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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1930 Remember The Farmer and. Feb. 15 at 6:30 P. M; Social Reserve Your Plates Now -- At BLUE BELL CONFECTIONERY -- cows for Mr. Humphreys with aver ages of 365 pounds butterfat; Serge J. Olsen, 6 cows producing 364 pounds -- i of butterfat each- - Cows that produce 250 pounds of butterfat per an above River Bear Stake, of the Scouts All be sure to attend the Jambree at Tre- - num are considered profitable by Chief O. E. Reed of the Bureau of monton. February 8th. No definite arraneement3 have been Dairying. made but it is expected that, one of the 10 executives of the American Boy Scout representation at the In- SCOTT DRUG CO. - or LOCAL FARM BUREAU OFFICE Boy Scout News ternational Jambree at Burkenhead, England, last summer, and Executive of Region 12, our region, Oscar Kirk-hawill be here. Dilworth Young, evecutive of the Ogden Gateway council will be present also. One of the best times had by the Boys of this stake is nn store for them. New Crop Inspector Comes to Burnett Home Our Nationally Advertised m Myron Burnett is wearing an extra last Saturday when nis wife presented him with a new "field superintendent in the form or a lU'i pound boy. The mother and babe are doing nice TREMONTON TROOP 126 and Myron will recover with a little ly We had a record attendance at our special attention. Congratulations. last troop meeting. There were 82 boys present. We have had to have SCHEDULE OF more leaders to take care of our inDAIRYMEN'S MEETINGS creasing number of boys and Lee Tremonton, Saturday. Feb. 8th, Woodruff has consented to help us, We expect 100 percent attendance Liberty Theatre, 1:30. Thatcher, Mon. Feb. 10th, 7:30. at the Jambree. Fielding, "Wed. Feb 12th, 1:30. Honeyville, Wed. Feb. 12th, 8:00. Bear River City, Thurs. Feb. 13th, College Agricultural Gives Out Cow News registered in the Wellsville-Colleg- e Ward Dairy Herd Improvement association, Cache county, averaged 8834 pounds of milk and 325 pounds of butterfat per cow during the testing period from 1928 to 1929. The information was received Friday by Director William Peterson of the U. S. A. C. Extension Service in a communication from J. E. Dorman, senior dairy husbandman, of the Bureau of Dairy Industry, Washington, D. C, "Excellent averages were made for such a large association", commented Mr.'Dorman in his report of the records made by the 612 cows in the 48 herds of the association. To Parley Murray, Wellsville, goes the high point honors. Mr. Murray's herd of eight Holsteins produced an average ot 12,1(57 pounds of milk and 452 pounds of butterfat per cow during the testing period. Each cow re turned to Mr. Murray $250 in gross receipts and $154 each above feed Clows costs. 1 The ten highest records follow: Parley Murray; Andrew Nelson, 6 cows, averatre 400 pounds butterfat; John A. Leishman, 30 cows, average 399 pounds butterfat; Farrell Parker, 11 cows, average 391 pounds fat; Evan II. Bankhead, 11 cows, average 384 pounds fat; Heber Bankhead, 13 cows, 383 pounds; H. B. Murray, 13 cows, average 374 pounds fat; Glen Hansen, 6 cows, average 36G pounds; J. J. Hendry and Angus Humphreys share honors alike in the 9th place with 10 cows for Mr. Dendry and 9 smile since . j. PORCH FROCKS $79 8:00. Corinne, Fri., Feb, 14th, 8:00 Deweyville, Mon., Feb. 17th, 8:00. Remember the banquet at the B. R H. S., aSturday 15th, at 6:30. The Bear River Velley Dairymen's Association. t . . .. . ... J, , NOTICE TREMONTON CITIZENS! 1 will hawi in my school van a limited number to and from conference for 10c round trip from Wallace Drug corner. Any event at high school 5c round trip, will cintinue if volume justifies. Leland J. Hansen m J This year our Porcfc Frock Event is of special significance to every woman, for in addition to their utility around the home, the styles and fabrics are so smart and new as to make these frocks appropriate for almost any occasion. Thrifty-wis- e women will be seen wearing them to market, to the country club and to parties, all Summer long. NOTICE! The Daughters of the Pioneers will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. J. A. Pack, at 3 P. M., February 13. You may choose from many patterns and each one absolutely fast soap nor brilliant sunshine will dim their fresh beauty. Seams are closely stitched and hems turned and finished not basted. And their generous length follows the lino of all smart new dresses well below the knee. Board of Equalization Issues Decision designs The State Board of Equalization today issued the following: A County Attorney in one of the outlying counties has written urging the Legislature to pass at this special session a law taxing bank shares for 1930 and make it retroactive so that the banks will be compelled to pay the tax they failed to pay in 1929. In our opinion the Legislature of Utah has no such power. It cannot contravene United States Statutes. National banks are Federal instru mentalities and a state cannot tax color-neit- her ... porch and a smart Party frock dress ensemble Apron Frocks R emodel ... ALL IN ONE Full- - Choose the porch frock you like best. Make a bright little Jacket to wear with it we have many pretty prints very reasonably priced. Then with a clever little hat and a pair of our 58c silk hose, your costume Is complete and It cort Sbuch less than you have often paid for a dress alone. large assortment to choose from in the A full-fashion- newest prints. A new one if it fades. Your Old House I Week We Feature This Hose 98c ed RondoGambric J.C. PE N KIE V GQ Only 79c Fashioned 25c a yard Everyone, of course, likes to live in a new modern house but oftentimes there are verv rood reasons for nnf "snimn. ping" the old dwelling. The old place may be on the ground you would want for new home, it may be of such solid and substantial conyou struction that you hesitate to tear it down and then of couse, there is always the matter of sentiment and tradition and of cost but. You Will Be Surprised How Little It Will Cost To Transform The Old Place Into An Up To Date Home This is the age of Many times, with a little careful planning you can increase the value of your property from three to five dollars for every dollar that you spend. Come in and see us. building problems. Wilson This is Headquarters for all your them without the consent of Congress. The conditions of this consent are contained in Section 5219 of the Re visesd Statutes of the United States. This section is the lever that controls the whole works. Our law contraven ed the conditions imposed and was an nulled by a Federal Court We may feel chagrined at our im potence. We may gather in conclave and "rave, recite and madden through tne land but it avails us nothing. We are merely tilting at windmills. It is purely a legal question, not an administrative one and the quicker we sense it the better. Our only effective legal remedy is for Utah and all other states similarly situated to bring pressure to bear upon our representatives in Congress and induce that body to amend this section, permitting states to tax National banks as they do State banks. Even if we can accomplish this (and we must not me on acuities) we could not assess and collect a property tax on bank shares unless and until we get rid of our uniform rule in the Constitution. So long as that rule requires all property, tangible and intangible, to be assessed and taxed at a uniform rate, just so long will we be prohibited from taxing bank shares on a property basis, while all other intangible property is left off the tax rolls. All efforts at tax enunli zntirtn ore idle gestures until this appendix of unuri-ctuiuai- lumber Co. "EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING" ,e the political body is cut out. Now is later left the .State. Sentence will be the time to initiate treatment by pass passed by Judge Melvin C. Harris, ing the amendment to the Constitu- aionaay morning, February 10. tion proposed by the Tax Revision Live Stock Notes Commission. Hotel Arrivals ( -- i District Court News J Chas. F. Roth, lost his appeal from a conviction by the jury in the City Court when another jury in the District Court again found him guilty of a charge of manufacturing liquor some distance West of Bear River High School over a year ago. It is under stood that sentence will be passed on Mr. Roth on February 10. Complaints were issued from County Attorney Lewis Jones' office The arrivals at the Midland hotel this week were: Sam Brown, Harry Morgan, Harry Migison, J. .W. Brown, W. L. Wilde, Gevat ,S. TorlafG. F. Brown, Arthur R. Nielsen, L. K,1Wch, H. Frederch-son- , G. R. WorraD. O. Barnes, H. Feathustore, J., T.Wootton, Samuel Spthy, Nathaniel sBaldwin, Harry Light, Arthur Nielsen, C. W. Milland, all of Salt Lake City. O. L. Rind, John E. Velton, of Ogden; Vara Chiney, Henry Smart, of Logan; Mrs. M. L. Peterson and daughter, of Hyrum; Lyman Cutler, Harold Cuton, Doyle Cutler and wife, .' Wednesday charging Henry Tauigu-ch- i, Joe Mendez and Raphel Mendez all of Snowville. with unlawfully possessing fire arms all of Snowville; F. J. Edwards, of and also with being aliens. ana Leo. Archibald and wife, of Malad, Idaho. M. V. Niell, who formerly operated the Garland Picture Show for a short More than -nittii .aii as lessee a of VonFleet, was tell VOU from Ynprinov.'wii time, fKof o convicted by a jury in the District com casn is lost on not tips. Court at Brigham City Saturday on a Women can love some g of charge issuing a fraudulent check, creatures, but no woman can love a the evidence tending to show that Mr. man who can't be jealous of her. Niell gave Peck & Gunderson of GarAnother trouble with the world is land a bogus check as a down pay- that there is too much face powder ment on an automobile with which he and not enough baking powder sold. rot-aieno- One of the Important advantages f animals Is th rapidity with which they gain and the earllness with which they are ready for market ; production costs are lowered both ways. well-bre- d Where a farmer feeds much stock about the lots and barns In the winter, there is nothing that will serve to clean up the odds and ends and prevent the waste of feed than a bunch of hungry fall pigs. Hogs contract avian tuberculosis through eating dead hens and feed, contaminated by droppings of tuberculous birds , - queer-lookin- Steers red at South Dakota State college have made larger calns on a corn silage plus alfalfa ration than on corn silage alone. Do not select breeding stock from, sows which have produced one or more Inguinally herniated pigs. Tha same reasons apply here as la thi case of the male. BEAR RIVER HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTS THEIR ANNUAL PLAY B. R. H. S. AUDITORIUM ORCHESTRA 8:20 CURTAIN 8:30 PRICES ADULTS 50c STUDENTS 25c |