Show ARBITRATION THE THE I 1 HE submission of a stated question to arbitration presupposes in in the tIle opinion of contending parties parti Both contestants contestants contes- contes an n ultimate arrival at nt exact justice tants ants are convinced that one of them will ho bo bp worsted since ince tho right must triumph and it is impossible that hat both should be correct in their claims To attain he the desired end it is the thc practice upheld by irresistible irresistible ible logic that the arbitrators shall be persons equipped quipped with general knowledge of the subject under under uner un- un der er discussion but wholly dis disinterested when it is discovered that one ono or 01 more of them have ha anything at t stake in the adjudication the eventual conclusion conclusion sion ion is prejudiced in the eyes of all lien en aro are not regarded ns as capable of dealing justly when their o own interests are arc involved in A New York jurist urist a few days daJos ago declined t to preside at the trial the thc wife of of the litigants of f a lawsuit because been use one had lad diligently opposed his election His sense of delicacy an and honor may be bo considered extreme but ho bo 10 is to be bo commended for fleeing from irom the tho ver very I appearance of evil I Mr Carnegie's peace society is spending thousands of dollars donars in disseminating literature favoring the I submission of tho the Panama canal tolls question to The I Hague lague tribunal It is properly urged that as America has ms been prominent in tho the a agitation for arbitration of f differences between nations she sho should make her performances performance square with her words in this matter Unfortunately however howe tho the selection of tho the arbitration arbitration tion ion court would bo be even more difficult than the adjudication adjudication ad- ad of tho the question at issue Every ery foreign J. J nation is ig equally interested with in inducing the United States State's to abandon its ts intention to remit tolls toll to American coastwise I vessels From among the citizenship o of none of of t them e could bo secured arbitrators who could g give vo the United States a square deal Tb They y might think they could do o so certainly thc they would make the effort but their interest in tho matter would prejudice whatever or vcr ver- er- er diet they might render A story comes from down east cast of a catfish that swallowed wallowed a pup Imp There is hope Jope evidently e that the elephant and the bull bun moose will yet et get together on terms erms of th the closest intimacy Before it is too late Into the tho President should take advantage ad of his position to make it expedient for Congressman Hobson to cancel his California lecture dates The TIle French scientist who makes es the declaration that hut man is descended from the bullfrog probably bases it on the fact fac that eventually everybody croaks If H the American public has not lost its sense of ll humor minor mor the autobiographies of the latest Congressional Directory ought to make it one ono of the si six best sellers Joseph J seph If Choate would have c the newspapers stop printing gin accounts of crimes Wh Why y not make the tIle criminals crim crim- mals sto stop p Committing crimes 2 1 Xe i ca an be made mado to pa pay An eastern au author a t hor r l J. J mushrooms in ill ail his 1113 cellar M w 1 |