Show To The Editor Or Or Stop Those Susan Anton Commercials I love this newspaper no kidding everything printed is isso isso isso so unbiased and objective that it really should be given a prize Now lets let's see what is the latest morsel of objectivity Oh heres here's one in On The Set or Surfs Up Is it the Miss America Pageant or the Miss USA I am forever getting getting getting get get- ting the two mixed up as does Ms Bold Now granted there isn't a great deal of difference between these two contests but if we are going to allege that the bulk of TV viewing America is of mongoloid mongoloid mongoloid mon- mon goloid mentality we better get it right so we arent aren't accused of the same vice Bob Barker has been saying saying saying say say- ing Miss Iowa come on down for quite some time while Burt Parks was just recently fired Bob does did and will do Im I'm sure the Miss USA pageant while Burt only did the Miss America contest and now I think it is John Davidson or some other hot hotshots hotshot's hotshots hotshot's hotshots hotshot's shots shot's task to introduce all those pretty women You are right Ms Bold this shameless parade of chromosomes is perfect entertainment entertainment entertainment enter enter- for our troubled times I hate watching it every year yet more people watch these contests that Walter Cronkite or even the Super Bowl Can you imagine There are more people people people peo peo- who would rather view all those awful chromosomes than the Super Bowl I think they ought to get rid of those stupid beauty pageants but if they have to keep them I wish Utah would get a better contestant Lenny Solomon Yup Ya caught caugh t me with my pants down Actually you win the Helvetica Navajo o Blanket Award for finding the one error in every column that lets the evil out To the Editor A while back you printed Ms Northrup's article about her comparison of Utah's and California's laws regarding alcohol and tobacco I cant can't help but consider it the most laughable piece of literature that I have ever read I moved from California nine months ago and having lived there Ms Northup's assumption seems by my observation completely erroneous Not only is there much less juvenile juvenile juvenile juve juve- nile delinquency per capita in Utah due to stricter controls of those products the comparison comparison comparison com com- parison of deaths on the highways highways highways high high- ways caused by drunk drivers is tremendous even when you adjust it for the population difference And California's driving tests arent aren't any different you still have to know how much alcohol in your blood makes it unsafe to drive as well as ashow ashow ashow how to make make-a a right turn Liquor stores at the present present present pres pres- ent are good deterrent to alcohol abuse by minors for very obvious reasons and they arent aren't that big of a problem to get to for those that drink legally Ms Northrup as well as others Im I'm sure obviously resents the illS influence on establishing these laws in the first place but an objective view of California or anywhere anywhere anywhere any any- where else should make it obvious that who ever was responsible for these laws formed them with enviable wisdom Mormons Mormon's have their follies follies follies fol fol- lies no doubt but their established established established code of health and the influence it had on these and other laws that Ive I've observed are tremendously fair just and progressive Simon |