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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Friday, December 3, 1982 Page Eleven PROM TtlG AOGOCIATGD PBQOO Downfall, crackdown related by Will Grimsley AP special correspondent There is a poignant correlation in the downfall of a football hero and the crackdown on one of the country's top college football powers two important sports stories this month. The fallen hero is Mercury Morris, the former Miama star who was convicted on dope Dolphins' The other trafficking charges. story involves the heavy penalties National the Collegiate Athletic Association and the imposed by Coast Conference Atlantic. against Clcmson University for ball-carryi- ng recruiting violations. Qcmson won the 12-- 0 1981 national championship with a perfect and the great Bob Hayes before him, fall prey to unsavory influences. Their moral fiber is weakened by association. "If a university, which should be the cornerstone of social conduct, can get away with a little skullduggery, what's to prevent me cutting in on the action?" might well be the rationale of pampered athletes. The system undoubtedly has sullied the character of athletes given a free ride under false pretenses, many failing to get degrees and some winding up as offenders of society such as Mercury Morris and Bob Hayes, the latter a world record-settin- g sprinter and star of the Dallas Cowboys who spent time in prison for selling cocaine. As the TV commercial says, "a mind is a terrible thing to waste." record. How are the two cases related? The sins of one an institution which cheats to get ahead often lead to transgressions of the individual. They are hard to separate. One begets the other. Ingredients for the building of a winning football team have le been found often to entail hypocrisy, payments to athletes and evasion of the rules, both subtle and flagrant. This flouting of ethics cannot escape leaving a mark on the players involved. under-the-tab- Not all players are affected. The vast majority manage to shake it off and steer a normal course. Some, such as Mercury Morris Mountain Travel Spccialisb CROSS-COUNTR- Y LAY-Al'J- fJOl'J FOR CHRISTMAS AY SKI SPECIALISTS We have the best selection of skis in town. ASNES FISHER cross-countr- y TRAK ATOMIC KAZAMA SWALLOW ROSSIGNOL WOOD & FIBERGLASS RACING & GENERAL TOURING & MOUNTAINEERING CYCLE SPORT '81 Bianchi Sport SS Family 10 Spocd Come in and talk skiing! 702 E. 100 South 61 359-9- 3 4 na5oT NOW TAX INCLUDED MATINEE BARGAIN PRICE $2.50 TIL 3 PM TUESDAY ALL SEATS $2.00 ALL DAY W3 Phone 278 4711 12 Speed Double Butted Frame Alloy Handlebars Padded Saddle Alloy center Alloy, quick-releas- wheels pull Brakes Cotterless alloy tires 3092 S. Highland MX WE ARC NOT ALONC H Padded Saddle 90-lb- . tires J. GIRL'S HI RISE 16' or 20" SPORT ENCOUNTERS Cotterless alloy crank Stem Shifters Shimano equipped frame brakes Alloy side-pu- ll 90-l- crank 3ft Vl aa(B21 e tod, Pink. Yellow. Mack, OFTHE THIRD KIND Phone 363 MANN 7th E. at 5th So f He gave Ns body... THE MISSIONARY" (R) THE INHERITANCE Warring Anthony QuinrHWy -- ' CATHERINE ft V rr.-.. ff, Scary Fun! "CREEPSHOW" (R) THE f - I (with coupon) & CO. (R) ON WARRANTY ON ALL PARTS DUE TO NORMAL WEAR A TEAR INHERITANCE r Wli Alii SAVE 20 DEPARTMENT FREE i:i 3 in u BINDING ADJUSTMENT & LUBE II V 90-0A-Y FREE ADJUSTMENT MftCMTIMT-MIMtl- THE MOTION PICTURC Charlton Heston in MOTHER LODE ,r, I (with coupon) Expires Dm. 17, 1C32 C:3V(1E3 QC3 ONE-YEA- R FROM TIME OF DELIVERY J N Expires Dsc. 17, 1C32 LIFETIME GUARANTEE ALL FRAMES A FORKS THE (R) 109.95 pads included CATHERINE Cotaman h IU. All Mary Poppins She Ain't! JIMMY THE KID (PG) Mary Poppins She Ain't! CATHERINE REG. axels FREE HOT WAX RedwtxxfRd 54th So TR2K. and hubs and SKI Phone 969 MANN purring Anthony QuinniRj Heavy-dut- y Storybook Fantasy mm fQwf ) Gary Coleman is JIMMY THE KID starring Anthony Quinn(R) VM9TION pirpruag Phone 278 4711 NOW 175mm cranks 105 guage wheels Double gusseted frame Dual stem (R "HEIDI'S SONG INHERITANCE TR2K-a!,,- d A Wt 11 r ONLY Mary Poppins She Ain't! TO 1737 |