Show AN ilg eifle HIP office of water master and defining the duties thereof sec 1 be it ordained by the city council of G S L city that hat there chere shall be ard is is hereby chereb created the office of water mastes master whose duty it shall be to see to the erection ejection and repairs of such sate gales locks or sluices sluice as may be necessary to admit into info the city the waters of ci city t y creek red bute and emigration kanyon Ka and divide the same the city as ah shall shail best beat sei sen ve e the dubix pub c interest inhere s t for foi irrigation iri ration domestic and other purposes pui poses see sec 2 it shall hall be the duty of the 0 ty water avater master to ap appoint 6 int one or more assistant water masters in in e eich ell of the B shops maids of the city cily who shall act under his direction and the assistant water masters shall distribute the water to the in m habitants of their respect respective he wards ward as they may deem necessary and just see sec 3 any or persons who shall remove break or otherwise injure or 01 destroy any darn dam gate or sluiceway shall be liable to pay a fine oi of no not t less leis them than one nor more ihan one hundred dollars see sec 4 any person or persons who shall take or alter the course couise of ot the water intended foil foi irrigation and other purposes without tie tl e consent of tile the water master or oi the per person peron on then holdim holding the right of said water shall be liable to a fine of a not less than th in one nor moie in ore than fh dixe e dollars for every suh such of fence see sec 5 it shall be the duty of the inhabitants of each bishops waid to make and keep in repair uch luch dams gates or 0 sluiceways sluice ways as may be necessary to admit an equa equal i arid and fur fair bisti of water to their several wa ds to be under the t control of the water masters in in each ward see 6 it shall be the duty of the city water master to adjudicate cafe all the difficulties arising from the distribution of water in in the several wards see sec 7 it shall be the duty of the flip city water master to make i a report or 0 his proceedings proceeding edin s quarterly to 10 the flie city council and liy lay before them such inch designs signs for improvements as may be necessary for their action sec 8 this ordinance to lo be in in force from and after its publication I 1 passed july ah 9 h 1853 J M GRANT mayor ROBERT CAm campbell CAMPB rBELL tiL city recorder 2011 20 it 11 AN ORDINANCE in ini claton to discharging firearms in G S L city see sec 3 1 be it ordained by the city Colin council cil of G S L city that there shall be no firms firing of oe guna or pistols within the limits of this compoi corporation aaion after s sunset n except in case of alai alaia m see sec 2 any person neglecting or ref refusing using to 10 comply r ly with wis this ordinance shall be liable to pay ady a fine n any ally burn sum not less than one nor moi moie e than ten dollars for every such of fence fenee sec 3 this ordinance to be in force from and after its passage passed august 1853 IS SS J af GRANT mayor R rpbert 9 BERT CAMPBELL city cay recorder I 1 20 1 lt t 1 AN ORDINANCE jn in relation to cc 11 target shoot ws ing anti and discharge of firearms fire arms see sec 1 be it ordained by the city council of G S L city that any person n or persons discharge firearms fire arms within the limits of the city without a lawful breastwork breast or battery for the protection of the cit dozens zens shall be liable to a fine of not less than one nor nm more titan th in twenty five dollars for every such of fence I 1 sec 2 A breastwork breast or battery for target shoot dinv inv in to be deemed lawful shall be a wall wa 1 l two feet hick six feet wide on tile the back with wings extending 11 forward f 01 ward at an angle of 45 deg each two feet w wide me the back wall and wings to 0 be sut six feet agh h gh of soft or mud well i ell pac packed kedor or its ernt valent I 1 sec 3 the bishops in tile the c city ity are hereby au to erect said in their several I 1 wards or any person can have the privilege of building a battery upon his own lot and shooting therein n provided said battery is is built in accordance with the 2 24 1 section of this ordinance I 1 see sec 4 nothing bothin r in this ordinance shall be so con 1 sti aed as to prohibit persons shoot shooting ing wild t game game and beeves when rec necessary essary I 1 sec 5 this ordinance to 0 o be in force from and after its passage passed oct loth 1853 1953 J N GRANT mayor ROBERT city recorder 20 lt it |