Show The Turners and the Anarchists CHICAGO April llA setback was given today to the friends of August Spies who have been endeavoring to enlist the moral support of the Turners here for him and his condemned comrades but the Anarchist sympathisers refuse to acknowledge themselves them-selves defeated and declare they will carry their efforts before the highest authority in the order and make the issue one among the Turners Spies was a Turner and prominent before his incarceration After tho death sentence was pronounced against him and his companions the chairman and members of the panions Turners executive board of the district issued is-sued a circular to all subordinate societies in this vicinity requesting them to notify the board whether they favored the adoption of a resolution declaring the verdict against tho Anarchists unjust and asking for a new trial The result was a storm of protests against the action of the board Gloy then issued a letter warmiy advocating ad-vocating support for Spies and this was followed by angry demands for his resignation and those of his fellowmembers of the board Today the district Convention of Turners waslield for the purpose of deciding on the question of impeaching and deposing the I district executive board and especially John Gloy chairman for overstepping his authority and disgracing his office Every Turner society withia fifty miles of Chicago Chi-cago was represented Max Stern made a long earnest address denouncing the executive board and Anarchists generally which was answered by Gloy at length At last the motion to depose the executive board was carried 42 to 35 and the chairman immediately declared the board deposed Gloy announced that he would appeal the case to the national board In the confusion following this declara tion a large number 6f societies withdrew from the hall headed by Gloy The uproar I grew louder and the chairman threatened to have the hall cleared by the police Gloy reappeared at this juncture and quieted the I audience saying that any outbreak should be avoided A new district board was provided for by the remaining delegates and the convention quickly adjourned I |