Show STAFF WRITERS elwyn blake aletheia chamberlain marie al ogden dear friends friend s Ever everywhere where A new month for us a new year As we enter upon it we are happy indeed for with the passing of the old we may count many evidences of growth and not only in regard to to them the material and practical things of life but a deep seated LOVE one for another which has grown stronger because oi of the adverse things which have jeen been forced upon us to test our courage and faith we are be beginning 9 inning to hear bear from friends who were silent t over a period of many weeks arid and we find that more than one were A waiting to see what I 1 would or as one friend said how I 1 would react to tiie the letter or of condemnation some continue to ask if certain statements made are true but again we say we shall make no attempt to reply to such questions other than tile statement made in our recent news letter for we prefer to let our works rather than words speak for us in the final analysis we are happy indeed to hear bear from friends whom we felt had turned aside and grateful also for the fine missionary work our chicago friend is doing as she continues to contact our former members and to tell them of our efforts to live according to our divine guidance in every sense of the word especially since she has volunteered to do this bit of service for she too knows what is in the offing and by this time we think people everywhere would begin to take more notice of these changing times as we are being plunged into war again and as we read of continued strife and greater catastrophe everywhere the many sudden deaths chih doctors call the result of heart attacks and those caused through suicide are all evidences of the passing out of the so called red ray and entering into the violet ray of consciousness which makes it utterly impossible for certain types of people to carry on in earth life we have spoken of these conditions in previous issues when we discussed metaphysical truths and if only more folks would make effort to understand these things it would become easier to withstand the ibe unusual happenings of the moment which cause so much uncertain uncertainty tv and heartache in the world many there are who seem not to be affected in any way as yet but as as we have said before the peoples of the world are being divided into two classes now and during the next few years there will be even greater dis in made aa e that is one MUST i MAKE CHOICE TO FOLLOW A MATERIAL OR A SPIRITUAL PATHWAY and if the letter is chosen rest assured it will bring upon you all sorts of criticism and many which are difficult indeed to cope with but a pathway that will bring greater hap happiness liness in the end As we make continued study of I 1 conditions and people who make ati attempt I I 1 to follow the spiritual pathway I 1 only to turn aside at the first sign of cf hardship or who waver when their materially minded friends and relatives seek to baw draw them back in I 1 abt A vt tv former habits of living we find T J nat ti at a great many seem to make ogress in a very definite way for a time which only increases increases their de fawe elre tayl others away it is mighty interesting to watch because these happenings are all according to to the predictions ma and it will continue to be so for another short space of time those who choose to io remain jo loyal aj and true must carry the 1 burde burd ns and submit to the pro pre sent unavoidable delav until the bigger change changa s come which in turn will chance ALL THOUGHT IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE so to speak and so will the pendulum which has begun its forward motion again swing with greater greate r momentum it in our favor in the meantime we who aloe are gath red here are pre preparing a 1 r ang to settle sell ie fran for another fall and ariter 0 riter season doing just as much in the way vf n aderial and physical labor as our resources c e s will permit and making plans for bor the greater work vork of next year we have several unfinished buildings and a well in V the same state of but seme day the supply auppl v WILL COME to move forward with these under tak takings ings I 1 16 P thet there e is need ifor for certain improve to the cabins on the mountain top and two of our men will go to that place during this month to make necessary repairs against the coming winter storms in the event of our being able to continue our work there although there is every reason to believe that we shall have the famil family abo vi ho have worked so long and faithfully there berwith with us during the most severe months of the year but we must provide for future months as well and the work to be done now will be that much gained when all activities sta start rt again in tile the spring of the year so life goes on as we continue to live one day at a time always grateful for the letters of encouragement md the friends friends who send material aid in ill any way we send greetings of LOVE daily and next week we shall tell you of a daily form it takes sincerely yours I 1 ro 0 aam YO q |