Show DRY VALLEY NEWS edited at outermost u 7 t ermo st point point ca camp m p ta 7 following our sunny summery day mentioned last week we had three nights of below zero weather much snow which nas now veil mel night disappeared and today boic vind ivind with a storm apparently in the offing however all is well and the goose hangs high the sunday twilight service ex pecked to be h hd ld at a thi ahr point last week was opt on account of the snow storm held at the outer portal at the home of elmer milrie M arie caden presiding siding in place of our or leader daisy baisl naden led lea the tha group meeting at the tha community house at thir point ane usual toe mee ings at tl fl customary places have been held this week as per schedule I 1 A marked progress has been noted in some respects this week will later be detailed to you in another column this week elmer is expected to make anothy trip to grand junction lor for the benefit of the commissary department which Is managed by A D miller vernita feels well repaid for her two and a halt mile walk each way to and from the community house to the outer portal for the purpose of practicing her piano music three or four foun times a week as her teacher reports she Is making fine progress equal progress in their sin sing ing is reported for all the other chi children as well as in the three Rs the school is aheady making preparations lor for a may program and party also for a good old fashioned spelling bee to which their elders will be invited to take part tho in their heart ot of hearts the younger element desires to carry off the honors to this end they will doubtless study hard |