Show Cage Play Starts With Tragedy Ends in Victory On the evening of Nov 7 13 long-faced long men came through the thedoor thedoor thedoor door marked exit in the South High ligh gym Salt Lake Trade Tech's basketball basketball basketball basket basket- ball team had suffered what would be its only loss of the 1963 season The players were discouraged They knew that they could have done clone better A smooth Western Electric Electric Elec Elec- team had rolled over them by bya a 49 to 42 12 score After squeezing to a 38 to 32 victory over Litton Industries in the Oct opener then losing their second game the were disappointed They didn't know then that they would recover to win 15 games over the regular season while losing only one Nov 14 saw sav a 57 to 32 bounce- bounce back win vin over a spunky Electro Ceramics quint The weeks following saw easy wins vins over American Telephone and Telegraph 62 32 Building Building Building Build Build- ing 64 48 American T T again 73 41 and Litton 69 53 On On the second Thursday followIng following following follow follow- ing Christmas vacation Tech was with Western Electric After a nip and tuck battle with several several several sev sev- eral members of both teams team's fouling out Tech took the tri triumph mph 47 A slight rest followed with wins over Electro Ceramics 60 86 and Builders 60 45 Once again the Blue and Gold Blazers took the floor against Western Western Western West West- ern Electric and once more the game was a thriller Coach Jim Thomas gained several grey hairs and nd age wrinkles before the end Jesse s up lay-up in the final seconds gave Tech a narrow 50 49 victo victory r Two of tie final three games yielded a 61 27 victory over Electro Ceramics and a 61 42 win over American T T. T As winner of the l league ague championship championship championship cham cham- and trophy Tech becomes eligible to play in a round-robin round tournament with other league winning vinning teams teama The won von two non- non league e games from our sister school in Provo Utah Provo Utah Trade Technical Institute Center Dave Herring led the te team n with points during the regular season He was the leagues league's third highest scorer Lou Johnson scored the most points in one game 31 against Litton |