Show NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior U S land office at salt lake city utah sept 23 1936 NOTICE is hereby given that ernest L young of monticello utah who on may 22 1933 made addi stock raising homestead entry no for SW section 17 section 20 township 80 30 south range 23 east salt lake meridian has filed noice no ice of intention to make final proff to establish claim to the land above described before the clerk of the district cour court at monticello ut on the 2nd and day of november 1936 claimant names as wi messes nesB cs INT christensen A C chris tea teasers sers cecil jones a and rid duft duff beason all of monticello utah 1 THOMAS F THOMAS Regis register tm first pub oct I 1 last oct 29 NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior U S land office at salt lake city utah october 2nd and 1936 NOTICE is hereby giacin that james homer rogers of lockerby utah who on may ath 1931 made homestead entry sec 2 act feb to 19 1 1909 no for fi 6 S co t i an 0 13 19 township 34 south range 26 east salt lake meridian has filed notice of intention to 6 make final proof to establish claim to the land above described before thomas F thomas register V U S land office at salt lake city utah on oil them the icly day of Od october tober 1936 claimant CIa imant names as witnesses i R B hechav Mec haai ralph tylor taylor elnier elmer E thorne and W K moes Mos sail all of f L lockerby kerby utah I 1 I 1 THOMAS F THOMAS register F first arst pub oct 8 last nov 5 1935 OTICE NOTICE FOR publication of the interior U S land office at salt lake city Pt utah h sept 23 21 1036 1936 NOTICE is hereby given that hat roy freeman of Al U ah wio who on oct 20 1930 made homestead entry no for ESE W WA E see sec 9 S SS Wi section 10 township 32 south range 24 tat east salt lake meridian has filed notice of intention to make final proof to establish esa cs allish blish claim toabe to the land above de S so before tre th e clerk of ditc district court at monticello it utah on th the ath h day oz ol oember oem 11 AN claimant mant bamps nani ps as witnesses arid tre d VM vak L coleman A C I 1 t anil and frink frank anderson all of 11 ello utah THOMAS F THOMAS register first pub nub oct 1 I last oct av |