OCR Text |
Show ' ' l'''' '4' V , . ., .. .' ' , 4 ' - ' ' ' - ., BankACCOUTIIS- , - .. ., E- - t , .. , , k , . I, i 7 '. ...- .41; I .. , p ; a , - 0. f.--- .4 - ,,4,,, it.,.,...... - - - , 0 , m,,,,, ... , ,,, .4, , 1,7, ,,, ,...,11 z , "t'''' zi , t 46II ,' , .... 1 -,--,, ' It t , . '' IN ' ,! g E R 1E1T . elk , , 1 ; - 't. "'"', ,4 t:I. , ilk'fit; -1 It ,, .. :.. Ii IF . z','- . 1 1, , -- . Lc ) t I, -- - , , ,,. - ,- ' , , .,..,,, - c. " -, newbuildinearlst-South-and-State.- ' -,- 4 , . t , , ,. , , i , - '', ..' ' ': ' ..... , , , ' ' ..,,,,A.,-;4.- ' -- , , , , - .,,, ..., ..ka,,, ' ..,,, .,440,t,,--4,..- LA :; ,, t'' '''Ik -. i" !! ti w.s ' ..: ''' , . ' ' 1,;,.., .414t -',I 4,0,1 ' 4 ' --- ,,,,, - ' i., ' ,, -- - '''' , , ; . ' :' ,. r i ., , ..! 4, . I ,..rman ,, , i"". ) ,, ., , ) 4 s, est e . ,n . . . 1 1 - , . . ., , - ,t- - - , -- 777 Dedication ' Friday-n- in-th- the i- g l'ear. tills bridge 1 , , one Tale upstream from the said he site of the $29 millionilaming--- -;-Legislature could . 0orgeDan. taketare4the-rriatte- r in one to the Vernal According dai. . Chamber of Comrnercethe "I haven't made any dedisio,n as to whether any other' items dedication ceremony ha's been will be considered," he told the delayed until June 6 at 11 Lin. A spokesman for the Vernal Deseret,.News.. Chamber of Commerce said Waits Convening. and is the legislature convenes. At presently open to,..auto traffic. that time I'll take a look at Detision for postponement the situation and if any items of the dedication was reached can be handled appropriately about 3:30 p.m. Friday after in the interest of the itate, I'll chamber representatives and consider them." city commissioners made a Under law, the Legislature brief visit to the site. in special-sessioThey reported that the tem. may consider . to the only matters which the gover. porary road leading . bridge is very slippery and the nor puts before the body. The State Insurance Depart. Vernal, weatherman has pre. rent, which forineily operated ,ditted more showers over the Under the Department of Bus!.' weekend. It was decided not to hold ness Regulations, was given .. separate status by the 1959 the dedication ceremony next is Me-- a because it Saturday sessioni' legislative spokesman No Appropriation - , morial Day, noted. " abcivie However, in the 1959 money digniState, city bill the Legislature included taries will be on hand for the to Insurrun the the'money event as well as many residents tInce Department in the appro. from Vintah ' and Daggett Ipriation, to the Department- of countie3. Business Regulations. The new bridge will open a Involved were $100,000 for south approach to Dutch John regular operations of the in. from Uintah and Daggett ' ' See SESSION on Page II-- counties. , ,. gpverhor Ili!. t--. : I , I A 1, , , Man Dies t ' ,, , '.4'-'''- 's -- -, , ,t - - ' ,. ' - . ' . , I Uncle Sam transferreil his I Salt 1..;ke City bank account I -, I Friday night and the old gen- 1 I , had enough guns I tleman I around to afford each nickel i ' a bullet's worth of protection. With an army of Salt Lake guards - I police officers and U.S.bv:everv - I and agents standing -- ,td" 747 I last cent in the c;id 'Federil I 4 Reserve tank building at "::".'"'"""" The state's marriage counseiSouth Temple and State St. Ing program, which is costing was moved one block south ' ' $100,000 a year, supervision of to the new building at 1st lk.1, ,44 ; S.L. old and assistance, age any South and State 'St. , functions which have "too Three , rented trucks began , .....,,,,,,,r'''''''',,,, ,,,,,,,e0"-"d- y supervisors and admin10 at .,, the p.m. moniy .. hauling ,,,, ..,,,, ,,,, .,e ..,,,:., , , , , As . istrators and not enough Of ,,,vs, ,: ,-, ,, , ..,,;,,,e' I and had it all safe inSide the ',''', i ,, 44', - ,, workers"' are ch.le for close t - - 40,,, .e, ,, ,'''''" - - - , , ,,'..,, ' npw building by 11 p.m. ' ' , , ,.. - , , , As the trucks moved along scrutiny and policy recom' !,' ,;', , ,..,J'''',4, 4 , ' ' , ,, mendations to the 1961 Legis,, the route between the twp otiremoNta lature council members said. , were , i escorted , , buildings, they , , , and an in Ineffective Termed front car by a police A Salt Lake lather of three armored vehicle behind. , "Marriage counseling:is the died of a crushed chest SaturOther armed officers on tTNCLE SAM MOVES HIS MONEYWith a Salt Lake police car in front and an funcmost totally ineffective inafternoon despite an " armored truck in the rear, both loaded with armed officers, a rented truck begins and, on foot tion of government ever in- day Motorcycles r d effort oe tensive ' by 4 ..., , blocked off a large portion of transfer of money from the old Federal Reserve Bank building -- at South Temple vented," Sen. Glen M.- Hatch save his life. I ill i i It. l' the downtown area. All traffic Thto ,,, and State St. to the new building at 1st South and State streets. a (DHeber), declared during victim, Rbbert Bates, 34, and citizens were barred frIma ' .. welfare discussion on state ma.om. s ., 1824 , W., 2nd South, w a an area extending from Main SALT LAKE C1T'Y, UTAH, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1959 commission operationk ; . crushed when the car he was' St., to 2nd East and South B. Former governor Herbert , working on slipped Off a jack. ' ' . ' Temple to 2nd South while ' May joined vigorously in the The accident occurred shortmoved: g the money , assault on the marriage coun- ly before 10:30 cm. when the Utak-Week-Ilis When an Unauthorized WI - 1 seling progrard. victim was working on his car '''' y, he in the area, , appeared "I have not found a single' in the driveway of a neighbor, , lig-Ladwas either quickly escorted divorce stopped by marriage Jack Peck, 1826 W.2ndSouth. (fIly this and mall It with your next letter to a friend air Motive.) , , ' Olt of the restricted 'zone by counseling after a divoreq ac, ' HEADLINES OF THE WEEKPresident Stephen L' smtehnt boy on a runa police officer or ordered ,A nineyear-oltion has been filed,'" . Mr. Maw was Sat. rescued dies . Richards bicycle away Governor Calls Special Session of from , bkk inside the building said. while Mr. Bates was working urday as his speeding vehicle . . . Salt Lake County Mayors Urge Sales Tax which he had come. , Urge ItRpeal under the car. . Hike . . . School Bond Issue Hits Snag . . . Six Killed on ;Some citizens became irate headed for a busy Salt Lake , "I was gone about seven minbull, which is owned by Mrs. , Rep. Ferdinand Erickson By WILL FEHR when 'officers told them to intersection. Hero of the little Utah Highways in Week . . . Skyline Track and Tennis saw back 6100 I I Weaver S. of When 23rd and other council utes. got drama was a 16year-olyouth Deseret News Staff ,Writer Afton leave the area. . Bees' Rating Drops . . . Min Lost And the Meets Under Way had East." the are who members slipped who heard the 'T1' jack lawyers, boy's warning !In addition to the army of shouts and knocked Colorado River . ,. . Flaming Gorge Bridge Dedion the city ' "The bull was afraid of the deadline It's him. I time on Along of recar jacked in or was top the boy desk joined urging repeal police in the streets, other and his and the telephone rings. dog?" bicycle down just 15 vamping of the marriage coun- the car up again and called cation Postponed . . Committees Push S.L. Civic Audi, guards,armed with high powthe torium. reporter ..."Yes. The children charged seling laws. "City, desk," short the heavily-travelePolice," he said. ' ered rifles, were situated on feet road. of' ' ' , Officers Il worked for about - says into the house and the bull , Sen. Hatch - said the two-Se' ' balconies and President Stephen L Richards, first counselor in the roofs, windows five minutes trying to revive, "Hello," the voice says.' "I was right behind them. It 9, son of.LawTerry COUNCIL Tonge, on B3 Page First of buildings along the truck rence of Church of the Christ Jesus of Presidency Latter. want to but a bull that came right into the living the report 4,." Tonge, 151 Portola Ave, route. , , " rOom." was riding down the sidewalk came right in my house." later transferred him to the day Saints, died of a heart aliment Tuesday at 7:55 a.m. . '' dis, U.S. to refused Funeral services were held Friday on Temple Square. ''' agents ' "What did Salt Lake General Hospital. "Did, you say bull?" you do?" . approaching Ninth East St. . -L close how much money was when were Blood ' transfusions "Yes." "I tried to get it out of tier. the chain on his bicycle A special one-dasession of the Utah Legislature moved but even the most naive broke. "Bull, like a ftiw?" The bike gathered given and oxygen administered and pulled on its kars. Utahr,1 was called late Gov. pulled by Friday con. George D. Clyde to udtangle was observer knew that it as doctors worked desperately "That's right." d It fell down on the hard speed as he headed for the the state Insurance Department financial difficulties. The to restore normal breathing, siderably more than a bushel- Fourth East intersection. , "What's your name, please." floor and finally went out the To 1959 the insurance department from s ful of pennies. "Mrs. Dick Paswaters. I live front door. The only trouble but he was pronounced dead the Legislature separated Spectators scattered as- - he Usiness Regulation but neglected to B of Department WASHINGTONThe Re- at 12:25 p.m. , , yelled a warning, all but Allen at 6050 S. 23rd East in Holla- was the dog was still outside. set up Rinds for operation. The Legislature will con-- . Natidnal CommitDuring the treatment of the vene May 28 at 1its f..m. and the governor Melton, 16, son of Mr:and Mrs. day:" publican saw bull it the the When B dog. SECTION may throw a L. Jaren tee a victim has chosen "When did the bull enter came right back into the livB. A. Melton of 659 E. Second second emergencyf few other matters iI: ) the , once he gets legitlative hopper 1 ' Jones of Sett. Lake City as arose, The hospital . , . South. Allen grabbed the bike, your house?" -, . lawmakers into sess,on. ing room." , had and , A of aide News 1, 3 ,then finally knocked- - it over chief type "Last. night about dusk." for planning "What did yoiti do theh?" 2 about 15 feet from the interComics "What happened?" , Mayors of Salt Lake County towns this week urged "We chased the dog away the 1960 national convention to make a run to the American ' Red Cross blood bank at, 555 Radio-T3 section. the Salt LaktC,ounty Comnission to..push-action-oa- ,a Highlights "My childrenthere's, Scott, and I sent one of my children in 'Chicago. N , , Blvd. 4 Obituaries National Chairman Sen. Foothill proposed' 11 cent sales tax increase; Salt Lake City would , . Terry Was taken to the Salt 6, Gilbert, 5, and Shauna, 2 to get Mrs. Weaver. She came . 0 ' ' ''' ' ' 'Action Ads 513 Lake General hospital where were playing outdoors. A dog over and led the bull from the . Thurston Mortf-- - Ken hicrease'of about $3 million - , 14 he was treated for bruises. chased the children and the house." will announce the ap- one of the tWo officers whoand the unincorporated area would get a 8600,000 income 'Society tucky ' . a I the victim to the hosincrease. Incorporated their share for pointment of' Jones as. vice - delivered -- -- --Any damagen was dispatched to 5rcuz e pital, the taxes chairman of withitT their corporate areas. collected ' arrange. was new brand ,....,...1 carpet ' "My - . . , the blood. ' ments committee ' I e" , - '". I Monday. , soiled." . ,,,v,.. , Mr. Bates was the father ' Confusion over the use of money to be raised by a ' ' national chairas Morton, 1 "Thank you for calling, Mrs. ., f A of one son, Greg, 10, and-tw$5'.5 million school bond election and a squabble over a new ,, , ,, . . , , , head the man, will nominally Paswaters." Robin, 4, and Shel- - west side high school in Salt Lake City brought postpone' , . , daughters, , ..:..,11- 1-4' . group. CI.. , . , . (,', , , of the election until further study. ley, . ment . , 4 ' ' ,I' completed Policss , 42i-foo- The e are expected over the weekend as the cold, moist air hovers in the are At Den. ver, Reno, Nev., and Cheyenne, Wyo., the Weather Bureau reported more than ty CLARENCE BARKER Deseret News Staff Writer itn inch of rainfall. RICHFIELD Utah LegisOnly a slight rainfall (.02 of an inch) was reported at lative Council members meeting here Friday decided to the Weather Bureau at the make a critical examination of Salt Lake Airport. Wayne County was hit many phases of state government during the next two years by rain for the first time with a view to cutting unneces- since the last fall was sary services and saving tax. ported in March at Loa. payers' money. Fiscal , .ft, ....r., ' t To , ii4.. Vii a 0 7 and Saturda y. Thunderstorms and showers brought with' a great,deal of mpooristitougre rainsome areas fall of an inetrbr more. , , iln Dam Site Bridge, Mountain-We- st State-- - , . Rain and some snow ,high mountains hit ' , , V - Remedy 'Insurance Fund itahisePostpoite - - ' ; ," Mountain , TREATERPATRONSDETOUREDSalt Lake Po- lice- officers send the patrons of al movie theater south on State St:,Friday night. The patrons were not permitted to walk north on State St. during the trans. ' oer of money from the old Federal Reserve Bank . . 23, 1959 MAY - .. ., ll y Rain Snow ' ' 1 . - ,'', 0 1.1:113 - - 4 -- , - ,.,. ,,,,,,, , ' ' ' ,s, f;l' I ' ' ' Of The Utah 'Legislature will meet in special session Thurs. ' day at 10 a.m. to appropriatemney specifically to nun the State Insurance Department. . Gov. George D. Clyde late. Friday issued a proclamation i , officially calling the body into session after concluding that during' the week this would be the ' best :and have caused postponement for . cheapest way to remedy' an two we;eks of the dedication 4unfOrtunate error" made dur- t of a cable . , t ng th'eregular .sessionearlie suspentsvleorril tteross-th- e .i , - 1 , -- Unit Legislative 4;,,,t4,4 , ''S ' '' ' s ' . ,,', . , .2,,prst,0 UitashTo lbw S1L. Cache ' ' ' f - ,. Ne 1 icl, -- ,, ,,- - ',- ,, - ' - .. N ,,,, - 0,,,..... ,, , ': ' ' S s,,, '- - ,' -''' .... - ' -. v',' , ' -- .,...-,- -,--- , ' ,.'" , ,,,i .,,,,,,..,....,4t. y,- -- $, 1 "' ; ' , , - ' ''' ' ':''. s - : ' '. - . ' , $ Salt Lake police officer, escorts, an unidentified woman from a restricted area during the transfer of ,Federal Reserve Bank-mone- a. i L'''''' ' '2.' s - , . . '' ' ' - .g.,,,....,., , POLICEESCORTA ' - , , -- Police ,Convoi 0 . - - - , i, - - e- ),', , . :, , , 11; .1 WHAM, GOING States Telephone & Telegraph Co. 77 E. 1st South, ,,.''' weren't permitted by pollee to leave the bupding during the transfer of money from the old 'Federal Reserve Bank Building at South Temple and State to , N. , ,,, - . ...---- --- . .., .- :, , . , - '' '' ' 1 , bolons-Gatn- - ( . CITY:UTAH , , ' 11. le l' , ' ' ( , , ,;,,,,,..,, , .,.. ' ' ' alii Let t , , , ., 4 i I, -: 1 , , , . - s , . - , , 0 111,vs .SATURDAY, - , ' ,,.. , m,' t , , ''''''.14 .. , , ,,, , i ,, II Attr". ' ' - i ' ,...., s 4.4i, p I ,- I i , , ' i P ' ,, i ,i 1 ''' ,) , y, y, , , , I .... , Legosficat (Lore 011 n., - I, 1 : ..,, i z - , i 1 , , '' ' ,, ,Ii I t ..;.., I .. i f ,,, - - v yr . 4 - ,' SALT. I , sk,'SIAS tyl- M 1 I 11 , , ,it , ,,r, ',,v 1p' .,....: LAKE b . ,k , 1 ., 4....,... ,,i,s, ' I I ( .. 1 ,, $ 4 4 - 5 - - , 1 t . x , i i , , - l't Salt LakersWait As'Uncie Sam Changes ..., ,.. ' - -- e ' - ,, ' Hurls - i t ,,-- 9'', Jack Mips Car - I - . g'SNRIFF RIEWS . -- ; - two-hou- ,.: , 00k4Drum . Youth Rescued . And That's No Bulkney ' was-bein- 1 eft-he- n - Réiiii0.,' Thanks For lah' As Bicycle Fails - .. d . , o heiVice.freVicr-tlildtezwflicemr- Makes Good Bull Story ' Legislature s, ,,. - , - : - d - d v, ' - e ' -'- '-i g Named , GOP Board , . - ,. y - ' . , - . - -- ,- ' ,, I. - ) 1 ; ' - . , putt, itn ,,, ,- i - , , Aw , , - . - 1 - i 4 There are countless other examples, hut these should serve to stir you out of d Into some producIroning chart-an' endeavor. or creative .,tive , ., ' ' -- - I I t I I ' I I 'o , The average life span ot American men ?as increased from 48 years in 1900 to some. thing over 67 years now, while women's life expectancy has climbed from 51 to 74 ,. In the same period. , I ad. vances in science and medical care, nôt - to mention easier living, more and more - folks are living to be older and older as the years go by. . . . . With countries and communities provid. Ing more and more opportunities and fact. I .. ities for the eldFly, old age does not pre. . t!ent the dismal prospect of want, lonellt ' ., Mess and "unwantedneSs" that it once did.: , .. . , ', 1 ' Not generilly, that Is. There are still ,' places like the Gran Chaco In -- South 1 , ,'America where dutiful sons are supposed to do In their paters when the latter begins to show signs of slowing up. ', . to tenst,o1 - :, c" r . , . , ": .., , , . 7 A , SCENE TODAY , , - , t , Service , gins at 65 in the 11,S., Britain, Belgium, Aus. tralia, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Finland and Switzerland; at 67 in Sweden and at70 in Canada,' Ireland and Norway. - France and New Zealand set the twilight age at 60, while Argentina puts it at a . youthful 56. ,- -, Buenos we come! here Aires, , - . - I r we. NOTING OM PIECE the other day con. cerning the vitality and accomplishment of some of, the older folks hereaboutf,--- Howard Johnston calls to remind us that Nerdi wrote his opera, "Falstaff," at 80; Goethe completed "Faust" just before his, death at 83; and Sophocles wrote "Oedipus Rex' at 75 and "Oedipus Coloneus'' at S9. . ' I - ' L 3 ' : -:--- - - . 1 ,- , - t i - ' v - . . . - - , , p S , 1 At1 Meet, ( Stressed . ' , 20-3- ' floral. - .,,, , , -- '4,--- 1 , , 1' " - ,N -' t - - ,,,. , 1, ,: ',' ,, . 11 - f',0 4r. 2' - , ), s , .s 1, - -- - - ,,, ' l , 1 , , , ', tu ' . . , I j , ,.7",77--- 7: t: 20-3- 0 I - . - , ,..,,.- ,, --- I '' .......,e-....Z.40-"- 1t - .. r': -- , ; last-minut- much-neede- , I However, the Buzzers noir stand seventh in the eight-teaPacific Coast League. One man is still missing trom a boating prty down the Green and the Colorado Rivers. A party of four from took a wrong turn in the river at the confluence of the Green River and capsized their boat in Cataract Canyon. One man, his wife and his mother were later rescued. Still missing is Frank A. Rich, Lakewood, Calif. The bridge across the Green River on the vvay to the Flaming Gorge dam site was to have been dedicated e caused I Satürday but rains and muddy roads 6. June until postponement A citizens committee, several private parties and yepresentatives of Salt- ,Lake veteran organizations have week urging met with' the City Commission during the of civic auditorium-Possibiliti- es 'action on a the University of Utah Joining the city in the erection of such are being considered: a structure-als- o An escaping prisoner, William E. Evans, 40, in Ogden failed in his bid for freedom early this meek when he tied sheets together, lowered himself from the lith story window of the Jail and' fell three floors to his deathby, wing of the Municipal landing on the roof of the fifth-flobuilding. The shee.s v:P7f." nree stories too short. - - I I , The Salt Lake Bees dropped the Phoenix Giants i.( fr-,-,r: - Friday night in an extra inning game to gain a 74 victory. - ---- - rd 3 BELLES LETTRES l't,,, kNorman S. Morrison, Sacra. 'A writer friend was telling about this ,, Z I 'Sdq famous novelist who was invited to a pre- mento Call f. international d ' ' , first vice president, praised view of the film made from his book.-Aske-"'" ' ''''...N. -,' how he liked the picture,,,he replied: Idaho for and Utah their work .,.' A , but called Who with , wrcIte it?" young people ,,,,,,,,,, "Excellent film. . ,. ro"', I 20. of said. was A host his 4., "It did," expansion "Why, you tNill ;:' .1 1 , ' made from your hook." workitL,thetwoweste - .'''-,-51,,,1. ,,...-I ' ., ' ': , .....deux ... ,"I didn't recognize it," the writer said. states. , '''::.;-- ;14 t- , i Careful attentiOrt,to' the - "BUtitr would make an. excellent novel. of means'trained I t", 'Mind today If I use it?" iyoutn Not --"' , t 1, ..w,4,,,.., at all," answered the' film magnate:: leaders for the work of Io , - I .- 11.!..,.. . officer told - - 4 ,..mombala "Just so-y- ou , give us an option on the film morrow, the ,' , club members. I ' , rights. Delegates from Utah and t y '.."t, I Then there was this actress who apIdaho comprising the Central 1 " " DiStrict met Intermountain proached an authoress she detested sod I said, "Darling, I enjoyed your tatest book.Saturday, morning for business t , for you?" Who wrote sessions and electO a new goy. '" ---. ..-To which the writer replied: "I'm glad erndr and lieutendnt governor. instruc. . Financial reports, o read it t dear. Who liked you?'' y9u tions from tlistrict And. inter. . : ' s t, ', national officers and a review , 0 . , 74 ' PARTING ..SHOT . of activity reports of the par. , . . ... ,, ..,. Was father JACK SLIPPEDA alt.t.aKe WheI all the ice itr Masks melts. the ticipating clubs in Utah and attiety,at490 state won't be much bigger than Rhode 'Idaho 'keynoted the morning nroay.morning when the bumper- jack slipped and,the -7 - .. f Epr fell on 'ncss Ft',.sIongeF-qurday- . y T:': 'il. - - 220-yar- d - ' ' ''', ' .' ' 7- Brigham Young University track men tiolninated the Skyline Conference track and tennis meet Friday and- Sat- urday at the University of Utah stadium. Dick Howard ot low New Mexico set a conference record in the would meet Cougar hurdles and it looked like for the hurdles nein tilt at 22.9 until Howard lowered it to 22:4. '',. lel i, ' death toil to 59 as compared with 61 a year ago. e ' , ', -,'4.,,, ..7 - , , ' , AApp,,,, - ' Clubs. Interna. , were killed in highway accidents Friday night and Saturday morning tollbring the state 4,.....,,..,,,t. !V 3,,,, ts.,,...,.. , PROVOThe Importance of adult service to youth was stressed here Saturday by an officer of 4 1 , - Five persons D ,,,,,,,,......,,, ' . . , , - To Youth , d - - , |