Show Board oard of Regents Requests Million Budget Increase eF i I Derron Fairbanks t. t q News Editor rI r- r f.-f f. I s If passed by the Utah Legislature Legisla- Legisla r ture the 95 1994 budget proposal T. T cv approved by the Utah State Board of Regents will add million to the Utah System of Higher Education I According to a summary released by the USHE the budget I request was wa's finalized at a board meeting spanning Thursday and d fi Friday 4 r Nov o 4 and 5 and is a 13 funding fro the 1993 jj 94 budget Although the Regents Regents' proposal reflects what they believe will meet the USHE's needs they are not optimistic optimistic optimistic op op- op- op that their proposal will pass without revision vision While we are not likely to o get our full request it is impo important t for forthe forthe the the- Governor the and the Legislature to understand the budgetary needs at atour atour atour our nine institutions Said Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Com Com- missioner Cecelia H. H Foxley The proposal requests a new level of funding called Base A Adjustments Ad- Ad just which h tot s i J. J l lion This would include a 4 increase increase in crease in compensation for faculty and staff as well as additional operation and maintenance funds for new buildings increased federal and other mandated costs and student financial aid adjustments adjustments adjustments adjust adjust- ments for Utah's nine colleges and universities It also proposes additional additional additional addi addi- salary adjustments for Dixie and CEU The budget budet also includes udes six priority levels of funding referred to toas as steps tep o g t student t-t t support of state tax money combined with 42 million in tuition increases will help fund student service expenses not covered by enrollment growth funding Step two is enrollment growth which requests 73 million to fund new full time equivalent students students students stu stu- stu- stu dents who are entering Utah's colleges colleges colleges col col- col- col leges and universities Step three is statewide initiatives initiatives initiatives initia initia- tives requested at 5 million The initiatives include funds for tech- tech l libraries applied ogy training and University Higher Education Centers Steps four and five are requests for a 4 Inflation Adjustment and Other Priorities such as fuel and power funding and specific requests requests requests re re- re- re quests from the institutions Step 6 enrollment flex will be reconsidered by the regents because because because be be- cause actual Fall quarter enrollments enrollments enrollments enroll enroll- ments were less than what was es es- The 1994 Legislative Session begins Jan January ary and ends March 2nd if |