Show board of education holds important meeting the first regular monthly meeting of the san juan county school board of directors Pi rectors was held in monticello Montice IIo on tuesday afternoon with supt bupt H i loyd hanson presiding representatives from outlying districts were present and many important subjects pertaining to the fall and winter term were discussed transportation of pupils from outi lying sections was settled through decision occasion sion to allow each child below the th ninth grade per day in order to provide their own conveyance making makin it possible for mch each outlying district to rich ke satisfactory arrangements to accommodate their own groups representatives from the summit springs district were present to discuss the problem relative to their meeds and when further agreement can be reached this district will h b provided with a teacher for the 12 children of school age living in that community other outlying districts at cedr cedar point horsehead and boulder are also seeking teachers and school facilities an effort will be made to secure the necessary essay aid to establish classes there as well clement johnson was appointed to serve as representative for these outlying sections east of at the vegas to fill the tha vacancy caused by he of will king laurence black was granted th tte contract to supply fuel for the monticello school building and the contract SOT sor the Blaa blanding ding school will be awarded within a few days when additional dit anal ional i information afo rin at ion c can an be f furnished u rial ah ed an ali interesting report was made mada concerning the new wing to the tha blanding school which has been under construction cost ruction since early summer the hie report included or manon 71 A the effect that the roof is completed and most of the plastering finished and the floor laid this new wing includes two class rooms ro orris two lavatories and a large work shop which vill N ill lar bp used for vocational training mention was made e of the splendid acoustic properties of this new section due to the acoustic plaster lisp used d in its construction also concerning the outer walls which are a combination of brick and cement in a previous issue issue we told the tha story of the accumulation of material which was secured frocil within the locality and we have watched with interest the erection of this new wing we also understand that ane vocational cat ional program to be offered to the students will include wood work cold metra and leather work and it was stated that class work will begin at once the same subjects will be offered off ere 1 to the INI monticello students this year as well as the establishment of a I 1 iome home economics de for the girls which will include cooking and sewing classes for pupils in the seventh to twelfth grades supt bupt hanson reported that equipment has been purchased for shop work and for foi the new department also supplies for the music and coio cani mercial departments II if G wells is said to be the mas most Z prolific writer of the age and all i this time we thought though it was anonymous pro bond publico Pub lieo old subscriber or regular reader header Alon montreal treal star I 1 II 11 duces solution the of 7 year old may be the right one in case of a bonus the warriors can be paid off in ia vanilla cones milwaukee journal the modern husband know anything aboul the real horrors of housecleaning house cleaning he should have lavez laveti back in the days when it am meant bant pulling the tacks out of dihe carpets drag ing ing F em out to the line beating ahr daylights daylight out of em then dragging em cm back and getting ern em tacked down again cincinnati enquirer natural scientists announce th development of a rubber glass tha can be rolled like a rug but it ha yet to perfect a rug that can b stiffened up and andusen used for a wind shield philadelphia inquirer |