Show BITS OF SCHOOL NEWS everyone is looking forward to the play to be presented by the 1 san juan high school en n feb 12 the play is young lincoln the lead role will be played by clyde jones the ath grade with mr hurst as teacher just finished a course in utah history to climax the work mr hurst had each of the students write an essay on why I 1 love utah the essays were judged by kermit redd ladran jones and margie lyman two prizes were given Nancy nielson won first and john harvey second place every paper was a credit ito to the class doks were given as prizes the annual faculty supper was given gien by the home EC girls mon daylight day night jan 26 in the library at san juan high after a well j pr prepared spared and beautifully served supper the evening was spent in playing competitive table games mrs beverly alexander won high score score and was presented with a I 1 box of candy as a prize the ath grade decided to edit a little school paper the first issue was put out last wee kand was entitled the sixth grade brain sto storm rm t i |