and pi oil t s of Win d is I'mneil st ll open heart surgny lit and set foi enlv J mu irv i ( iti dim 'oi om U nut ii ' ZZ t cene Jayceettes Join i ( Vv Installed as 11 1 S: T Wl Legion Auxiliary Will Collect Needy Vets For R ' iln s p ( s nt uif loch d Mis of xloihing Annual collection M Is isi r s r( t n V of the lot il e mm and toys, shoes grocines con til ind Ur Wilinn knudson goods for preparation tn boms fit uii pifsidmit if tlm count il Ap needy veteran s f imili s is m w omit d to h Iji v h tin work of iniiiai ll underway bv tin Im il i m ii i u e Ann )' Legion Auxiliary link on irul ft sdv t msi n ofil ssuin Members of the uiliny m iv Pk Hi im ss i n i h n gc i n wns c luh v ho ,u i the ul to u ir donations bring rv mint ation to ol i'ii mi m r otln while pi p isons meetings pi o, i on terested in conti ibuling to the on llu i hi u n u ic t( v cause may give iw ms to Mis L di Mis I t n I (lit will he m in cu g( of tin1 riu nit ri il f. ts md Jensen at the Ctnli il M w ban Mis Winston P Ni Is in w must All donations Brigham City A1 o assisting be made bv Dmimbir 10 so th it dk the t ih' i iiv ) ( i K oi i ( i necessary re puis pleted on tovs and he ill iv c In coin hm A familial chtmiiai tiiupoiml ammik hydioxyla mmi piolmt against indue ed p k pt c c si ures Sponsors ih lit u Assoc ia ion and T o ifiighun City go's and two M n( n Rite hit ( i mi th in Tn monton girls were among the vw if n n f i t ( bo o pif s id ') m v mi mix is of the Corps of 1' on i I tl c (nun 0 ch i u s f i Sponsirs it Ltih State University s il ho nd m tailed rtctntlv t oi m i t n t ) tl ' s liti Im mid tin groan ol th K nur ( s m ti on i ' (no 'r im av n! ly Rismussin diughttr of Mi md Mis Clark M Rasmus ilk of tl k ROTC e t ,1(1 M will IM Ttolx s 1 G sen, Miss Nancy Valhtrg d mgh-te- r oi Mi and Mis lohn Valhtrg, both of Brigh im Citv, Sue daughter ot Mt and Mrs David R W ildrcm and Diana Nel ind Mrs son, d night! r ot Mi Chubs Nikon both of Turnon ton u e si k c cl to si ve as sponsot s Wal-dto- n e i The sponsors tor univi rsity i ushers chess up the Army nts v ot foimitions a Mil as scive ( and An lone ROIC units ot the umvcrmlv and pi form m othi i i sc i v ii ( c p i it ii s Ii r tht n hi t s ') ni v in With and Mis Wild mi 11 Yates iiv pel nns inti n lid m plilie-i- i win n fit i oi p, numb' i s I W k i ol the Rox o a i Rov t m tin il Col Ciuniv 1! ul (liinuil ale tug jioiissm ol miiituy llu n n mi' s In (iiji t.ii (s is ,ul vi sen tuki im to Mil Mis h IIS r u ri P i hool c i i 7 f a sis W llkr i nl Iv n k si Thanksgiving means much to us in the bank because it also brings that delightful time of year when we can say "thanks again" to our many friends who make living in our community a rich and rewarding experience. Yes, Selected to serve as Sponsors of the ROIC Corps at Utah State University ,are, ROIL SPONSORS lell to right. Sue Waldron and Diana Nelson, both Of Iremon'on; Nancy Ann Valberg and Kay Rasmussen .both ol Brigham tllv Ihey are among the 39 new members recently sworn into the Sponsois unit ( oi ps AAUW Gathers for November Meeting urn ol Arm i ii ni As tuvei llu ir t Id y ftiimi ii me nihi is orm of Ni ( mhi r im i tin ' it tin Mis Kt mu ih L)itk on Widncsiliv Nov If I Harvest Ball Set Eagles Auxiliary By Eagles, Ladies Postpones Meeting Day, Nov. 24th Legal Holiday, Thanksgiving Cagles Auxiliary members will note that the regular meeting of the group scheduled for Wednes The fes 2li day, Nov 23 wil be postponed one it the Ai l it' Home community iiious BEEHIVE CAMP of the Daugh- wetk due to the Thanksgiving hoi piojiits tivities will it 9 30 with or- wiie discusM by llu gioup and lit sit i music and fun tor all ters of Utah Pioneers will hold its iday it w is eke uk d to issist with ipc 25 - meeting on Friday, Nov at Meeting will be held Wednesday HolmMr m men foci folks Doug u ition for people at the old n md Mis Caiol Hatch ate in 7 30 p m at the home of home Mary Nov 30 at 8 p m in the Aerie It was also decided that A Home All nie mbers are urged to the gioup would he Ip with a Chnst cli u, i of the if fa r which wel Rose, 353 South Second East attend the meeting mis pirty for the spi ml (dun conns all numbers ot igles or good attendance is uiged turn tliss at the lunioi High He T igh s Auxiliai y is and tin ir idie s are in t) ilt nd the annual Harvest Rill si h duled lot Satuiday, Nov i vili il bcn BRIGHAM CITY Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member i f- - c school Mis Richard Muhken as a spe gut st told ol wh it is being dom tot the ictarckd childien in and suggested fields the are i where much more co Id be done Rc frt slime nts were sctvt d at the conclusion of the meeting by hostess Mrs Kenneth Dick fot Qu ilific itions membership in the ' roup aie gi idu ition fiorn Pet sons t luirniml university min stdi in the group aie re qm steel lei c ill Ann fensen mem 3 6026 bet ship h in in m it P the gift only YOU can give . . . AT THE STUDIO SAME PRICE IN YOUR HOME OR Evening or Sunday Appointments For Your Convenience STUDIO COMPTON 102 PA S. MAIN 58 AMAZING Reading Circle Will Meet Monday ci il LONG-LIF- ELAblio E MAKES ALL OTHER BRAS OBSOLETE will Circle Rt iding at the Nov 28 Monel, home ol lenme Cat Non Meiting But him mtft E? Alta 8pm hookind icvtew will hewn at Sh iw will give the of the cv i ning i mcmbtis ate urged tend the metting !1 e to 5 at "vs CRISS-CROS- Ji a Y W BRA S with strefeh-ever- . ELASTIC all Lasts twice as long as ordinary elastic bras fits better, too Keeps its lovely shape and yours month after month sarong1 elastic criss cross action COMPARE! stops After months of wearings and machine washings in detergent and bleach hr a hind! No f L r Jo Ad u a ng ever r fO'irnl s e if w Sepora y b C otH cups for N,lon maqu sette Iczpl ? orm ond cup act cr1 r ju al efo$9 0 C vp Cup t Ordinary Bra i V Worn end m tw ny OS Y W fh ie Tempest to scoot on les-- . gw' ive hot versions of the rl ioj hv engine 110 to 1.V5 lip Am tin me will move out in a huu s il np i t ho steep hill in high gt it, m for safe) ng quicker, power is bd until by Front engine rear transmission. (St mind shift or extra-cos- t auiomuic ' Takes weight off the ft nnt F steering. Longer tire life. Adds ballast in the rear, lmpiovn traction and braking. No big The new -- L fit i ne d 1 1 1 -v THE NEW TEMPEST Is opt cna tz t Wide -- $Q95 P i 10LR LO( AL Tin: IIO r TOPIC TEMPEST W IS THE NEW VOKllXC i A LET AUlIOltlZEI) P()MI( Phone PA US PAY YOUR PARKING! t$ lo t P f end In t CCTtfo fs c q nol pfasf c kr Ifn I ty mo ond s t t hrne H Hn t ft No j00 Sarong bondeou Well pav your parking up to one hour FREE on any purchase of $3 00 or more Use our back enfor shopping convenience. trance I Name. Adcf t Co ge 1 only COPPIN MOTOR COMPANY 7 EAST SECOND SOUTH ns c ly wear oil v esh ng ic e SFKM( ED BY o ofd nal elo tlcn half the weo nas lo s Whether you are now wearing an or a cotton bra, you'll find more comfort, better fit ond new long-lif- e economy in the elastic.1 Sarong bra with Stretch-Eve- r Track, too The Tempest wheels are set farther rpart than cars the wheels of other new-siz- e corsolid stance. Secure a (hes sedan net mg Theies a and a st ition wagon Im es ome close or even lie it the tags on the compat ts If y ouie hgut mg on a new car figure on a new Tempest. h g In washc-- mps to p wo o ts eeps t ne ONLY hump Toot room and leg loom fot six men Independent Most suspension at all t wheels liont it have othet t us only in (loot SOLD AND 1 4 IT ch DEM FRSJHP at o Quanta i of Brigham City Q Zore' odd Iceo otedQ COO LAYAWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS USE OUR CHARGE PLAN |