Show MONUMENT UNVEILED AT LAYTON TO MARK STAGE COACH STATION Huge Hugo Boulder Dedicated in Park at Elaborate Ceremonies LAYTON Milton LAYTON Millon H. H Welling secretary see sec of state praised the sturdy and rugged qualities s of the pioneers when he lie spoke before belore people who gathered at the unveiling of a commemorative com corn monument in Layton City Cily park Wednesday This monument placed on the site of a pioneer stage coach station is isa isa isn a n ton four stone in its n natural tural state symbolic of the strength Q of gf the pio plo It was selected by members of Columbine camp Daughters of 01 Utah Pioneers whose efforts made its establishment possible On Ustace its Us face tace ace is a bronze tablet inscribed with the tho his history ry of Layton's first settlers as well as a history of the stage coach station D. D H. H Christensen of Salt SaU Lake acted as master of ceremonies Joseph member of or the board of landmarks and trails spoke on the pr preservation s of landmarks in iri the he west and nd Mrs V W. W A. A cap cap- ap- ap tam ain tain of oC the Columbine camp gave a sketch of the history of Layton Laton The honor ot of unveiling the monument ment was b bet bestowed wed upon Mrs Lucille Lu Lu- dUe cille Green d descendant of Layton pioneers Other numbers on the program were Reading of inscription Mrs D. D M. M Hunter selections by the Layton band d and baritone solos by David C Cook ok W r t o S j L Lx i I x S Honoring the pioneers of of the thc west ve t a a. a fo ton four boulder faced with a abronze abronze L bronze plaque furnished by the Utah Trails and Landmarks association 1 and the Columbine camp Daughters of Utah Ut Pioneers was fas dedicated at L Layton Wednesday Standing to to the left of the boulder is Miss l Genevieve Galley great granddaughter of Christopher Layton for whom the town tows 1 was named and andon on the Mrs 1 Lucille Green granddaughter of John Green a pioneer of the tho region reJon On the platform is Milton lilton H II Welling secretary of state who dedicated the monument |