Show Elects Officers F For or Current Year Jim Clark Gains i Majority Vote In President Race B By MAXINE MAYINE Jim Clark the Electronics student student student stu stu- dent elected selected president of Trade Tech's p pro promised r o m i i s sed e d plenty of activities for the present school year Other officers who'll be assisting assisting assisting assist assist- ing him hinl are Janet Hunger lunger Commercial Com Coni- mercial Art female vice president Sheldon Butler Offset Printing male vice president Peggy Hinckley Hinckley Hinckley Hinck- Hinck ley Business Practice secretary Shannon Stock Business Practice Treasurer and Gloria Jorgensen I II I Business Practice historian Asked about his plans for the school year the new nev president said I 1 am pleased to see the spirit of Trade Tech and the fine cooperation cooperation cooperation cooper cooper- the is giving us their newly elected officers in in our efforts to make this year ear the best beston beston on record As your president I plan to provide more social activities for you during dUling the day as well veIl as more evening socials Our faculty is in agreement Our first day activity will vill be movies shown during the lunch hour in conference room Our Harvest Dance will vill be held October and I 1 would like to invite all to come stag come stag or date Our basketball team be playing its first game soon I 1 hope we have havie good student participation Jim is single and unattached He is isa isa isa a graduate of Granger High and has attended the University of Utah He has completed four years with the US U.S. Navy Stationed at Jacksonville Fla he served as an Aircraft technician during the Cuban Cuban Cuban Cu Cu- ban crisis of 1963 He is a member of the Naval Reserve He is a year second-year Electronics Electron Electron- ics ics student Janet Hunger the new nev female vice president is also a second- second year student at Trade Tech A 1964 graduate of Highland High she resides in Salt Lake City She worked at the Coachmans Coachman's Inn during the summer Her faithful faithful faithful faith faith- ful friend is her pet dog Mitzi Janet is is very active in church work vork and has been a Sunday School teacher She is presently sports director of the Monument l Park Ward She is also on the M 1 Men 1 and Gleaner leaner Council Her favorite sport is 15 football and she likes to participate participate participate in bowling bovling and water vater skiing The male vice president is a graduate of Murray High gh School i is 19 years old and likes girls I While in high school he played football and was vas on the wrestling team that took high region an and ana State honors two years During D the past year he was president of the Murray l High Tiger Club an boys' boys scholastic group His hobbies are hunting fishing baseball ll and golf Upon completIng ing his course at Trade Tech he plans to join the Nav Navy v vw w. X I j j t t oI d Z 4 itY itY x d 0 J X B i TH r o J nI si wi Y Yr J r t ti N 1 Y i t A f r f I j 4 s' s i r S IY r r p s a r x N 5 i. i sr f ny r 1 f Trade Tech's new student officers are front row from left Janet Hunger vice president Jim Clark president Sheldon Butler vice president back ro row w Shannon Stock treasurer Peggy Hinckley secretary secretary secretary sec sec- and Gloria Jorgensen historian Miss l Hinckley a graduate of Hillcrest High was vas active in school activities and participated in several clubs She was vas vice president president president pres pres- ident of the Ushers Usher's Club served on the Safety Council and was vas school historian last year Peggy likes horseback riding water vater skiing and swimming She even finds time to play the marim marim- marimba ba in spite of working each evening evening evening eve eve- ning at Penneys Besides being secretary secretary secretary secre secre- tary this year she is on the party committee for the Deseret Club at Trade Tech Shannon Stock a graduate of West Vest High has been married and has three children two children two boys aged eight and five and a year one-year-old daughter Besides taking care of her home and family her first hobby is sewing She makes most of her own clothes which are very at at- Her other hobbies are dancing horseback riding and listening to instrumental music music- mostly guitar Althou Although h she is majoring in bookkeeping her lifelong dream is isto isto isto to someday be able to have her own o cattle ranch Gloria Jorgensen the new nev historian historian historian his his- torian is a qu queen en She was vas queen of Jordan Highs High's Harvest Ball last year and queen of her Distributive Educational Club of America chapter Besides holding the position of historian for a marketing club she received training by working at J. J C. C Penney Co Her Ler hobbies include collecting scrapbooks taking strange photos and interior decorating She's been going steady for about almut a H y year ar but isn't engaged it |