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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Friday, December 3, Page Twelve 70 AUMN9 WaSUtlt NEFBMEMTOI for sale. 22 cu. ft - ice maker - new comprts-so-r. 1273 CaN 4854024 after 5:00 p.m. AUTOMOTIVE INI SLt Fairing, shaft drive, slotted disc brakes. 4 cyi. 9 months old. Beautiful red ft Mack. 484-251after 5pm. or MV3596 12--4 p m. 1210 SUZUKI 050 1171 RMW 2002. auto trans., sunroof. Blaupunkt cass.. air. $5500 1371 Chandler 123 Dr.363-624- NfiA 351 for $400. Runs well, great 5. or heater. Bob 466-252- 5 126 1 172 I MM THICK CHEAT -- condition. TON. good 128 reliable, good tires. $800. I ITS aOMBA 710. many new items. $750. 3. 128 451-71- 51 1171 TOYOTA CEUCA 5spd. Brown, excellent condition. 68.000. Economical, affordable, near University, after 6 p.m. SUCK KUILI LOACHES. Silver Angels. Platys. Chinese Algae Eaters. Gold Mystery Snails SBC. new 0tc wood-ton- e lOgalton aquarium and full reflector $2299. Neon Tetras 5S1.00. Salt Lake Aquarium. 4(89 East So. 2300 current" Brought to you by the Greenhouse Restaurant, late night dining specialists." 2nd South West Temple. Open all night and 1210 Sundays. EtiTEnTAinnlnT MAfiC for parties. Oogs do tricks. Lyle Peck does miracles. References 118 available. 532-376- 0. queen-siz- information, call Doug Del linger. 533-548-8 ext. 41, between the hours of 7 JO a m. and 5 p.m.. Monday thru Friday. Equal Opportun-it- y 1210 Employer. 1210 bed. bar and stools. e more. strat-o-mat- Russ 127 STEREO. watt-amp- a SIEI6UT-0F-MAK- 0 123 582-73- 21 123 SUM ST USEHTS Learn technical rock'n'roll. Three teaching locations includina 1273 house calls. Ashley 27S4628. tmmWUm.mnmialm6an. Owl Books. individually weach client to determine a for your facial structure style for appt. 117 and lifestyle. Call best-suit- 364-60- , 12 U BUYS NEED HOMES 1983 U of U Calendar on sale now. BookstoreUniv. Union. 1210 - x 7. 101 CARLSON, author of Truants & Betrayed by F. Scott Fitzgerald will read from his recent work. Sunday Dec. 5th, 6:30 BEJUHI6: PflSFESSIBIAL IBM jobs. Correcting Selectric. N types of paper. 1210 manuscripts, legal, thesis. SEL Term papers, theses, TYPIIS-i- SM reports, etc English ft spelling corrected. 268-957- S1.tt WW 00534889. FtOFESSSaALTYPIKS BEAR N. Dictation by phone. Volume typmg tor less. Home days. 12710 Cal JoAnn naFUtXUi LOfXHCS CtMS by experienced typist guaranteed, fa- -t work, reasonable rates. Yvonne 12710 5. The finest selection. Waking Weeknights til 8. 1260 East 4th South. 1210 ACCURATE FAST TYPIST, letters, theses, dissertations, anything you need typed. off your wedding floral package thru December. Fresh or fine silk designs. Come by or call. The Black Dahlia 5834427. 1615 Foothill Or. in Lamplighter KM COBB. SELECTRS. 582-73- 21 BOXES TO BE. 20 128 Square. LESSONS, RACQUETBALL individual or group. 127 5214082. ask for Pat. IBM lOOwpm, 854 pane, 1278 accurate, home all day 621-473-7. TYrTaSwWrWESStt-papers- , theses, letters. Text storage, right margins. Call Bette 127 486-980- etc. 10 SERVICES 123 a 487-140- 6. for travel agents! 8 week course. Internship gives you valuable 110 training. 466-798- ONE WAY. Laguardia. Before $135. Call after 8 p.m. David NEW YORK. 127 4674675. LET THE UTAH NATM3AL SIMXS 1982 repay your student loan. la addition to a good, job the Guard wil pay up to 90of your student loan. For more information. caH: Kim Gilks. ext. 34: Vert Lamb. e part-tim- 533-544- tike 533-548- Krelo. 1210 295-272- 1 FffiS SERMCE: The Utah National Guard's finest unit has immediate openings for both and prior service personnel, tarn an outstanding pkg. of pay benefits met. fret college tuiL or cash bonus. Come visit us at the 144th or non-pri- learn white you Evacuation Hospital, 750 Guardsmen Way. SLC or call SFC Vert Lamb. 1210 LAS SPECIALIST HSKCAL NEESEO e. Training available. $2,000 cash bonus. $4,000 education assistanct. For mora information, call SFC Vtrl Lamb 1210 TKSEN OH pipe, cigar and gift shops THE need Christmas halp. Pipe and cigar 6 smokers should apply. Call for 123 appointment EIP. INFANT CARE IN 000 HOME. Beg. 6 for January 3. Ref. required. Call 355-733- TYPING. 85 pg.. papers, diss., thesis, years U of U experience. 272-595-4. reasonable rates. Ask about "get acquainted" special Call Karen 11Q TRAVEL MEET THE DEMANO 12710 Selectric Gayle 9664311 TYPNal Utah's best. Scissors works 127 3. - - 1 before 581-97- 74 one of semi- Quartz-locke- d turntable; 45 automatic, direct-driv- e two ultralinear power bass speakers, cassette. Steal $750. Call Grant every day 50t. Sunday fetor fort Turns on Sunday $2.75. Waking Owl Book Co.. 1260 East 4th South. NEW YSSK TUBES 416 E. 900 So. This hair salon owned by Steve Coppola is recognized as 127 AWESOME 277-933- 2. SCISSORS Professional quality and performance. Serious inquiries only. Call after 10 p.m. for appointment. JBL MONITOR LOUDSPEAKERS. 484-101- Need coaches for basketball league. For info, BASKETBALL FAN SI much & 7. CHANS Do something different on the TAKE weekends. Part-tim- e positions now available with a higher headquarters artillery unit Utah Army National Guard. Excellent pay A benefits. For more sofas, lamps, SELLIN6 different helium-s- end kind of gift Christmas. New Year balloons 123 too. Dek very. 3594004. K2 244 MBS. 170cm. Unmounted. $65 562-112-1. StUfVETt BALL8SN 1210 or this winter, not your house! Avoid chimney fires by calmg Salt Lake Sooty Sweeps. No mess and speedy service. Call Sooty Sean at 127 Student discounts available. BOAST CHESTNUTS 980-729- 9. 581-70- 278-408-5. 15 So. BJFT1 FUN MBTEl ladies only. Lingerie, bedroom toys. Ulli 110 Sharon YAMAHA 484-251- 3 L 1300 NOVELTY 1210 272-407-2. SRI SNOVMSSILE. 440 Nquid cooled. Excellent condition. Very fast. S1795oWer. days. 127 OVEN SS OFF RETAIL on Christmas gifts. Diamonds, engagement rings, wedding bands, gold chains, jewelry. We beat any B. Snow price Salt Lake Jewelry-Mich- ael 4844880. $20 paid for diamond referrals. 78 MUST MOVE. NATTERS OF PRINCIPLE, stand like a In matters of taste, swim with the 1674 TBS. or offer. II rock; 581-950- NMICV with math pack. Uke new $195. Call 5824428. 126 FN SKIS DINING fJuropean Skin Care. Facials, pedicures, lash dye. waxing ft "ELECTROLYSIS-' Can Swikka 582004. 15 CLOSE TO N. PBM SPECIAL $30 includes cut (Style. Haircuts St CaH "JNJ," CLOSE TO TYFIM-r- osh SUAUTY WOn PROCESSUS! & typing service, reports, resumes. Discount for stu- dents. Call Karen 110 966-750- WORK GUARANTEE! Experienced correct and edit. Excellent work. 2703587. typist can typewriter. 110 355-245- 126 to train as interview. TYPIST WANTED, part-tim- e, typesetter for Sunstone magazine. Type 70 wpm accurate. Flexible hours. Call Rebecca at 126 355-592-6. SALES: SUCO BY CNMSTMASI Too good to be true? Maybe, if that's your response. To the rest of you. carl my office to schedule yourself into an Introductory Meeting Wed. at 9 a.m.. 12 noon, 3 p.m. or 7 p.m. Mr. Forbush The Recreational Resort Trust . .. 127 322-441- 1. I A MSJITN to work in new downtown store. Must be tree to work evenings after 6 aner z p.m. p.m. 4BS-93113 p.m. Free to the public. Waking Owl Books. 1 1260 East 4th South. 123 TENPENNY in Vuletide Folk Concert. Wednesday. December 15th, 8:00 p.m., 850 E So. Temple. Tickets $4.50. 1210 AOSNESaVE WANTED for NUNASEMENT person-n- el home entertainment 0 business. Call Bart or Ron evenings. Seminar will be Friday. 7:00 at 200 L South Temple. Plan to attend. 123 part-tim- e 460-548- 756-345- FOR nENT KM 2 0E0RM8. NEESEO FOI ONUO TRIAL. confinement in the hospital. Cannot leave the ward during that time. Males only. 0 years of age. Liberal financial remuneration. Report to room 4E82, University Medical Center, if interested. VOLUNTEERS a All elec.. all carpet, gym. 10-d- 126 pools, tennis. $155person. 18-6- 2 BLOCKS TO "U." 2 bedroom apt. with balcony and covered parking. Rental Data 123 0REAf2 IE0I00M with fireplace and 486-744-1. hookups just $190. Rental Data 12? EVENIN8 KOURSI EXCELLENT INCOMEI Help 486-744- pay all or part of education. Hard work nesessary. but working smart is the key. Do you have what it takes? Call Chris Rogers for an interview p.m. weekdays. 123 SMALL DOUSE close to University with fenced yard only $250. Rental Data 123 6:00-7:0- 0 584306. 486-744- ONE BEDROOM distance to APT.-Wa- lking 1210 RECENT MONO OR STREP PATIENTS NEEDED $115. plus University and shopping 6 utilities after 7:30. 126 for special study. Adults paid $50 for 128 approx. 1 nr. 277-939- 2. 3 18. FURNISHED HOUSE Close in $475mo. Terrific view. 328-059- 1 (0) 355-140-1 128 (H). available next to University campus. Please call for appointment to see. 128 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE 581-30- FOR THE WINTER ONLY Tel. IIV one bedroom apartment in Sugarhouse. Call eves 486-052-8. 6--9. KIRK DOUGLAS in THE KAN 127 APTS. FOR RENT. Close to University. One, two bedroom, one with fireplace. Dave SHOT 128 322-377- 5. Fm Caro Cattf tpo i: ALMOST NEW WOMEN'S MARK V SKIS, Nordica boots, poles and bindings, call 5394555. $140. 117 H08SIES has Dungeons & Dragons, Traveller, and STAR FLEET Battles. Plus 14 anything Atari. Call WATER8EDS COMPLETE $129. $159. Includes headboard. $179. Bookcase styles. E.T. 9. or 15 943-258- 5. 12 AUDIOPHILE SPEAKER SPECTRUM CABLE will improve any system. 50 centsft. at DISCRIMINATOR, 2132 S. 1100 E.. 467-964-9. SH0PPIN6 FOR STEREO EQUIPMENT? 112 Discrim-- i nator maintains a used equipment file at no cost to buyer or seller. List sale items free or call for what's new in used equipment. Also sell used albums on consignment. 112 467-964- 9. state licensed. The business with a continued 126 great future. 6REETIN6 CARDS: Unusual & delightful selection. Thousands of postcards 40 each. Waking Owl Books, 1260 East 4th 1 South. 123 CHILDREN'S DAY CARE FOR SALE: CONTRACT FOR SALE. Van OORM AQUARIUM 532-24- 1 with hood, 123 1. Cott. apartments. Will sacrifice $75 deposit A a of Moosehead. Dave 127 DORM CONTRACT FOR BALL Negotiable. Call 123 ome THE TIME IS are at a computers price even "U" students can afford. I am a 1 mfg. rep for the VIC 20, America's am or after 5 p.m. 584-45- NOW-H- computer. This baby does it all 35 video games, full type. Keyboard (not punch 5K RAM, fully expandable wthe Slate), This is a real computer! No gimmicks. Instant delivery. Call Ronn 4674541. 126 a L00KM8 FOR RANGE'S AXIOM: Things 200 So.). Individual confessions are available. 123 C.J.H. I'm sorry. Please accept my Let's get political together. Love apology 123 E. AIR FORCE SQUADROM PIN. F0UN0-6- 0L0 Near Marriott Library. Kevin 7. 123 ROOMMATE week. 5271. p.m. EXPERIENCED 5 M-- F. PERSOflAL Join over 300 attractive women, nice guys at the Professional Matchmakers. Affordable fee. Dates GUARANTEED! Call 8 or visit office 113 anytime. 369 East 900 South. 322-535- . Sat, mornings. M-- TYPHIS WITH WORD PROCESSOR pica, elite. Can check spelling, etc. Mrs. Nelley. 467-432-0. of house Vi $20) backcountry travel is not recommended. Snowfall today will be on the " before tapering off light side with accumulations ranging from tonight. Winds will be quite strong today out of the northwest between 1 5 mph making the wind chill factor near zero degrees. Morning by afternoon. rising up to 22-2- 6 temperatures will lower to 2 Total snow accumulations for this entire storm ranged anywhere from 78"-90- " of champagne edition powder. Area Ski Totals 1981 New Resort 1982 Afta 116" 4" 52" 1"-4- 4" 3" 93" 2" 81" Solitude 18" 2" Park City 68" 2" 80" 40" Brighton Ski Touring Ctr New snow totals are projected values forecasted for area ski resorts. Extended Forecast: A weak ridge of high pressure passing through the Intermountain Region will deflect any approaching storm systems tothe north of Utah this weekend. Saturday will boast fair weather conditions and Sunday will prove to be mostly sunny. Temperatures will reach near for daytime highs, dipping into the level for low readings. Chance of precipitation will remain under 20 percent for the entire forecasted period. 6 excell. bus, cozy. SHARE SO) AVE HOUSE, 35-3- 20-2- near 364-83- 0-- 5 98- - HOME TO SHARE campus, $115mo. plus share utils. afternoons. 127 Today's Forecast: Mostly sunny skies this morning will give way to some high thin cloudiness today, as an impulse of moisture brushes north of Utah. Variable cloudiness will begin to develop as the afternoon progresses, but should not pose a threat of precipitation today. Chance of precipitation will be near 40 percent this morning, 20 percent by afternoon and will decrease to 10 percent by nightfall. Weather Summary Clear Morning Weather .... Ptly Cdy . Evening Weather mph W Morning Winds . mph NW Evening Winds 9 7 Minimum Temps .. Maximum Temps 28 35 Yesterday's Low Yesterday's High 2.00' Storm Totals 0.60" Daily Precipitation 'Yesterday's Snow Depth: 1 8" A Skiers' Forecast: new light snow cover on top of last week's old base will cause an extreme avalanche hazard above the 7,000' level. All 23-2- close to U, M or Responsible persons 127 or 355-622- 1 126 487-522- 6 F, Call r. a m. or 4-- 5 532-846- 6 M or bwtn p.m. any day. $100 . machine, 278-481- TYPIST: Fast, accurate; IBM Selectric; convenient SW valley location; 561-99after 600 p.m., M-anytime Saturday. 126 typewriters. Experienced, reasonable rates. Rita or Susan, 328-85- - COUNTRY. JAZZ A POP instruction in ts , Phone 1 Reasonable rates, fast service, (best to call early am, 1210 eves) Judy 8. WORD PROCESSINB-Cheaper- typing! than quality at the low December price of $1.80page less than you'd pay for a typist (draft and final). Overnight, if you need I. Call Myma, The Premium error-fre- feTottflHmrainai e mi TYPI NO Mon-Sa- DISSERTATIONS. TRESES, EXPERT TYPIN6. MONSIGNOR manu- scripts, reports, resumes, letters, tables, equations. IBM Selectric II. 12 years experience as secretary typist. 1210 272-405- 8. 3. NEED FAST. ACCURATE TYPING? Convenient location. Experience. Reasonable. Also thesesdissertations. Sherry 1210 363-077- TYPIN6W0R0 PROCESSING. Let Yale Ph.D. papers, resumes, letters. ?!pe your theses, storage and editing, even right mar gins, printwheel variety, scientific symbols, much more. 467-285-6. 113 WANTED IT 93 GERE Reti 4 (There, Fri & Oat) Doc. 1, 3 & OHO-- I 300 I KM OFTZXK 1 opportunities. Call today for interview Some clerical positions also available. 1210 266-444- 6. 2 to 3 hrs day. General office & computer work. Also 1 night a week (plenty of study time on night shift). Call Rob or PART-TIM- E 128 364-774- Kathy 10-2- 9 pounds 7fS r THE jtl PERSONALS h IPG) 1:30-3:30-5:- 1 hi 30 7:30 - 9:30 100 natural diet plan helps you lose weight with herbs. Get rid of fat and cellulite without starvation. 100 satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Call Jeff 466-365- 9 between 10 a.m. 4 p.m. for FREE samples. COHHIGtV 7112 RUVVHH RocXt & DEBRA WINGFR AMERICAN (R) UIUULU PLUS ' ..' - THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP mi R) ft- - -- 486-574-9. at t!t DEAD G7AL1 Arrow Pros Sq. ' i;ia (K9 fcOiOsslMRdM ar00)00) AJV .fi! STAR TREK ilH Soul A twO) RICHARD K3 I200PENIN6S Telemarketing afternoons 1 to 5 p.m. Good commissions, evenings S.m. til 9:30. $3.50 per hour. Advancement fASOjl in 30 days guaranteed. CONVENIENCE 581-62- Ift 1 Lose RESIDENCE HALLS v. .. 1210 CALL US FIRST for all your typing. Youll be glad you did! Pickupdelivery. 1210 mi DAILY SHOWS! Sciences. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable rates. Call: Diana Fox REASONABLE RATES. v 968-604- M CM fil IN 1210 t. M CHRISTOPHER REEVE GENEVIEVE BUJOLD Honcho, at Lasting Impressions, 633 3rd Ave.. 3634574, tut Extra "T CORRECTIONS. Fn1 America Inc. Measure-Up- ! 1 TmwsnuAi. fCS U.I. 355-81- PROOF REA0IH8 1210 MEASURE-UP!"! Gird A Guyi nuke more money easier than you can believe. On campu, in your spare time, an etching butinesi. Imtant men-lo(wakt, hips, might, etc.). Have fun, teach everybody how A make money doing It rfcia mm pages or less. Quality professional typing 1210 at low rates. Call Laura OVERWEIGHT? voice, group singing, piano, bass, sight singing, & lead sheets. We teach what you want to know. Call the Brad Chapman Studios today. 14 -- 1210 for 30 363-919- SERVICES ROCK. 14 3 WANTED. Furnished rm. share rest with yard. 1 5th E. & 30th So. $125 & utilities, (app. s. 1210 123 BOARDER 485-397- refer-ence- TYPING. CONVENIENT AVENUE AREA Selectric bedrooms, 6. 117 113 fireplaces, wood floors, dishwasher, to other housemates. Close to share with bus routes. Civilized pets negotiable. RESPONSIBLE FEMALES 0-- 5 a 1- -2 LET LOVE HAPPEN) a.m. 0 1210 . RESTORED AVENUES HOM- E-3 Chronicle Staff Meteorologists 0 appraisals. Chris 12:30-7:0- 0 Call Kathy 8VERNI8HT SERVICE 6UARANTEER Low rates - Papers, theses, manuscripts, legal briefs, resumes, cassette transcribing, plays, FNMA 966-123- Fast turnaround. 467-390- 6. "RESUMES. ETC" film ribbon. Robyn REFERRAL SERVICE 7 days 9-S&S 2--7 p.m.. 322- - C0RRECTW8. U. 85 double-space-d. M Close to TYPING aren't as bad as they noor.ir.iATES WEATHER 34-4- TVPIM-4B- 127 RECONCILIATION SERVICE on Friday, 7:30 p.m.. at the Newman Center (1327 East LOST & FOUND by Eric Gurney and Robert Long Brighton 22, cute, ADVENT call 44" 50" 45" 5T. 359-423- took; they couldn't be. Waking Owl Books, 1260 East 4th So. 582-73123 APT. TO SHARE, F. $100 & Vi utilities! Snowbird Am ROMANCE. honest male. Call John RUSH JOB SPECIALIST. Electronic ft light and stand. $50. Call -- RIVER FOR SALE 261-28- - m W feeidisfeipts! 779 east 3ru south salt puddle city, Utah 84102 (801) 521-01- 67 INSTANT CUSTOM CAPS. PLAQUES. AWARDS ft UUIL T SQUARES FROM YOUR ART OR PHOTO! ' THE MOVIE PLUS . ' STAR TREK f va e ffvi . w IG II 9 Si) irnni ri vr ixnnn 111 1 111 w vr;i |