Show i r A i y if i Join r. r t e. e Athletics e tic s i if f l JI Join the athletics a voice A that I inquired inquired inquired in in- Athletics here at atC C OTC Why of course its it's the absolute lute truth This year unlike years past should prove to be one of the most exciting ever Especially since the administration administration administration adminis adminis- has set aside a healthy budget for sports this fiscal year However the single most important important important im im- factor facto in this years events will be you the pant With your combined int interest interest in in- t terest rest in the many ning the course of the year none of us will have the chance to catch our breath You say you want to join in Well then read on The Flag Football league isnow is isnow now forming with competition commencing October Registration may be accomplished accomplished accomplished by contacting the Sports Director Mr Ir Carl Jensen Or and certainly the most logical way is to sign up in jn your major classes as the teams will be formed within the respective divisions of the college automotive trades metal trades arts electronics electronics electronics elec elec- electricity and business business business busi busi- ness etc However a division may have as s many teams as desired as as' as long as they dont don't cross division lines that is specific classes may have a team For example welding I-A I t S might have a team and welding B l-B B another or drafting design one and printing a- a nother The teams will be composed of seven players each and pairings will be made by a random drawing and will be distributed prior to the first day of competition Rules of play will also be forthcoming and will ill differ only slightly from official flag football rules in order to meet the needs of the program at this campus to avoid excessive injuries The season will commence October at the noon hours and will conclude before the deer hunt weekend Trophies will be awarded to the individual individual individual indi indi- vidual members of the championship cham chain team Which will be determined by their win-lose win record In event of ties playoffs playoffs playoffs play play- offs will be beheld held t t f t t I S rAS II I I r 1 J j f l ww Mr Davis Davia Ballard Basketball Coach To take the spotlight away from football a moment Mr Davis Ballard wishes to remind everyone that tryouts for the campus basketball team are open from October 1st thru October from to pm p.m. at the Institute Institute Institute In In- Gym located at the west end of campus Not to be confused with the intramural program this years team will travel to compete with most of the areas small smaIl colleges All games include Provo Southern Utah State at Cedar Elko Community Community Community Com Com- College Stevens Hen- Hen agers Business and Clearfield Job corps This year home games will willbe willbe willbe be held at the Eisenhower Junior High School Gymnasium Gymnasium Gymnasium Gym Gym- on Redwood Road This is a fine facility with new showers it also has room in the gymnasium for many spectators As for the intramural programs programs programs pro pro- grams and the various clubs information will be forth coning in regards to each on n respectively Throughout the year however look forward to intramural sports such as as' Archery Basketball Football Horse Shoes Billiards Billiards Billiards Bil Bil- Bil- Bil Softball Table Tennis and Volley Ball Most lost of these cours courses s are open to both men and women of the college The The Bowling Bowling Chess Golf and R Rodeo d o Clubs are of special interest in for these will necessitate contacting contacting contacting con con- the individuals other than sports director Carl Jensen And as time nears for each one of these activities to a complete section of information will be included included in included in- in in the Points West Newspaper This This' is the athletic program now offers its students You will be given the chance to speak out for additional programs at the future student forum regarding athletics at |