Show DRY VALLEY NEWS next sunday morning an easter sunrise service will be held from six to seven 0 clock to which all are welcome among the ca rs r ri s on marie M ogden this week were vera three members of the lozan logan agricultural college faculty mr air buchit of cf I 1 lean L ean gan and mr and mrs jos arn F parish recently of moab marie agdens car after its lone rest cure is now in rut running K order again thanks thank to tommy robertson and the addea it gives our leader is greatly appreciated friday tl r faithful nurse mary alary cameron took a much needed outing though a brief one to monticello this too was a great boon after her many weeks of unbroken service in in the home which will continue indefinitely but blit with more relief the usual activities of cf the community are arc being carried on uninterruptedly but the children are a already I 1 anticipating their vacations vacation S especially bobby bush who will then rejoin his parents ray and edith bush at the Momi mountain tain top rop mining C camp amp where the they y with ray bush tr jr have lave remained luring the winter much of the time with many feet of I 1 snow making communication impossible Ilos sible the pansies and geraniums donated by sidney nelson when our leader made her recent trip to boise are greatly appreciated by community members the pansies are blooming about many of the cabins delighting the occupants thereof with their colorful and cheery little pansy faces upturned to the aig light ht some of th pink or red geraniums adorn the cabin windows others are already ril planted anted outside where we devout edly hope the prairie doirs dogs will not molest them but enjoy their fragrance and blooms from a de desirable desiray e distance e that we may continue to enjoy the indefinitely mr nelsons belsons Nel sons floral contributions have added much to the attractiveness activeness of our place of abode last week we were further enriched with some willow trees contributed bv mayor and mrs burr and for which we are very grateful and we anticipate the be day dav when we can sit in the shade of the willows on a hot summers day our sunday twilight service has been changed to 7 1 I m instead of as incorrectly given last week this service is abw always ays I 1 led ed by marie ogden and visitors tora are arc a always wars welcome this also applies to the p in tuesday y meting meeting held at the elmost point the Thurs thursday dav evening meetings are for community members only and arp are held at t 11 i ionic anc of marie M ogden in the outer portal gateway last sunday tommy robertson Ko bertson led the sunday school hold held at the community boisse at the outermost point |