Show SAN JUAN RECORD published ei eary try thursday at monticello san juan joan county utah by NAME MAUIE sr 31 ac OGDEN DE N 17 entered as second elass matter all at the post office at ift utah h under act ot of march 3 1879 subscription edree mont as t 50 months 1 00 me ne year STAFF WRITERS r W mariem ogden elnier elmer 1 I al A barton publisher associate ediar edi lor ti ade mart agi mgr A Il J editor y UTAH M STATE vii pa association advertising AND representatives 1 st I 1 BLANDING mrs douglas galbraith aileen nielson bou lr LER en lee ly brady CREEK dan D B hunter UCOLO mrs n R 11 redshaw Rola aw REMEMBER may 15 1 ath th is is the lar W www vre HAY for motor car inspection transportation FREIGHT EXPRESS PASSENGER SERVICE FROM PRICE TO GREEN RIVER MOAB GRAND JUNCTION monticello MAIN OFFICE moan aloar UTAH J moab oal garage go co fl 0 n t i ce I 1 vo L j kraag A SALES GO CO e grand a n d J junction n c t on C colorado 10 rado delco D lc L light i gh j plants lan t b batteries tt eri V vega g a cream cam r r separators prat dt dexter washing machines ch in residents of san juan county A HE delinquent bax concession granted by the utah legislature regarding property on which taxes are due for 1932 and prior years expires may unless property is redeemed before that date it will be sold at public sale 11 YOU owe taxes for 1932 or prior years see your county treasurer at 0 once dont let YOUR property be sold for taxes k 5 vy lae X X X X X X X W when you are in grand junction eat at the y y ss I 1 MANHATTAN CAFE MAIN ST good food moderate prices and clean 1 I VITA FLORA PRODUCTS WILL HELP YOU GET AT T THE 11 E CAUSE OF YOUR TROUBLES do you know that germs feeding by the million in the intestinal tract decay food residues that regardless of what you eat cal these germs produce destructive acids and decaying water matter that may cause that tired feeling indigestion constipation piles rheumatism arthritis th etc thousands claim marvelous mai resu ts from use of Flora cubes call or write for particulars PARLORS 2363 2563 west pico los angles angeles calif A aa 12 N A ale day of of grear cicat never limer yet made a sion summer mer MAY L 14 lews end ani clarke clarice started up the missour F R er r to explore the west M t 15 united states stales air mail is established 1918 IS 16 united states mint is authorized zed to coin the first arst nickel IM 1866 17 cody s wild west show made its first appearance ISO 1883 ca 18 napo napoleon le on bonaparte proclaimed emperor of rance france 19 sumner becan ious amous crime cre against kansas speech in senate 18 1856 56 20 lindbergh hopped oft for 3 europe in the ol of SL louis 1927 c wf WE DONT RECOMMEND IT 11 1 I drove miles on one filling of your motor oil never added a quart and the oil looked good when changed 11 said one of our customers re centy no we dont recommend this but it speaks well for he quality of the oil quaker and vico oils PEP 88 ATLAS tires tubes batteries frost service station horace allred prop you can depend on shoe repairing done by STRANGER 1311 BROS 0 s main alain street we pay postage one way grand junction X X X 7 y S s LET US MAKE THAT r j old mattress I 1 I 1 NEW I 1 j EXPERT renovating RENOVA TING our new upholstering depart ment is surpassed by none sic r good work at reasonable prices v it will surprise you how much sic you save by having that old v to S matress made new y I 1 Grand Mattress i 2 y I 1 company I 1 H GRAND GRAID JUNCTION is X K |