Show QUEER Miss Agatha Dunn sat out In the sun lIun- lIun And faded her pretty prett pink gown Mamma Marnma scolded well until the tho tears fellIn fell fellIn In torrents that threatened to drown Your Tour dress Is a 11 sight eight I declare ft rt la II lawhite 1 white But wear It you ou certainly certaInty must n. n poor recompense that a u child ol of your sense In Is too much of ot a baby to trust Miss Mia Agatha Dunn sat flat out In the sun In a n gown that had one one time been pink If It If only I could bring It back back oh oh J I would She cried and proceeded to think Some raspberry Ice so 80 cooling and nice In the freezer stood waiting for tor tea Said Bald Miss Mis Dunn Oh I guess If Its I dip P PIn In iii my dress A beautiful pink It will be Miss MI Agatha Dunn rose out of ot the sun And slipped oft off tho gown In a 0 trice tries She Bho r rolled It up tight tight there was no one In In sight sight- And she soaked it In raspberry celt Ice ce It lt came carne out quito pink but what do you think When the news of ot It reached mammas mamma's ear She Bhe scolded much more than she ahe he scolded before Now ow dont don't you think mothers are queer |