Show commissioner price shows i commendable coura courage gi e county commissioner virgil vi V 11 agil price of the boulder district f faed 1 zed difficulties in journeying to monticello last monday in order to be here for the cOmmission commissioners erst meeting tuesday morning Because of the heavy snow and high winds which piled it into treacherous drifts auto travel except on the state highway was he therefore had to walk nearly three miles to reach the highway and then run chances of getting a ride the remaining ten or fifteen miles into town we ve an all know that monday monda y was a very disagreeable day with wilh the wind filling the air with fine snow thais that stang ahng ones face arid and soon nearly paralyzed one with the cold but mr price was fortunate and the wind was waa at his back until he reached highway when he soon coon caught a ride into town and was here ready and waltin waiting i for the commis commissioners sio ners meeting tuesday |