Show Health center manager headed for Germany with troops David Canfield Feature Editor n the recent military buildup buildup buil buil- In dup buil-dup dup in the Middle East many people have been torn away from their everyday lives On Dec 8 Chris nurse practitioner and the College health center was shipped to Germany as a reinforcement f for r the troops currently in Saudi Arabia During the buildup many medical troops had been shipped to the Middle East including three from the Salt Lake area The unit that is with was shipped to Ft Sam Houston where he will complete basic before being sent to Germany as reinforcement for the troops currently in the Middie Middle Middle Mid Mid- dle die East They will replace troops who will be shipped to Saudi Arabia The duties that he will be performing will not actually take place in Saudi Arabia but he will be treating I wounded soldiers who will be transported to Europe for extended extended extended ex ex- tended medical care r riY 00 Y py p y iY u. 4 f I p if W Chris nurse practitioner and manager of the college health center has now been sent to active duty with the reserves in Europe to help with wounded soldiers According to Michael Thurman College Center operations manager was upset and added that the conflict con f Ii c tin in S Saudi a u d i A Arabia r a bi a make a lot of sense to him The interruption in life was just viewed as inconvenient Thurman added The health center was managed and personnel was provided by Intermountain Health Care who sent to two years ago to manage the clinic |