Show MO NEWS by anita rogers the people of this community ale aie very vea y busy preserving their moi moisture ture there is quite a lot of improvement being done on our point plowing and fence briding which looks very nice edd maise F A Willij williams ins and son roy are building fence for far columbus wright on his utah farm harry rogers returned wednesday from texas where he has been peddling potatoes for the last six weeks lou ccle and billy hanis visited jn in the turner home on cedar point sunday mrs jennie lee mcgehee land and her brother bill holley were guests in the rogers home sunday pessie ilessie lee linsey alma and mary poff spent saturday night in the harris home clarence and florence bartlit spent pent saturday Satu iday in the th williams home the party given at the R rogers au home was well attended d and every one seemed to enjoy themselves forty four being pel pei sent i |