Show STRIKE MOVEMENT I IN ITALY FAILURE Milan Italy Aug 12 The l-The The leaders o of Ial the strike agitation hero are snowing showing signs of or pessimism It ha had been beHoved believed be- be be believed I of oC that all the workingmen Italy would rise but reports from tho Ialy provinces Indicate that few of the workers have struck Turin Venie Venice Naples and Bologna are aro quiet 1 Rome Home Aug AU AUP 12 l- l Most lOSt or 01 tlC wu- wu men meu in the Italian capital have struck but only a few tow thousand gathered at atthe atthe atthe the meeting onto today in the Coliseum Several Several Sev Sev- eral revolutionary speeches wore were delivered delivered de de- de- de livered by tho the leaders and sympathy was expressed for the strikers of Milan Ulan The railway raHway men who havo refused reused to Join the movement were denounced I te Troops were so disposed throughout tho the city as to prevent the strikers matching from the Coliseum to the center of Rome |