Show I WM J. J GAYNOR SHOT NEW YORKS YORK'S CHIEF EXECUTIVE PERHAPS FATALLY WOUNDED WOUND- WOUND t ED BY DIS DISCHARGED EMPLOYEE EM EM- EMPLOYEE OF THE MUNICIPAL MUNICIPAL MUNICIPAL MUNI MUNI- CIPAL SERVICE Victim Bears Up Well and Has a Chance for Recovery According to the Doctors' Doctors Reports New York William William J. J Gaynor mayor maor of New York City was shot in the head and seriously wounded Tuesday as he stood on the prom promenade nade deck of the steamer Kaiser Wilhelm Wilhelm Vii Wil Wil- Wil helm der Grosse by James D. D Gallagher Gallagher Galla Galla- gher discharged cit city employee Gallagher Gallagher Gallagher Gal Gal- was overpowered and arrested I The shot was fired at 9 45 o'clock Tuesday morning fifteen minutes before before before be be- fore the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse was due to leave her pier at Hoboken N. N J J. and the mayor major was receiving God speed from a group of friends preparatory to a vacation trip to Europe L II v W a ri x Y y x WILLIAM J. J GAYNOR While the ma mayor or and a J jj friends were posing for a Gallagher unnoticed pushed almost to the mayors mayor's side a af point blank at his head The bullet struck him bell beh right ear and ranged downs down a d dangerous though fatal wound And blood poison polson develops surge surged hopeful of the mayors mayor's though at his age age 59 59 years- years wound is grave giave |