Show LEGISLA legislature TUBE mm FINISH 6 WORK m OF 1935 SESSION LAWIN LAWMAKERS TAKERS OF THIS DISTRICT AID IN PUTTING MANY ON BOOKS by service taxation represented in 15 pleasures measures resulting in it major degree to material increases in taxes social Av welfare elfare embodied in 15 measures a majority of which set up faculties for participation by utah in national nati oral social welfare programs 1 I 1 liquor control Te represented presented in a straight state store plan for liquor control with no private sales i the twenty first utah legislature adjourned monday with these results paramount in ill connection with the three major issues aliet billave held the attention of lawmakers to a large extent luring during the past two months adjournment ada ment came only ony after hectic hours of embittered battling between house and senate education water bojet ro jet lonk ing and tir acial matters italic utilities traffic and highways highway t departments part ments and institutions of tile the state and court procedure were affected by 85 varied measures enacted ed into law nine bills had to do with agriculture farm relief another other six Iper pertained tamed to department and institutional affairs and six to appropriations tor for their maintenance mante nance and other state expenditures five had to do with the state land board and two to regulation of professions twenty nine hine were of a nature new laws raising taxes will include individual and corporation income taxes additional aty levies insurance premium and inheritance taxes those affording some small mail measure pt of relief from jr om tax burdens were veri lar largely 9 ei y I 1 in n tre the n nature a i uie of optime viivi extensions for redemptions ons included in the relief category comes resolution reso luion propos proposing iniZ that the state constitution be changed to pe permit rm i t exemption from taxation of 0 homesteads up lip to 2000 in value this cannot become wera operative tive until 1037 1937 1 le pending upon approval by the electors in 1936 to meet its require mants huge isumu sums must be raised els elsewhere to make up p revenue deficits embattled seators in las ditch tactics finally adopted a liquor control plan ii it provides iori for straight sate store stoie operation under commission control without any provision for by the drink sales anywhere anytime or any place the senate was forced after hours of bickering to recede from its stand for by the drink sales f social welfare legislation was rep resented lesen ted in passage of the senate resolution enabling utah to ratify the proposed child labor law amendment to the federal constitution extension ot of the state recovery r covery at two years extension and bett betterment eMent of the teachers retirement system cil citation lation of an unemployment inar ane reserve fund department establishment lish ment of self help cooperative board and provisions to enable the state to participate in ill any fede federal ral social welfare program finally adent adopted by congress water projects fared well in the passage of measures that will enable the state to cooperate with the national government in ilor if lansa tion protects and in tile tl e clarify inq in of 0 the underground waters situation and the like traffic measures increase inci ease the auto sneed limit to 50 miles per hour fix the auto license fee cee at 5 tor for all cars under pounds in and drivers driven licenses at 25 cents fix a ton mile tax for common contract and private arrien arri ers and regulate them A highway act adds acids miles to the states road system eighteen measures clarify the th states stata s banking building and loan I 1 and benevolent association systems the new laws will aid banking practices and help the general public in many ways nineteen new laws will e red sape rape n criminal procedure education was riven even attention in measures to do with appointment instead of election of t the he ste state superintendent of public instruction ruction dinst election of a state board boar ot of 1 tion lion manner of 0 electing district trust trustees e es text books and oth other er treasures measures trease mease of more or less imph importance garec public utilities a ae e to be teo in greater degree than hereto foi but not to the extent proposed by several I 1 lawmakers I 1 I 1 the appropriations hill bill c I 1 expenditures expend ures of bov tb the next biennium nas passed ed without bansa bans 0 it by frova than anticipated venues revenues but funds derived from c control 1 d on pae 5 legislature FINISHES WORK OF 1935 SESSION continued from page 1 operations anil and other sources are expected to make up the difference other appropriations especially provided for include for le legislative gs expenses and for carbon county senator W D hammond of moab voted yes on inclusion of the warehouse and sales by bv the drink in hotels etc plans in in the state stores liquor bill and yes on final passage of the measure as amended by the house he declared that the law as passed could not be enforced because of lack of enforcement funds and would lead to a continuation of present conditions he voted yes on the truck taxing and regulation measure and on the bill establishing an unemployment insurance reserve fund he voted no on HB 4 increasing work mens compensation b benefits 11 B giving cities and towns the right to acquire own and operate light and power plants and on bills licensing and regulating trading stamps he also voted no on consideration of a measure limiting the length of trains representative eirten birten allred of grand county voted yes ves on 19 HB and 17 and 72 and HR 2 he was absent and not voting on HB 41 the liquor measure representative emil gamin gammeter eter 0 san juan county voted yes on all the above mentioned excepting HR 2 in co commenting mm enting on results of the session he declared that nothing had liken been accomplished to modify the tax system to ability to pay ire he said that obstruction was the watchword in the senate in matters of progressive taxation |