Show Friday Hop To Feature The The Tech Tromp a student- student sponsored body-sponsored dance will vill begin in inthe inthe inthe the Classroom Administration B Building u i l I d din i n g Auditorium Friday March 24 at 8 30 pm p.m. This will be the first student- student body extracurricular activity to be beheld beheld beheld held on the new v campus so wed we'd like to have a tremendous crowd cro said Mrs Mary Lou D Densley ensley Business Business Business Busi Busi- ness instructor and faculty advisor for the Dance Committee she Sue said there are two big reasons reasons reasons rea rea- sons why the dance will vill be an extraordinary extraordinary extraordinary ex ex- attraction First she said many Utah Technical College students haven't had the opportunity to see the new campus and this v will ill be an excellent excel ecel- cel- cel lent time for it Second The v will ill be bethe bethe bethe the band playing at this dance This was vas the same group that played for the Ski Club earlier this year year and and that was vas a memorable affair Im I'm certain anybody who vho attended attended attended at at- tended that dance will vill ba ha looking forward to the Tech Tromp Friday night Dress for the Tromp will vill be dressy dress No charge is made for admission to sponsored dances and refreshments will vill be served |