Show Pres Nelson Stumps For Student Participation For Best Education Experience Welcome to Utah Tech You might be a little unsure of the crack of school books you hear but be reminded that your choice of a vocation-technical vocation education is the best possible one these days I If f you want to get a ajob ajob ajob job and I assume you do that's why you came to Utah Tech youve you've picked the right educational educational educational road That's because 80 per cent of Utah's jobs require less than year four-year degree You still will have to compete for a ajob ajob ajob job but you will be well well- prepared Utah Tech recently was tagged as one of Utah's most impressive facets by a national firm seeking a plant location The company said the school is around the corner from everything everything everything every every- thing and anything The company was referring to the schools school's location but I think the statement should be paraphrased to mean the whole scope of the schools school's programs and ideals You will find that out as yo you u progress through your courses of study Facilities for study are the finest to be found And you'll have your instructors instructor's instructors instructor's instructors instructor's instruct instruct- ors or's personal attention Yes Utah Tech is around the corner from everything and anything anything any any- thing were we're around the corner from finding our proper place in inthe inthe inthe the states state's educational environs Were We're around the corner in getting getting getting get get- ting adequate funds for school expansion Were We're around the corner for new campus buildings and courses S Pres Jay L. L Nelson |