Show Y xv l J lw Y a p. p C t er t kYr o t j J J T. T i fy r rI a y f V- V I ii t 1 f t a Ae N. N ec J w j f i j I officers are from left Carolyn Dean secretary Marie Gibbs female vice president Mary Lou II Hansen ansen president Mike Boelter male vice president Bob Frederickson historian Suzanne Clawson treasurer Student Council Mulls Everything From Parking To Ping Pong Play Should Trade Tech students be fined for misusing parking privileges privileges privileges This is just one of the many problems problems problems lems that the Student Council pondered pondered pondered pon pon- dered during its fall meetings 1 The council is composed of one representative from each class This groups group's job is to direct and manage all activities The council is responsible to the school for student leadership and advancement of student programs Presiding over the council meetings meetings meetings meet meet- ings is the president Some matters considered by the Student Council so far this year are such things as the sale gale ale of theater discount cards and planning of assemblies assemblies assemblies as as- dances and athletic pro pro- j I grams The rhe Student Council directs these activities but much of the planning and conducting of them is the responsibility of the schools school's six student committees r Members l of the Student Council and alternates from their classes are L IJ a r r y and Ed Prince Architectural Drafting Kenneth Pearson and Ron Walker Auto Body Repair Herman Ibarra Auto Body Painting Mike Waters and John Ugarte Auto Mechanics Continued on Page 2 Council Continued from Page 1 P George Tilson and Jay Merritt Auto Mechanics B Gordon Smith and Don Grigsby Barbering A and David Mark and Jolene Walker Business A Other student council members are Carol Allmark and Fay Bell Business B Doug Holgate and Clifford Larson Carpentry I Tom Casey and Al Camargo Carpentry II Nancy Tuttle and Mike Boelter Commercial Art I and II Rosalita Trujillo illo and Janet Mills Cosmetology ogy Bill Campbell and Wayde Williams Diesel I and Larry Allred and Frank Branch Diesel II Also Harry Baynes Electricity William Sanborn and Jim Electronics A Garrett Billings Billings- Electronics C Dan Chidester and Mack l Madsen Electronics B Kenneth Brown and Keith Bingham Electronics II Robert Hess Machine Machine Machine Ma Ma- chine Shop A and Bill and Bill Shaw Machine Shop B The other members of the Student Student Student Stu Stu- dent Council are Eugene Marzo and Rolland Kunder Mechanical Drafting Drafting Drafting Draft Draft- ing Lorene Poulson and DeAnn Draper Practical Nursing Steven and Ray Mueller Printing Printing Print Print- ing John V Vose ose and Ed Herrin Technical Illustrating Gary Francom Fran- Fran corn com and Cliff Morgan l Welding I and Andrew Gallegos and Joey Colonno Colonno Colonno Col- Col onno Welding vV-elding II XI Incidentally no decision has yet been made on the parking fines |