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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1930 Thatcher W. E. Easton, editor of the Still- water (Minn.) Gazette, says: That trading at home is an old subbut just ject, almost worn threadbare as important today as it was a hun- dred years ago. No town, no matter how large or the small, can grow and flourish if from residents do their trading away home. This is a plain, unvarnished fact. The merchants' wives and families are often the first to set the example. The shoe men notice this fact; the does the jewelry men do the same, as the grocer and the meat men, as well men, the clothing men, as the mechanic, the laborer, the t.hft clerks in all the 7V1W ioxrhewvovtj ...... flip Rtpnnfiranhers. etc. They all imagine if the other fellow can trade out of town, they can, never realizing the fact that every resident is more or less dependent on his neighbor for trade. A town would be short lived if this state of affairs dry-goo- ds - continued. You who are in business, no matter what your business is( owe it to your home town to trade at home whenever possible. And that is just as true With all trade of the employees. going out of town it will be but a short time before there will be stores and houses for rent, because there will be no one to occupy either store or home. Help your neighbor and he will help you. Trading at home means much for our people. Think this over and contemplate what it would mean to buy all your goods out of town. j Erie Compton attended to business matters at Ogden, Friday. A. W. Bergstrom went to Brigham Friday, where he spent the day with his mother, Mrs. Chri.-tin-a Bergstram. Nephi Diderickson spent several days last week in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norberg of Ogden spent Friday and Saturday with the latters paretns', Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bergstrom. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Norberg left for Denver, where they will make their home. Mrs. Mabel Chambers and C. J. Dewey of the M. I. A. stake board attended meeting here, Sunday evening. Mrs. Chambers spoke on "Faith" and related many beautiful stories. Pres. Dewey, choose "Prayer" as his sub ject which was also very interesting. Miss Tearl Bergstrom of Tremon ton spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bergstrom. Erwin Peterson and Roy Anderson were Brigham visitors, r nday. Bishop A. N. Wight and counselors W. C. Waldron and Koy Anderson en tertained the ward teachers and their partners at the ward hall, Monday After a short meeting, evening. oysters, ice cream and pie was served to 30 guests. On Thursday evening, Feb. 6th, Miss Ruby Bergstrom will give a recital at the Consolidated Music Co. Recital Hall. Miss Bergstrom, who is well known throughout the valley is a pupil of Mme. Burrows Rowan. Miss Bergstrom will be assisted by Otto Nye and Dr. Samuel Bleak. The basket ball team from Brigham Fifth ward, came out Monday evening Old fans to play the local team. say it was the fastest game played 0 here this season. The socre was in favor of the local team. 29-3- Honorable James W. Good, Secretary of War of the United States, in a Dedicatory Speech at the Dedication Ceremonies of the Foshay Tower, a Washington Memorial in Minneapolis, in part said: "We are met today in the shadow of a mighty edifice, a shining monument situated in a fair and fertile country, what more appropriate place for so majestic a tower, so fit a memorial to Washington. Happy the man who daily could ascend its towering pinnacle, to be inspired by the compelling beauty around about him. What could be more inspiring than the view of this new Canaan, a promised land in which the promise has been realized? Here the Creator, using the majestic glaciers as puny man would use a plow, molded a region which would be a jewel in the diadem of an empire. Here fields extend a generous welcome to the sower and the e lakes, spark- reaper. Here line in the green settings of the for ests, are linked together by the d streams. strands of the And nearby, laid bare by that same force which clothes your dales with ore verdure, are the deposits of Mesabe, which furnish the skeletal structure of our modern age. "In this smiling land lives an industrial populace, drawn from far and near by the challenge of nature. Here they have wrought with heart and g head and hand for their own and for the progress of the nation. In peace and war the lavish-nes- s of their contribution to the country's maintenance and to its has been unequalled. Here, far beyond the environments of the Mount Vernon home of the Father of his Country, is a community that in the stability of its life and in the high place of its living, attains in effect to his ideals. How fitting, then, that here, in what has become the heart of America, there should arise a majestic memorial to Washington. "It is not my purpose on this occas ion to attempt a eulogy on the life! and character of Washington. Almost 90 years ago, in delivering an address on the anniversary of the birth of Washington, Abraham Lincoln most eloquently expressed what is in our minds today when he said: '"Washington is the mightiest name on earth long since mightiest in the cause of civil liberty, still mightiest in moral reformation. On that name no eulogy is expected. It cannot be. To add brightness to the sun or glory to the name of Washington is alike imLet none attempt it In possible. solemn awe pronounce the name and I HOWLERS r The I awe-inspiri- ng well-bein- America was discovered the Spinach. by False doctrine Is when a doctor gives the wrong stuff to a man. In 165S the Pllsrlms crossed the ocean, and this was known as Pilgrims' Progress. An appendix Is a book, which nobody covered of any use. portion of a yet has disSelected. SCRAPS Jit. Ranier, In Washington, tinct volcano. Is an ex- The Apache Indians practice a form of trial marriage. The diameter of a golf hole Is four and Inches. one-four- th Rome will have 1,000,000 people by census officials estimate. 1930, "Wild" deer In the Yosemtte valley eat cookies from the hands of campers. A new geological survey map shows the Salton sea basin, 270 feet below ' sea level. Government geologists are finding airplanes useful to carry them into the Alaskan wilderness. In early Seventeenth century England nearly 1,000 men, women and children were hanged each year. New Hampshire Is taking steps to drain its coast marshes, where species of mosquitoes are found. Mrs. Mary B. Cothran is the new manager of the largest and most exclusive apartment hotel in in its deathless splendor leave it r ing ,on."' shin- SPREADER (Narrow Type Tight Bottom) SPREADER WITH THE BEATER ON THE AXLE AND BOX-ROLTURN box-reThe beater on the axle and the ll turn, both exclusive-features, have made it possible to give you these distinctive spreader advantages: a low, easy loading box a real labor saver. lighter draft because of high drive wheels and fewer moving parts, combined with roller bearings. better work because the beaters are low down winds will not cause the manure to drift. longer life resulting from simplicity of design, and higher grade materials and workmanship. EASIER ON THE USER EASY ON THE HORSES DOES BETTER WORK LASTS LONG LOW-DOW- N L Con. Wagon & Machine Co. LEADING IMPLEMENT and HARDWARE DEALERS Phone 90 11 A dog doubles Its weight in the first eight days of life, whereas a baby takes six mouths to double Its weight THE NEW JOHN DEERE THE EXPERIMENTS IN CATTLE FEEDING Need Mineral Supplements With Poor Roughage. mi? SI Z i i YCHEN L'ABINET (SO. I j. a Wtsttrn Hot Foods Easy to Carry In Child9 s Lunch Box Newgjja; er Union. Cream of Potato Soup By Maureen McKeman d cupmwtm ATAODAY'S food discussion has t draiaej rem I to do wltd a problem mat ai- 3 potatoes , Utve slices onion JL feeta one child in every four 1 y, qia. boUins t IVu cw-water I the United States the school salt Xa) ecier ar iuncheon. It is estimated that one 1t hits. rated cups erapo child in every four lives so far milk diluted with from home that he most carry bis Boil potatoes and onion i lunch. Often food is sold In con Vt jts. of water to which Ait ft olidated district schools In rural added until tender. Drain thoitwriYi communities but usually only one ly. There shooJd be Vh iw two supplementary dishes are liquid. If not add water. Zsmsx erred. potatoes and beat until sraoXtwi The neei of aot food for the noon There should be 3 caps maciassl, , lay meal can not be emphasized potatoes. Scald dilated rrijfc at a too much. Fortunately in the past doable boiler with, parsi-v- : fw years the vacuum bottle has slowly to hot mashed come into general use, making pos- stirring to keep smooth. sible a Winn liquid food for the cayenne and celery salt & ? Ht) school lunch basket 6 serving, once. Yield: cups.) Cocoa (far child. DISHES When poor roughage is fed to A nke dish to serve tor luncheons, dairy cows mineral supplements are which may be prepared from stewed shown to be necessary In a recent fowl Is: publication of the Wisconsin experiChicken Warmein. ment station. Three cows fed on tima large fat fowl, Take othy hay, corn silage and a grain cut up for serving, and mixture were poor producers of milk. put on to stew in plenty In addition they were slow to breed water. When tender, of and when bred they tended to dry up remove the chicken, and from six weeks to two months earlier cut it Into small pieces, than three cows fed on alfalfa hay. removing all the bones. Another test on minerals showed Put a bunch or two of GO cows from f0 to that producing diced celery Into the broth and cook pounds of milk daily without direct It until tender, remove it, and add exposure to sunlight were unable to noodles, cook for fifteen then maintain a calcium balance In their serve a nest of noodles minutes, with celery bodies even though the ration was and top with the chicken. Add a litotherwise adequate. When the cows tle gravy made with broth, cream were exposed to sunlight for six hours and serve. daily they decreased the loss of calGreen Peas, Onion and Cucumber cium from their bodies by 25 per cent. Salad. Take one and cup In a comparison of soy bean hay fuls of cooked, drained, small green versus alfalfa hay the cows produced same amount of thinly sliced the same amount of peas, the approximately of butterfat and niiik but the cows en young cucumbers and one cupful Mix and sliced onions. green thinly soy bean hay gained only half as dust with salt and paprika. Add any much body weight and wasted more salad good dressing, heap on lettuce of their hay. The results of this test, serve. which does not check with tests run and Lima Beans and Celery. Take two at some other stations, shows that of cooked lima beans, add to cupfuls was bean be to calculated soy hay worth 73 per cent as much as alfalfa them, one cupful of green celery diced one-ha- pot;v 1 vap".iU4 cj tbsp. cocoa srstt. milk Hlot tbsp. sugar Pew grains salt water water hot cup Mix cocoa, sugar and salt and 1 2 ltt add hot water. Cook over a o m- flame 10 minutes, sorrows A bontnt to prevent sionally hot diluted milk and contteaa tooi-in- g over hot water 10 minn:., Whisk with a Dover egg best. fore serving. Yield: 6 seuTa. Soups and cocoa present, the ideal hot food of this na ture. They give the child almost complete dietary balance. Only an orange or apple need be added to give the full vitamin ration to the aaeal If the soap is properly prepared. Cocoa, containing a large of the doubly concentrated evaporated milk, Is almost ft "whole" food In itself. SCHOOL LUNCHES Savory Lima Bean Soup 1 tap. peppercorns cup lbna beans In n- C0ia water J cups evaporated eVm medium miuc 1 tbup. Worcestercarrot slices medium shire Sauce onion Few drop Tabasco Saooa (If desired) spris parsley Tapioca per-iiap- s, lf - and two tablespoonfuls of chopped hay. In this connection It is Interesting onion. Serve on lettuce with a good to note some experiments that were boiled dressing; garnish with radish i tap. san conducted in chopping alfalfa and roses. A Dainty Dessert. Cut out squares Wash beanS, cover with water soy bean hay. No advantage was aI soak several hours. Drain, noted in chopping alfalfa, but the or circles of sponge cake, make wells ldd water and cook slowly until cows wasted less of the soy bean nay. with a small cutter and bush well tender, about 1 boor. After cook-fj- r This caused the chopping to improve with melted butter. Put into the oven 4 hoar, add vegetables and the valuo of soy bean hay by 23 per and toast Serve with the wells filled corns. When beans are ten-iv- t, ptvper cent. These figures indicate that it with sugared fruit. Strawberries or rub through a sieve. There a'toold be 3 cups of pulp and liquid. may prove profitable to chop soy bean any seasonable fruit may be used. Top ,JT not, add water. In the mean-Jttra- e hay when used for feeding dairy with whipped cream or serve cream have evaporated milk heated with the dessert When tired of salcattle. to scalding point Combine bean ads use a fruit cup for a change. lyulp and seasonfogB with milk Just Combine almost any In season fruit 'fcefore aarvis. Yield; I serving. Modern Dairy Barn Must add a bit of lemon Juice and some Cf captj. Have Good Ventilation sugar sirup and serve well chilled, in tall glasses. It must not be forgotten that each Orange Banana Cream. Remove cow in the stable actually gives eft the skin and fiber from six bananas, So from her breath alone about ten mash to a palp, adding gradually two and of carbondloxide per day pounds When all of orange Juice. over two gallons of water. Hence, it cupfuls is well mixed add four tablesponfuls Is perfectly obvious that In the modern of cream and chllL. Serve ia glass "It actually irritated me to have dairy stable there must be some sys- cup. " anyone talk to me, I was so nervous. tem whereby this used, moist, foal Vinol ended this and I feel wonderair may be regularly taken out of the ful now." Wm. Fahy. Durair. fresh and stable replaced by Vinol is a compound of iron, pkos-phate- s, ing the winter months, the occasional cod liver peptone, etc. The will windows and of doors opening help but how often is this done during winter months, and needless to say it is never done during the night King and other authorities on stable ventilation have estimated that there should be a continual air flow through , Tremonton, Utah Man Nervous Gets Sore When Spoken To Puddly cup evaporated milk dilated with 1 cup water 1 H tbap. minute tapioca. Heat dilated mlDc 1 3,600 cubic feet per cow per hour. In other words, in a cow stable 36 feet by 50 feet with an ceiling, there should be a sufficient flow of air so that of the air would be replaced every hour or that the air be completely changed In the stable six times per day. If this were done by the opening of doors and windows, the resulting changes of temperatures, chills to the animals, etc., would obviously be courting disaster. Hence, a regular system whereby such a change of air will go on continuously and still allow the maintenance of uniform heat conditions, should be the ambition of every one installing a ventilation one-quart- er Cold Hampers Cow dairy cow cannot continue normal production if she is exposed to seveia weather. It is, therefore, important If good yields are expected to bold up through the cold months, that all discomforts be eliminated. A comfortable cow will more than repay for added labor for her protection. Milk is 87 per cent water, and a large part of this gets into the almal's system from the water trough. A high producing Quarters for Cows fn addition to proper feeding, dairy cows will need good quarters If they are to produce maximum retnrns for their owners. Dairy cows do not have long hair or surplus fat to protect them from cold weather. They are more sensitive to cold winds, draft and poor quarters than any other kind of farm live stock, unless It I the poultry. Warmth, comfort, venil lotion nnd sanitation should rerelvi consideration In fixing up the datr barns or rl eds for the winter month!' ess lb.. 1 tap. vaioflia Add tapioca, tp:i. 8 servings. Love Drop Cookies 1 cup (muraiate augur eupe pastry flour V tsjp. aoda so. Bait 2 sups roiled oats cup rat (nan 1 3s cub evaporated mux 1 cupraislsui butter) Sift floor, then measure. Reeift with soda and salt Add roQed oats. Cream the fat and sugar. Add eggB and beat on til smooCk and Unify. Add dry ingredient and mfik bnduntng bdA ending wita. dry Ingredients, then raisins with, last few stirs. Drop by teaspoos-ful- s onto aa oiled baking sheet,' Bake In a hot oven (400 T$ Yield: 6 doses cookies. Lee Dunn, declares that giving a kitchen shower for a modern bride is about as silly as buying rubber boots for a goldfish. ... 65 EL HYDRAULIC SHOCK ABSORBERS SEDAN DE LUXE $360.00 The 1930 Auto Shows throughout the country have been a succession of triumphs for the new Willys Six. The immediate popularity and impressive sales of the Willys Six prove how great has been the demand for just such a car an inexpensive Six with speed and power capabilities unprecedented in the field. low-pric- BALANCE IN 11 EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS List prices $695 lo $850. Prices f. o. b. Toledo. O., rid pelfictiont subject to ed You get unusual mileage per gallon of gas and oil at the modern cruising speeds of 35 to 45 miles an hour. change without notice. WILLYS-OVERLAN- D, INC., TOLEDO, OHIO WISE BUYING IS TRUE ECONOMY IN 1930 THE WILLYS-OVERLAN- D l very FIRST bottle makes you sleep better and have a BIG appetite. Nervous, easily tired people are surprised how QUICK the iron, phosphates, etc., give new life and pep. Vinol tastes delicious. Scott Drug' Co. Adv. HORSEPOWER . . . . . . RICH BROADCLOTH UPHOLSTERY BRAKES . . . . . . INTERNAL DOWN PAYMENT ONLY , 2 egKS 72 MILES AN HOUR 48 IN SECOND -- been combined with stgsr and udt. Return to doable boUer and xsak 5 minutes longer. Reoww tnem fire and fold in stify beaten ecr whites and vamlla. CfeOL YteU. the year of values and the new willys six is the value of the year! Well Bred Calves Most Valuable Dairy Asset Calves from low producing stock are worth little more than their value for veal, but those from high producing strains must be assigned much greater valuation, as they command excellent prices as breeding stock. In the keeping of high producing animals there are, of course, added expenses such as increased depreciation and risk, Increased labor in caring for the animals, and expenses of advertising and selling; but it will generally be found that the value of the calves produced from such stock will more than offset the added expense of raising them over and above that involved in the keeping of common stock. 2 2 in doable bes and cock uyXSJ transparent about K misukw. Beating constantly, v,v; gradual!? Into egjj yoiks ut er. This is the stable at the rate of about i pctij - Over the mountain ; . s, And over the Cndfr the fountain Ar-under the htumi: Under floods that art deepest. Which Neptune oh y. Over rook that are e.eepest Love will find a w; y. Anonymous. GOOD li good-size- ) , gem-lik- sky-tinte- DAIRY FACTS POLICY IS SOUND, MAXIMUM VALUE FOR EVERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND HEITZ & WINZELER AUTO COMPANY TREMONTON AND BRIGHAM, UTAH |