Show for the 1 deseret news true greatness BY JOHN HYDE JUN I 1 I 1 the warriors tread oer dying and dead I 1 I 1 1 in bloody and state to earn them their tomb plunged nations in gloom I 1 yet some will entitle these great I 1 i the statesman intent on weid weighty ity thoughts bent i how b etter better n nis is f fetters et t ers to bind I 1 I 1 his nation his bis theme and I 1 great great himself dee deem in I 1 though he rise on the wreck of mankind I 1 the Ora orators torys name em blazoned by fame A gift to so many denied I 1 they forget in applause human itys cause I 1 and sacrifice honor to pride 1 J then how to be great on this little earth in wha does true greatness consist I 1 not pander ipg praise not sycophant lays that few only few can resist till th inherently great are constantly thus though 11 man mail should despise or may bless the highest renown cant embellish th their air i crown nor the lowest position depress full often has greatness never been known I 1 till those who possessed it were dead I 1 men raise them a stone and thin they atone the sin of ref refusing using them bread oft born to eldir c the few really great the scorn of this hypocrite earth they suffer their fate timm THEN cities debate the honor of giving them bath I 1 true greatness desired is often attained by labor that noble fly I 1 I 1 tj ti ue greatness is this to seek ones own bliss I 1 in securing the bliss of mankind I 1 then give me the thought by sacrifice sought I 1 to comfort a bosom forlorn that many may own when my spirit it lias bas flown better because I 1 was born i let ic human itys s sake be the motto of lif life ex and by it a glory create though fools may despise to nobi jobity iv rise rise to DO GOOD is the way to BE G 81 S L city october 53 r copyright |