Show W WANNA AN NA JUMP I to by Brad Casper Someone Someo e might think yo youre you're re crazy to step o out t of thedoor the thedoor thedoor door airplane at feet and actually enjoy it it- it b but t for the ne next t 60 s seconds you feel you might understand the meaning g of freedom Maybe a good friend might come along and fly fly- with you You would then hold his his' hands More friends join you As you look lookaround lookaround lookaround around at everyone who is flying in your your- star you see smiling faces and bodies your mind totally aware of everything going on around you Now the ground is coming at you at about mph Your altimeter is telling you it its it's s time tol v those friendly people who have come just to fly with you As you turn to fly and put some space between you and them only ot y one o e thing is now on your mind t the e thought of making mo more e div dives s with good friends Just then a click in your in-your your head a quick glance at the guage 2000 feet you pull the rip ripcord ripcord ripcord cord and two or three seconds later youre you're back to the world of slow motion As you adjust your canopy and head for the target area h t i t Y j I s r h- h hr f r- r i i i yM E i i l' l lI i V a I a 9 t i Y 9 Student Randy Moulton prepares for final phase of first jump course the landing you relive the past 60 seconds of your life You say to yourself How could something something something some some- thing so cr crazy zy and nd potentially frightening frighten ng actually be so calm and relaxing and bring on such a feeling of serenity ty You smile as you watch watch- th the ground get closer close and prepare for the final phase of what will be logged as one of the chapters of your life Now you step to the ground and watch your vehicle vehicle vehicle cle of nylon collapse around you Only good feelings prevail prevail prevail pre pre- vail and you wonder how you could live if there wasn't a sport like sky diving j r y F T t 7 H f t 2 1 it V N t f y t f l. l tf o tt c. c i 7 r t rt c f c r |