Show red cross war fund drive opens march I 1 an important meeting was held in the county court house tuesday afternoon in preparation for the red cross war fund drive which will get under way march I 1 representatives from monticello and blanding were in attendance to hear bear the plan outlined by special field representative mrs charlotte wilcox of the pacific area office those present were county chairman horace andrews secre tray cleone cooper home service chairman mrs lovina redd chairman of publicity marie M ogden alene jones and mrs walter jarvis all of monticello blanding wm was represented by mrs margie lyman chairman and mrs louise redd county welfare director wm ervin palmer was also in attendance mrs wilcox answered many questions presented and made a strong plea for the support of the drive urging on those present to stress the ever growing need for funds to meet the emergencies with which red cross workers worker sare are confronted in all parts of the world to day she cited many cases where help has been extended which only red cross is able to give the national quota to be raised i is s with of this am ams assigned to san juan county it was agreed at the meeting yesterday that blanding will try to raise 1500 and monticello and outlying districts will take responsibility for watch this paper for further particulars next week |