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Show NO BECLOUDING WITH TRIVIALITY. In a local story on tlie investigation being made by the special committeo appointed by tho city commissioners, tlie Salt Lake Tribune Tri-bune states the object of tlie creation of thc commission is to inquire in-quire into the charges made by a morning newspaper that many of the original slips recording arrests in thc last six months of the Glasmann administration are missing. The charges ma-de by the morning paper, on which it ba'scd its sensational headlines, were that "BOOKS and records of the police department for 1911 were burned by order of the higher ups." If the present committeemen do not 'aim to make a farce out of the whole proceeding, they will make their investigation as broad as the charges. If they simply confine their efforts to discovering whether scraps of paper are missing during the latter part of 1911, they will be, lending themselves to Mayor Fell and Sam Browning simply to perform a few farcical antics to be denominated an investigation. What the citizens of Ogden want to know is this: Were police books and records for 1911 burned by order of .the higher ups? Nothing short of answering that reflection will be accepted. Yesterday the commiteemen started to go through the old slips of arrest. They found four omissions. The Standard asked its reporter re-porter how the discovery was made and this was his answer : "Why, the committeemen have the police docket before them and they find that on July 19 a drunk forfeited $5 bail. Failing to find a slip on this, they conclude that one of the slips is missing. But that is not complete proof, for it was stated to the committee yesterday, that often the day desk sergeant made a direct entry on the police docket and employed no slip in recording an arrest." Thus, it will be seen that the committeemen are going through the very remarkable process of determining whether every scrap of paper, which has served usefulness as a temporary memorandum, is still stored in the police comnussary. Gentlemen, do not let this investigation degenerate into a complete com-plete farce. Serious charges of burning police books and records have been made. Tell the citizens of Ogden Whether there is one iota of truth in those accusations of criminal wrong-doing and be careful not to becloud the whole investigation with trivialities ! |