Show BI news by GRACE SHUMWAY stake conference will be held in blanding march 5 some or of the leading men from salt lake will be here blaine bradford arrived home sunday he has been at boulder colo on a V 12 program lie he tells of a recent visit he had with the fellows at buckley field mrs airs neta youn young has been chosen to act as vice chairman in the blanding branch of the san juan chapter of the rd cross mrs bertha hurst held th s position lulng ring the past year 1 airs 5 Irs rs irene redd mrs airs neta W f aung u n gand and mrs airs margie H lyman attended the red cross meeting in monticello wednesday of last week adelbert redd and kermit redd also attended in the interest of the coming red cross war drive of which adelbert is acting as chairman mrs al F lyman entertained 16 boys and girls in honor of her son francis M who was 11 years I 1 old on feb 21 the evening was spent in playing table games the main feature was clotie Cc otie 1 thelma hurst won the girls prize and jimmy perkins the boys mrs lyman serva a deli dell delicious cious ious plate luncheon we are glad to have mrs airs hatch a scipio and mrs rex of ph with us for a week they bithe the mothers of ann and barbara and seem to enjoy their visit immensely they have taken n the ball games dances church activities tivi ties and club affairs beside being invited to be special dinner guests of allie redd clara mcallister myrtle redd dee bayles and several they could not attend just before coming to blanding they heard marian anderson noted singer at kingsbury hall they both sang in the tabernacle choir when young but they drifted apart and had not seen each other since then we missed our guess last week when we figured dick and grant I 1 would be sent to farragut in salt lake they were put with the marines and sent to san diego batter stick together boys mrs alma mangum has a fine baby boy born feb 15 in the moab hospital A cablegram was sant to alma and we surely hope he gets it heard beard from him for two months the mcallisters McAlli received word that on feb 12 mr and mrs wesley mcallister welcomed their first finst girl she has two brothers tough luek luck lyle to get malaria we hope hole it wont be for long lyle johnson has been overseas more than a year and is a very important guy at the radio latest report from his doctor is that hek ha is getting along 0 K tuesday 18 planes flew over blanding in an hour that may seem many to some of you weena it really eally e was a sight to the esters I 1 and to many who are not so young deloy shumway thought he was all ready to go and help win the ball game friday night but he found he was getting the mumps on the other side letters from ralph and jim hunt say they met in england En gand first time in 20 months jack got a furlough and tried every way to find jim he was about to give it up when they met each other in the street they both tell of this ibis being one of the happiest moments of their lives in order to celebrate they bought a dozen eggs for the abe first either of them had since being there jack ja ck then went and stayed in jims bar rk j jim was sent on a mis so that cut into their visit liia has 10 of these to his credit and when he has 25 he gets to come home they decided they want to trade places tho they hardly knew which job was by y florence galbraith blame blaine bradford of our U S navy is home on furlough this makes ina lAzes six of our navy boys horns home all at one time the five others mentioned in our column last week lacek have to report at farragut idaho february 26 our six sailor boys challenged the san juan high scho boys to a basketball L ball gama monday after noan the navy beat in the first half and won in the laet half I 1 mr and mis alis barton lyman are sporting a brand new daughter born last Friday mr and mrs airs parley redd have gone to od O d n to visit their th air son lt dale dala redd and his wife and son dale is on a furlough and wont have time to corne come here before returning to his duties so his parents went chete to enjoy dales furlough the close friends of mrs mary laws met at her home hoine last monday afternoon in honor of her birthday A covered dish lunch was served and sewing and chatting took up the afternoon the wan ervin palmer home was the acme of a happy time last monday evening when the neighbors and friends of mrs palmer met and enjoyed a covered dish supper phil hawkins and devon black went to price tuesday morning ts seek employment mr air and mrs airs stanley martineau I 1 I 1 of Green river visited at the home of their daughter mrs airs beth brown the first of the week they returned home wednesday the most dangerous both spoke of how they appreciated letters and news from home especially photos of members of the family if wasel may and geneva are wondering how comer come they are getting the record ill let them in on a little secret its by the courtesy of that bighearted big hearted frosty brother of yours dont tell him I 1 told you its been grand while it lasted say the boys from farragut but tuesday saw them saying goodbye to friends and relatives not so easy they will return to farragut and may noi not be so fortunate as to be left together we thought that junior black may have been transferred to england when the other boys were but he is still in italy A although hes ha write often he says he is well and that when he well probably hear about it so not to worry carl mangum also sends word not to worry that the worst is over in that battle that he was in the Marsh adds and that it was pretty tough going he came out with only a part of a pair of pants but its warm enough there so hell get by somehow carl drives driver an amphibious tank forthe for the marines orris black is expecting a furlough soon and hopes it will be at the time of the junior prom as he has a sister who is a junior this year thursday night at eight found the ten invited guests ready for dinner at the doug galbraith home the long lone table was beautifully decorated and florences Floren choice china and silverware would continued on supplement |